The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 111 What I saw late at night

In the dead of night, in a large European retro-style room, the ceiling is particularly high, as if a deep black hole can suck people in at any time.

Ye Zhiyu lay on his back** and looked at it in a daze, but his mind was flying.

While the man Alan is not around, she has the energy to clear her mind. The current situation is very clear: A-TM's quietness in the past half month is actually the peace before the storm, but it's actually just preparing for the final capture of her.

Now think about it, when A-TM's previous ostentatious movements were not to catch her? However, she used to think that she could be used to coerce the big white goose and her brother at the same time, but now the man's purpose is to let her help him do those crimes as a shadow.

She knew what he wanted, and the big white goose told her - the information of the national low-altitude operation* and the specific location of the nuclear test base. But as long as people have a little common sense, they will find that this is almost useless information for terrorist organizations themselves, because countries cannot take such military measures against terrorists on their own territory, but what if A-TM wants to sell it to other countries?

Exposing his country's two most favorable military weapons against the field in the eyes of the enemy... Ye Zhiyu was imagining and felt frightened.

Alan, a man, is extremely shrewd but arrogant. If he hadn't been sure, the big white goose would never have guessed who he was trading with. He would never have said it so easily.

The problem is that even if she is a shadow, she can't hack the country's core intelligence system, and if this is a problem that can be solved by hackers, the world will be much simpler...

hacker? Wait...

A light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the person lying in **, and Ye Zhiyu subconsciously bit his lip and finally thought of it. At the beginning, when she hacked into the central command system of the A-TM fighter aircraft, she forgot to make a pseudo-code on her IP address. Allen must have found that the signal source came from the house of the big white goose. At this moment, who else would do this kind of thing at home except her? At this point, contact her relationship with Joker... Ye Zhiyu's only worry now is whether the man is devious and will have recognized his brother's identity.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of sobs and small moans. Yin, listening in the dark, is particularly clear... It is a gender-segregious, but very clear voice.

Ye Zhiyu did not intend to take action at the beginning. After all, he should be careful here and should not let go of his curiosity. However, the small sound became louder and louder, turning into some kind of desperate cry, mixed with strange sounds, which sound shocking. Ye Zhiyu frowned slightly, restrained his eyes and meditated for a moment, but still turned over and got out of bed.

When she put her hand on the door, she found that the door of her bedroom was not closed. No wonder a sound came in. She didn't think much about it. She thought it was the omission of the Filipino maid. This is a long corridor. Her room is in the penultimate room of the corridor, and the sound comes from the room at the end. There are many plaster statues in the corridor, and those hollow eyes are accompanied by a faint echo of sad crying, which makes people feel cold.

However, fortunately, Ye Zhiyu's psychological endurance was also very strong. He calmed his breath and crept to the room, only to find that the door here was not closed, and the cry undoubtedly came from here.

Ye Zhiyu took a deep breath and looked along the crack of the door. The room turned on the light and soft table lamp, but the scene in front of him was like hell, so that Ye Zhiyu quickly covered his mouth so that he would not exclaim.

There is a naked person lying on the burgundy sheets. The beautiful teenager, with his thin white skin and soft blonde hair, is curling up and trembling slightly, but he can't hide the shocking red marks on his body and traces all over his body, similar to burns. The man standing in front of him was also naked, holding a thick whip in his hand, and his body trembled impatiently, but it was not like the pain of a teenager, as if he just wanted to resist laughing.

With only the side face, Ye Zhiyu saw the crazy light in the other party's eyes.

It's Alan!

The young man who was always elegant and a little sick seemed to enjoy it very much at this moment. He didn't know which country's language he spoke. The whip in his hand hunted through the air and left deeper marks on the teenager. Then he suddenly said something again, and the teenager immediately showed frightened eyes and struggled. He was about to climb away, but Alan took action faster. The next moment, he turned the teenager's body over and began to play with the teenager's lower end of the whip. The burgundy sheets are already full of strange white marks, and the air in the room is full of **. Smell.

The teenager seemed to be in pain and struggled like crazy. He twisted under his hands, but his wrists were handcuffed and unable to move, and even strangled blood marks because of his excessive force. However, the man on his body seemed to be getting more and more excited. Finally, he stood up, entered the teenager's body fiercely, and fucked cruelly in the painful crying of the other party. He even branded mottled marks on the white skin like mutton fat with a lit cigarette butt.

The smell of blood, the burning taste of skin, and strong sex. The taste of intercourse is mixed...

"Well." Ye Zhiyu only felt soft all over, and the impulse in his stomach turned up. At this moment, I have been focusing on it. The man playing with his subordinates suddenly looked at the door, and the silver-gray light flashed with beast-like madness. Ye Zhiyu was grabbed by that sight, and the two bumped into each other.

The latter only felt that the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen, "Run!" Get out of here!"

The instinctive voice sounded in his brain, Ye Zhiyu only felt stiff all over, concentrated all his strength and gritted his teeth, and his body seemed to finally be driven by pain. She hurriedly avoided the man's sight, staggered back to the room, locked the door from the inside, leaned against the door, and sat on the ground with her slender body.

She suddenly took a breath into her chest and lungs, but Ye Zhiyu still felt that her brain was chaotic. The cruel and terrible scene just now lingered in front of her eyes. She listened to the movement outside tightly. While waiting, time passed minute by minute, and there was no sound of chasing footsteps, but she still did not dare to relax her nerves.

For the first time, she helplessly wanted to hug someone, so crazy about the body temperature that calmed people's hearts on countless nights.

"Okay, I'll be back early."

On the last face before he left, his dark eyes were a light but warm smile, as if a beam of light that could penetrate everything in the dark.

Ye Zhiyu thought about it and couldn't help gently caressing her lower abdomen. The little life inside seemed to have become the last pillar of her current spirit. The dark eyes are faintly beating with a bright light. As long as the child is still there, she will not collapse.

His fingers gently stroked his lower abdomen, which could not feel the bulge. Ye Zhiyu slowly adjusted his breathing, and there was a low whisper in the dark, and his forbearance suppressed some tremor.

"Dad is trying to save us and wait with mom... Let's not worry..."


The next day, Ye Zhiyu was taken downstairs for breakfast by the maid. Allen didn't seem to intend to lock her up, and she couldn't run away here at all. After last night, Ye Zhiyu didn't sleep all night. Now he is in a trance, and his pregnancy reaction is particularly serious today. Looking at this table, he almost spit out all the acid in his stomach.

However, she still has to wait here for him to save her, and there is still a small life in her stomach. Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu still cheered up and forced himself to eat something.

After breakfast, Ye Zhiyu began to pay attention to the structure of the building. It is a very simple duplex villa. The interior decoration is Rococo style, which matches the aristocratic melancholy of that man, but if he is not a pervert.

There are many Filipino maids in this villa. It seems that Allen is not like Qu Xiangtian, who is used to being served by people. Ye Zhiyu looked at the Filipino maid who was cleaning up the tableware in front of her, turned his eyes, and pretended to be casual and soft, "Don't you feel bored on this island every day?"

However, the Filipino maid stared at the tableware as if she hadn't heard it, and her eyes were bottomless cold.

"I'm the guest brought by your host, Ye Zhiyu, what's your name? It doesn't look as old as me. It's amazing to come here to work alone. Ye Zhiyu didn't give up. She wanted to get some useful information through these Filipino maids, even if it was about Alan. If she knew more, she would be more confident.

However, Ye Zhiyu still ate a soft nail, and several girls' eyes were still glazed with a chill without focus. Ye Zhiyu finally noticed something was wrong. He meditated for a moment and was about to open his mouth, but a mocking tone sounded behind him.

"Don't waste your strength, Xiaoyu. Their vocal cords have been cut off. You can't ask anything."

Ye Zhiyu only felt stunned, and there was a chill on his back.

The man's suit is straight and meticulous. He doesn't feel that he has just said something cruel. There is a melancholy smile in his eyes: "Xiao Yu, isn't it good to live with me like this?" The gentle and harmless look seemed to be an illusion that everything Ye Zhiyu saw last night.

Repressing the fear in his heart, Ye Zhiyu pulled out a sneer: "Playing. Tong, now you have done such a cruel thing again. I have a light taste and a pervert." Finally, he bit the word very hard, but Alan was not angry. He seemed to like her so much that she thought of him, but laughed happily.

He didn't hurry to deceive her, and his slender fingers slowly stroked Ye Zhiyu's cheek, but the latter found that his body was stiff and could not stop the other party's movements at all. Those pictures last night appeared in front of him at this moment, and the glazed cold pupils in front of him were like the sight of a poisonous snake, making Ye Zhiyu's skin goosebumps.

"Take away your dirty hands." She scolded.

He narrowed his eyes pleasantly, as if he didn't care about her words, but his thumb deliberately slapped her lips fiercely, and the smile on his lips was still elegant and charming: "Xiao Yu, since you are so curious, I don't mind showing it to show you."