The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 25 is not enough, come again

After saying that, the man walked out from Ye Zhiyu's side without delay, and the latter fell down and sat on the ground fiercely.

"Su Jin..." The tip of his nose was sore and his eyes were wet and hot, but Ye Zhiyu still gritted his teeth to prevent tears from falling in. How can you cry? Crying is the weakest give up. However, she still unconsciously looked at Su Jin not far away, and her tone was as wronged as a child. She can't cry. That's exactly what the other party wants to defeat her spirit first.

"...I'm sorry, Su Jin."

"I'm sorry..."

Su Jin has recovered and smiled calmly: "Why do you apologize? He said he would promise you."

"My family Zhiyu is really a powerful people's policeman. I feel very safe when I'm locked up with you."

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be locked up here at all."

As soon as Ye Zhiyu said this, Su Jin suddenly became silent. The former naturally thought that he was in one word, so he didn't open his eyes and dared not look at each other. However, after a long time, Su Jin's voice sounded faintly and unexpectedly with a trace of self-deprecating.

"No, this is retribution."


"I'm not a fool. Li Chen asked me to drag you out for a stroll, but how can I not see a deeper meaning in his eager attitude? You don't need me to come out at all. He did it for other purposes. Su Jin smiled in a low voice, with some helplessness, and said again, "When you like a person wholeheartedly, even the smallest things will be noticed. He thought he was hiding it from me, but he didn't know that I was spoiling him.

"I'm like I betrayed you."

Su Jin's smile is pale, beautiful... fragile.

It seems that it will disappear if it is a little careless.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when he heard the words and finally figured out the feeling of something wrong when Li Chen looked for her in the morning.

Someone attacked her, but Qu Xiangtian assured her to go out alone. What else can there be?

It's nothing more than planning and pushing the boat along the water. The enemy went to her home and attacked her, which was psychologically misleading. The reason is to force Xiangtian to take her with her for her safety. And the man was even more ruthless, simply exposing her completely under the eyes of the dark, waiting for the other party to take action. Su Jin was there, which greatly lowered the enemy's vigilance.

No! Ye Zhiyu was shocked, more than that. Su Jin is lowering not only the vigilance of the enemy, but also hers!

He is testing her!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu only felt cold all over.

This is Qu Xiangtian. Her traffic bureau has heard his legend, ruthless and fierce, bloodless and tears.

At this moment, Ye Zhiyu suddenly wanted to laugh and laugh.

This is the true face of the man she is almost about to fall in love with! Use it carelessly and plunder it without hesitation. Just now, she still felt that the planner behind the enemy was terrible, but her husband, Qu Xiangtian, had already understood this and set up an ambush many steps ahead of the other party.

Set an ambush?

Ye Zhiyu just thought of this and suddenly trembled, so that the man should know that something would happen to them. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard a rain-like gunshot outside the door and a "rumbling" sound above his head.

This sound is a little familiar, as if - "It's a helicopter!"

"Su Jin! We are saved--" Over there, the white figure had fallen to the ground, and there was a thick dark color under his body. Ye Zhiyu did not dare to look at it, but stared at the other party's pale cheeks for a moment, trembling all over.

"Su Jin!!"

"Su Jin, wake up quickly! Talk to me!"

"Yes! Talk to me! Don't sleep, Su Jin!!"

The sound of gunfire was inaudible, and the roar of the helicopter was also shielded from her. Ye Zhiyu climbed to Su Jin with his hands and feet, gently pushed away the other party's hair covering his face, and held the other party's face and looked at it.

"Su Jin, don't sleep, don't sleep..."

At this moment, tears couldn't help bursting the dike, and the vision in front of her was blurred, and her heart was so sad that it almost tore her apart.

It's all Su Jin who is involved with her! It's all her fault!

I don't know why the door suddenly exploded at this moment. Ye Zhiyu subconsciously fell on Su Jin to help her block the splashing stones. She happened to be hit on the back. The pain made her tremble fiercely, and her lips bit blood, but she didn't hum.

There was a muffled sound, another piece of gravel, this time it was the shoulder.

The sound of fire outside the door seemed to weaken, but Ye Zhiyu didn't care. In front of her, the flying dust covered her eyes, and Su Jin's body was as dust as she was. Ye Zhiyu hurriedly wanted to wipe Su Jin's face with his hand, but found that his hands were full of blood mixed with sand, which could only make the other party's face more frustrated.

I tasted a trace of sweetness at the corners of my mouth. The first stone that hit on the back should not be small, and it flew fast. Now the back has lost its intuition and is only numb.

The body is cold and the heart is cold.

With the sound of fire in his ears, Ye Zhiyu felt that the scenery in front of him suddenly became a little blurred.

In a trance, she seemed to hear the man's roar, which was her familiar roar, but she had never felt such a burning anger, as if she could ignite the air again, burn everything around her, and turn it into a Shura hell.

In a trance, someone stroked her cheek very gently and his eyes linger. The man didn't say a word, but she felt the sight that had been there all the time. He sat beside her for a long time, and Ye Zhiyu was in a trance like a dream, and even his shadow was in the dream.

The sword eyebrows are star-catching, resolute and upright, with a frenzy and domineering eyebrows.

He is a born king, and she is just a flag in the hands of chess players, floating around the world.

Ye Zhiyu felt very strange. He could clearly feel that he woke up, slept and woke up, but his eyes couldn't open as if he were weighing a thousand pounds. If you want to compare this feeling, it is like the soul coming out of the body and floating in the air looking at everything quietly.

"She was seriously frightened and may not be mentally stable. I'm afraid I'll have to trouble your relatives to accompany her seriously."

Ye Zhiyu finally opened his eyes the next afternoon. His eyes were a little uncomfortable, and his eyes were still blurred several times. There was no one in the room. There seemed to be a nurse talking in my ear just now, but now it seems to have stopped.

After a while, the door of the ward was pushed open, and the tall man came in. Seeing her wake up, Mo Ran's eyes shrank fiercely, but soon returned to silence.

He walked towards her slowly, but his pace was a little unstable.

"How's it going? What's wrong?"

Ye Zhiyu looked at Qu Xiangtian's calm face, but obviously heard the tension from his suppressed tone and couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart.

"Return from disaster, at this time, you should come over and give me a earth-shaking kiss like the hero of the novel."

The man in front of the bed grabbed her with black eyes, and her eyes were like a deep pool. She couldn't understand.

She thought that he was probably speechless about her cold joke again.

The two looked at each other silently for a few seconds, until Qu Xiangtian bent down without warning, hooked her strength with one hand and held her lips.

Qu Xiangtian didn't give Ye Zhiyu time to breathe, and even he didn't understand why he was so irritable. According to the plan, he has long been ready for her to suffer a little. This woman has always been stubborn and suffers a little frustration, and may be more obedient.

However, when I rushed in and really saw her lying there. His heart seemed to be gripped by something fiercely, tightened, and almost bleeding. The anger came quickly and fiercely, and there was only one thought in his head. If something happened to her, he would let everyone go to the funeral!

"Uh!" Ye Zhiyu was kissed in a trance, and his teeth crossed each other in a daze, and his mouth immediately filled with a faint smell of blood. The man just snorted and didn't let her go.

The kiss was so hot that when Ye Zhiyu recovered, her cheeks were still hot, and she was so guilty that she almost dared not look at each other.

The ink-dyed eyes somehow regained their silence. The man sat by her bedside and looked at her shy face leisurely.

"Isn't that so?"

What is it like?

Ye Zhiyu's head was still a little confused, completely forgetting that Fang was joking and kissing.

The man raised his eyebrows and spoke slowly.

"Isn't enough?"


"Then come again."


When Li Chen came in, he saw such a 18X hot scene. He tried to cough a few times, but the sick two people didn't notice it.

He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. He gently withdrew from the room, left the space for the two people, and walked alone to the next ward.

Sick**, the woman's face is too pale without a trace of blood color, and her slender and thick eyelashes tremble gently, like butterfly wings, as if the next moment, she will fly to an unknown distance.

Li Chen looked at Su Jin lying in the sick**. He never thought that this woman would have such a quiet side. The days when she was in his villa were a disaster.

That day, he took the woman home because of the boss's order. The other party was tricked, but it seemed to be very light. He woke up in the middle of the night, but he was unconscious and went straight to his bed in a daze.

Years of training made Li Chen always sleep shallowly and suddenly noticed that there was someone around him. Even in his home, he was still awake in an instant, but his body still remained asleep and waited for the other party to approach gently.

What's the purpose of sneaking into his room in the middle of the night?

his thoughts rotated quickly, and when he realized that the other party had come to him, he quickly got up and clasped his waist and legs, capable and fiercely, and pressed the man directly under him.

The sound of the cold gun pulling the safety bolt and the woman's exclamation sounded in the dark room at the same time, and Li Chen was shocked.

His night vision is excellent, not to mention the light moonlight in the room.

The woman's black hair wrapped around his wrist like seaweed, and her fair skin attracted attention in the dark.

Li Chen is not a gentleman, and he is not a comer who refuses. A good woman is not his hunting range. He wanted to get up from the other party without a trace, but he was grabbed by a white and tender hand. Well, what are you going to do? Her voice was confused. Li Chen couldn't tell whether she was pretending to be stupid, so she didn't react and quietly waited for the other party to move.

There was a layer of water vapor in her eyes. She looked at him stunned, and the two were speechless for a long time. Who knows - " hiss!"

In the dark, the enchanting peach blossom eyes are opened in disbelief, this woman! How dare you bite him!

"Let go." Damn, it's not easy.

She was obedient, followed by a giggle: "Your Highness, stamp, you are mine." Then there was no sound.

Li Chen has never met such a ridiculous thing in his life. The woman who touched his bed has only two purposes - to go to him or kill him. He never dreamed that someone would bother to go to his bed just to bite him.

A sense of frustration of being completely flirted made Li Chen feel a little complicated. He looked at the tooth marks on his wrist and couldn't help twisting his beautiful eyebrows.

"It's really inexplicable."

Thoughts turned back from that ridiculous night again, and Li Chen himself did not find the curvature of the corners of his lips involuntarily.

Through the eavesdropper embedded in the phone, he monitored her conversation with Ye Zhiyu throughout the whole process, saying that it was not shocking and was false, but her indulgence of him was actually wishful thinking. Since it is because of love for him, there is nothing wrong with the person who is loved.

But it's true that she has become like this because of him.

It's time to blame him, this time.

The peach blossom eyes quietly stared at Su Jin, who was still in a coma. Li Chen's heart seemed to be entangled by something and was very heavy. He couldn't help frowning.

Freedom is more important than anything else, as if he resolutely gave up the fat that the old man found for him because of his worship of the boss and the opposition of his family. Nothing can trap him, including love.

Thinking of this, there are slightly complex emotions in the peach blossom eyes.

He knows that she is a good girl, but he can't afford what she wants.

When Li Chen exited the room and came to the next door again, he was surprised to hear a quarrel in the door.