The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 59 Landing Operations

Qu Xiangtian ordered to retreat except the first team. Although Li Chen was shocked, the order was absolute on the battlefield. After receiving the order, without even a second of stagnation, the radio sent out the reply of "Team X received" neatly.

Out of personal feelings, Li Chen wanted to rush to Qu Xiangtian and ask him what he wanted to do. During the emotional struggle, Gu Junmo helped him ask this question on the radio.

"Please also refer to the general manager for the next action plan."

And at that end, only a deep word came: "Wait."

He raised his wrist and looked at the watch, ten minutes before the appointment time he sent. The sharp sight of the falcon carefully looked at the target building again. Qu Xiangtian said in a low voice to the soldiers behind him: "All members are in formation A and are responsible for dealing with a layer of armed forces."

1 layer? Everyone was a little surprised when they heard the words. Is there still several floors in this low building? How did the general ginseng know?

Then in the end, all the doubts turned into a firm "Yes! Generalcan!"

There is no obstacle at a distance of 100 meters, and the breakthrough is particularly smooth. In a blink of an eye, it has entered the building. Gu Junmo looked solemnly at the small red dots in the building through the infrared camera on the helicopter and fell into meditation.

The chief's action this time was not only impulsive, but also not fully prepared. He almost started immediately after being provoked. This is not like a chief. Is that woman really in a special position in the head's heart? But this is not destined to have a good result. That woman is from FBK.

Just like her.

The cold eyes suddenly appeared in front of him, and Gu Junmo was stunned until Li Chen's voice sounded behind him.

"Junmo, what on earth is the boss doing? Isn't it his mother's death to take only 24 people in!"

Gu Junmo was shocked and restrained his good mood at a very fast speed. His calm face was as usual. "The general ginseng must have his own plans. We just need to ensure that he has no worries on the battlefield in the rear." Yes, at this time, 25 lives are on him, and he can't be careless for a second. He even thinks of that woman!

Thinking about this, Gu Junmo felt a little guilty. At the right time, Qu Xiangtian's roar came from the radio: "This is the first team. We encountered a large number of armed forces on the first floor. The number of enemies is unknown. Ask the command center for instructions!"

Gu Junmo and Li Chen were shocked when they heard the words and rushed to the big screen with 25 dense red dots. In addition, there was no sign of other physical activity. The two couldn't help exchanging their eyes in surprise. A little complexity appeared on Gu Junmo's face, and he said for a long time, "The other party may be wearing some kind of insulation thermal material, infrared rays can't detect, and the command center can't get an accurate number for the time being."

"What are you doing, Li Chen!?"

"I want to go down and help the boss! It's too dangerous for him to be alone in that place! We know nothing about the ghost face except that the other party is a pervert!" Li Chen said that he had equipped himself again and was stopped by Gu Junmo a second before leaving the command module.

"In the battlefield, the order of the generalcan is above everything else. Li Chen, calm down!"

"Fuck the order!"

In an instant, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at Gu Junmo, who looked solemn.

"You don't know how evil that place is. Don't stop me."

On his modest face, his clear and cold eyes looked at the excited Li Chen through the thin lenses, but the strength of holding the other party in his hand did not let go. Not only that, but there was a tendency to pull tighter and tighter.

"As long as I'm still awake, I won't let you go."

In an instant, the atmosphere in the command center was tense to the freezing point, and all the other technicians looked at the sudden tit-for-tat of the two deputy ginseng and did not dare to speak.

At this moment, a voice came from the radio again: "Those unknown attackers are not human." There was no panic in Qu Xiangtian's deep voice, but it seemed to be stained with some expected calmness: "It's a corpse change."

"Dead, corpse?" Gu Junmo immediately shook away Li Chen and walked to the main operation screen, frowning heavily. It is indeed very possible to say that the island is really conducting some kind of biochemical virus research, but can it still be transformed now? Is such an incredible thing possible?

Li Chen was also a little stunned when he heard the words. It took him a long time to react and strode to Gu Junmo's side, "I said that damn place is evil!" After saying that, he grabbed a separate radio that could communicate with Qu Xiangtian and roared, " boss, come back quickly, or our brother will go down and help you bombard that damn place!"

"Nonsense." There was a fierce exchange of fire at the other end of the radio, but listening to Qu Xiangtian's still sound, it could be guessed that the other party was still safe for the time being, but Li Chen was worried and had to speak again, but the radio said, "This is the army. You'd better put away those ghost habits when you used to be a gangster."

With dignity in his deep voice, Li Chen was stunned.

At that time, he broke off his relationship with his family and ran outside. On the one hand, in order to anger his old man, and on the other hand, he joined a local gangster organization. His skills were very important, but because of the short time to join, the other party was wary of him, mainly to collect protection fees and expand the group fights if he had nothing to do. He goes to be a bodyguard when an important person makes that kind of transaction. Later, Qu Xiangtian took the organization, and his old man released him on bail from those gangsters, and then the old man sent him into the army.

He will always remember that day, when he first saw Qu Xiangtian's face.

Resolute, lonely and arrogant, as if you can despise everything without hesitation, but you have the integrity of soldiers and the will as strong as steel.

The man felt in a trance that he was shrouded in the halo of some kind of hegemony, and that absolute authority and power could easily convince anyone.

So, whether it is the past, the present or the future that no one knows, that man is his vision!

However, yes, this is the army. He chose to follow him, that is, he chose to follow his position and principles. If he easily destroys and abandons it, he is not qualified to stand in the same place as him!

Almost within a few seconds, Li Chen figured out this layer. Li Chen gritted his teeth and threw away the weapon in his hand. Without saying anything, he silently walked to the vacant lot and sat down. The military cap was very low, and the brim covered his face, and he couldn't see any expression.

Gu Junmo breathed a sigh of relief and knew that the other party would no longer move, so he turned his attention to the command.

On the other side, Qu Xiangtian led the first team, which was actually in a bitter battle.

"General, these things can't be killed at all! What to do!"

The number of opponents is not large, about a dozen people. Qu Xiangtian hid behind the bunker and shot from time to time. Suddenly, he thought that the second team encountered an unknown attack when it first landed, and it was Li Chen who led the team.

"Everyone, point the bullet at the target's head!"

"Bum bang!" A few times later, there was a shout of joy, "It's done! The target didn't stand up again!"

Qu Xiangtian's lips pulled out a smile, which was extremely cold, but also extremely crazy.

Li Chen has a hobby of leading troops to fight. All members directly "headshot" at the enemy without giving the other party any possibility of counterattack. In fact, there are many fatal parts of the human body, and the head does not have the highest success rate, but compared with the heart, the mortality rate is 100% once the head is successfully targeted. Qu Xiangtian once felt that this hobby was too gloomy and fiercely reminded, but Li Chen just smiled and didn't take it seriously. After all, it is not absolutely cruel to the enemy on the battlefield, and the one who dies may become himself. Now it seems that Li Chen's method is really useful.

Behind Qu Xiangtian is an empty corridor. I don't know where to go, and Moyan's eyes narrowed slightly. At present, the unknown attack has been completely eliminated. Qu Xiangtian looked at the surrounding environment and said, "You stay alert and stand by."

"I will always attend you--" Before a soldier closest to Qu Xiangtian could finish his words, he had run away to the other end of the corridor for a while.

After turning a corner, Qu Xiangtian saw the expected down steps - the building has two good floors, but the second floor is underground.

There is no escape from the ground, and it is extremely dark, but there is a strange fragrance. Qu Xiangtian frowned slightly and followed the fragrance. Without too much effort, he actually let him walk into a flower room full of roses!

The room is different from the darkness outside, with artificial lighting and a pleasant temperature. The rose petals are delicate and dripping, like transparent blood, rolling with a mysterious luster.

Mo Ran's eyes swept through the flower room and made sure that there was no sign. He was about to push out of the room, but the hoarse laughter came from somewhere.

"You are much faster than I thought. You know this place."

The other party laughed while talking, but his tone was full of inquiry. Qu Xiangtian looked cold when he heard the words.

"Ghost face."

"It's too fast, it's too fast. I thought you would be very surprised to see my work. The people over there sighed, as if they were completely immersed in their own thoughts. Qu Xiangtian raised his gun and took two cautious steps forward, which made it clear to see the sound placed between the roses.

What he estimated before was really good. That man has not been on this island for a long time.

The ghost face is right. He does know something about this building and what he is about to meet. In fact, the structure of the building can be observed from the surrounding situation. Flat rectangular buildings, the glass is not bulletproof, and the windows in some places are broken. Such a building is defenseless, which is not what the ghost-faced man would do. That is to say, there is another mystery in this building. He has seen such a building when dealing with a terrorist organization before, with complex access and hundreds of rooms under it. Some are also stored in well-preserved corpses with obvious traces of biochemical experiments.

At that time, he just felt strange, but now he thinks of Ye Zhiyu's situation and the situation he met around the island, coupled with the rumors of the later noisy zombie resurrection of country A to attack the citizens, he concentrated all the clues in one place, eliminating all the impossibilities, and the rest Even if it is unimaginable, it is the absolute truth.