The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 181 His concern

The next day, Ye Zhiyu woke up, and there was no Qu Xiangtian on the other side of the bed. From the cold bed, he could vaguely guess that the other party had left for a long time. Ye Zhiyu looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and the hour hand pointed to seven o'clock, and he couldn't help frowning. They didn't go to bed until nearly two o'clock last night. Did he leave early in the morning?

The first reaction in Ye Zhiyu's heart was that this man must have gone out to carry out a secret mission without telling her and Gu Junmo. Isn't it good to be cut first and then play?

In order to face his conjecture, Ye Zhiyu got up and opened the door. Viper's secret base in Hong Kong is not large. They live in a large suite. There are several bedrooms around the common living room, and the bedroom is decorated with a separate bathroom. Gu Junmo lived opposite them. Ye Zhiyu knocked on the door and did not respond. He opened the door and saw that it was an empty room that greeted him.

They are gone!

Last night, they began to struggle with the matter of Master Hua, which is obviously the most critical clue now. Time is tight, and Li Chen's life is dying. In order not to delay, he must first start with Master Hua. But the other party may have been prepared, and if he is too impulsive, he may fall into the trap.

The more Ye Zhiyu thought about it, the more worried he became. He quickly turned on the computer. First, he hacked into the surveillance video of the casino to intercept the appearance of Master Hua, and then began to search for the other party's basic information. Unexpectedly, with the deepening of the search, Ye Zhiyu's eyebrows became more and more twisted.

This man can't find his whereabouts at all!

As long as a person has appeared in a public place, there must be a chance of exposure. The search engine Ye Zhiyu is using now is designed and developed by herself. The face recognition function is even more than three times that of the FBI, and the search efficiency and accuracy rate have also increased by 20% respectively. But I couldn't find the clue of this young master Hua. At this time, Miss Ye's fighting spirit was stimulated in an instant. She rolled up her sleeves and stared at the screen with burning eyes.

No, this young master can't disappear like a gust of wind, can he? She watched the man in white in the surveillance video swagger out of the inspection bureau and turned her head to get on an extended Lincoln. The car drove all the way to a villa area in Kowloon Bay, and then the car stopped directly into the garage. Except for the driver, no one else came down from the car.

This is no longer just a weird question.

Miss Ye watched yesterday's video again and called up the video on the circuit when Master Hua went to the casino several times before. She couldn't see any clues. This person seems to appear and disappear out of thin air. If it weren't for Miss Ye as an atheist, she would almost think she was a ghost.

Ye Zhiyu stared at the screen. Suddenly, her abdomen hurt. She frowned and found that she had been sitting in a posture for three hours.

Now her pregnancy reaction is not as severe as the first three months, and the condition of the fetus is also very stable. However, due to the excessive damage to the uterus during the previous miscarriage, there have been signs of slippery fetus before. Therefore, the doctor has been telling her not to be careless, to take good care of her health, and not to always maintain a sitting posture, which is not good for the fetus.

Ye Zhiyu stared at the computer screen, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his dark eyes. However, she still got up and decided to go outside and pour a glass of water for herself. Unexpectedly, she shook her mind and spilled on the ground, so she hurried to the public bathroom to get a towel, but the afterglow of her eyes accidentally saw what was in the trash can.

That was the character mask that the ice cream threw here last night but was not cleaned up, because it dried up and turned slightly white, but it attracted Ye Zhiyu's attention.

In an instant, she had a bold guess about Master Hua's magical concealment method--

At the same time, Qu Xiangtian and Gu Junmo did not actually do anything dangerous, but went to the Royal Police Headquarters to check the suspects who had been detained for many days. To their expectation, those people's mouths were very hard, * they also checked, and there was nothing. Near noon, Qu Xiangtian and Gu Junmo returned to the base. The latter looked at the former's solemn face and immediately frowned, as if they had been meditating for a long time before finally said, "Do you think we guessed wrong?"

"What do you think?"

Gu Junmo didn't expect that the other party would throw the problem back. After thinking for a moment, he said, "No, I think this can show that the other party's people are indeed in our hands."

"Oh? Why?" The man's voice seemed to be mixed with laughter.

"Those are all gambling people, * it's strange that there is no problem."

"But this kind of problem can be solved with money, and there is no need for much* behind it."

When Gu Junmo heard this, the dark color in his eyes darkened a little and whispered, "We took a scene with someone. The media supposedly should have exploded a long time ago, but there has been no response so far. Someone is secretly controlling the message. One of the people we arrested may be recognized after being disclosed by the media. * No matter how clean it is, if it is widely spread across the country by TV, there will definitely be people who know this person. At that time, the person's false identity will be exposed. Speaking of this, a little confusion appeared on Gu Junmo's face: "What do you think that young master Hua plays in it?"

Qu Xiangtian did not answer the other party's question, because as soon as he opened the door, he saw Ye Zhiyu sitting straight at the table, who held a piece of white in his hand and looked focused.

"What are you doing?" The man walked over with his long legs, only to find that the latter was immersed in his thoughts and did not notice his existence at all. It was not until he reached out and hugged her whole into his arms that Ye Zhiyu was stiff and almost exhaled.

Qu Xiangtian's eyes were quick, and he stretched out a finger before her and gently touched her lips. His rough fingers rubbed his tender lips, making Ye Zhiyu's face hot, and subconsciously covered the things in his hand towards the face of the man in front of him.

"What is this?" Qu Xiangtian frowned and took down the things on his face, but Gu Junmo recognized it first, as if he had thought of something, and his eyes fell into a moment of complexity.

"This is the * that Bingling used yesterday. When I checked the identity of Master Hua this morning, it inspired me a little. I was wondering if it was--"

"Who allowed you to check that man casually?" Before Ye Zhiyu finished his words, the man's deep voice had sounded, with a faint coy, which made Ye Zhiyu stunned.

What's wrong with her? Why can't you check...?

Looking at the blank look of the woman in his arms, Qu Xiangtian lowered his eyebrows and said seriously, "Do you think the other party is so well prepared to be found by you?"

As soon as Ye Zhiyu heard this, he was a little unconvinced and his temper hardened. He replied, "How can you know that I can't find it if I don't check it?"

"I don't allow it!"


"Anyway, don't check again! Gu Junmo, you asked someone to remove all the computers in this suite!"

"Qu Xiangtian, you are unreasonable!"

"Where are you going, Qu Xiangtian--er--

Ye Zhiyu still wanted to shout, but suddenly there was a colic in his lower abdomen. He immediately frowned and sat back on the sofa with a pale face.

The man who was ready to brush his sleeves and go away with a cold face. The next second, all the emotions on his face were replaced by worry. He stepped to Ye Zhiyu and squatted down, and his sword eyebrows twisted into a dead knot: "What's going on? Gu Junmo, go and call a doctor! Hurry up!"


One hand grabbed Qu Xiangtian's arm with a slight tremor, which made the other party's handsome eyebrows even more depressed.

Ye Zhiyu raised his eyes, and the man's extremely ugly face immediately came into his eyes. The original anger in his heart had long disappeared, and even raised a gentle arc on his lips.

"It's okay, I'm just in pain... Kid, they kicked me." She wanted to make her smile less scary, but with her white face, Qu Xiangtian's heart hung in her throat. Finally, Gu Junmo came to the doctor and carefully checked Ye Zhiyu, saying that the endocrine disorder caused by irregular work and rest was not serious, and the man's face softened slightly.

"Sister-in-law, the boss didn't let you intervene just now, mainly because this time the other party is different from the past, and he doesn't want you to be implicated."

While Qu Xiangtian went out to help Ye Zhiyu with the medicine, Gu Junmo opened his mouth. Ye Zhiyu looked up at the other party, which was a little funny. This wood protects the big white goose, and she doesn't understand what's good about the other party!

"I know," Ye Zhiyu nodded gently. Before he could say the rest of the words, the tall man over there had come in with hot soup in his hand.

He put three pillows behind her, and then slowly cooled the medicine and fed her carefully.

"slow down, don't burn it."

Ye Zhiyu raised one eyelid and looked at him and suddenly said, "I'll finish what I want to say first, or you won't allow me to say it."

"What are you going to say?"

"I said, I may have found the identity of Master Hua."

"Really sister-in-law! He is--"

"You don't have to say it!" The harsh voice interrupted Gu Junmo's excited low voice and made Ye Zhiyu frown.

Qu Xiangtian put down the soup bowl and slowly stood up with a serious expression: "As I said, you are not allowed to interfere in this matter."

"--I'm afraid not."

At this time, the cold female voice suddenly came from behind. Qu Xiangtian and Gu Junmo had outstanding skills, but no one noticed her arrival.

Bing Ling did not pay attention to the surprise of the people in the room and threw the red faith directly into Gu Junmo's hand.

"The young master Hua invited us to a dance he held at 7:30 tonight in a villa next to Kowloon Bay."

"How did he give you the invitation?"

Bingling spread out her hands and smiled at Gu Junmo's suspicion in his eyes: "He caught one of my informers and gave it to me through him."

Ye Zhiyu looked at the tense trend of the two people in the room, bit his lips, and finally said, "Bing Ling, I think I know who that playboy is."