The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 217 Entanglement in front of the bathroom

Gu Junmo didn't notice anything wrong with his behavior. He lazily wiped his still dripping hair, went to the coffee table and poured himself a cup of cold boiled water, looked up and drank it. The outline of the throat knot rolled up and down with the movement of swallowing, with an indescribable lust.

"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

He put down his water glass and looked at her, but found that he was still staring at himself for a moment and couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Bingling immediately recovered from his question and suppressed the surging emotions in her eyes. She said coldly, "I'll go." After saying that, he turned around and left the living room, leaving Gu Junmo with an inexplicable face.

Why...she is angry...?

He closed the bathroom door with his backhand, and Bing Ling almost fell to the ground against the door panel.

Gently stroked her fast-beating heart. If it hadn't happened, she would never have believed that she would have been stunned by a man one day.

This is not just because of her good figure. When she was a child training on the agent island, the people she trained together, whether it was Dieyin or Asheng, because the training task was absolutely overloaded every day, and the temperature on the agent island was too hot all year round. She couldn't help but see a few men with outstanding figures. Count, even never feel it.

But just now... she did see him dry mouth...

At that moment, the words "desire, desire, no, full" suddenly jumped into her mind, making her face hot fiercely. Without saying a word, she twisted the blossom and sprinkled, and stood under the shower without taking off her clothes.

The warm water washed her body, and the feeling of light clothes close to her body was a little subtle, but she opened her eyes and adjusted her breathing.

Gu Junmo...

This man gave her too many surprises, which could affect her emotions to the point that she even surprised herself.

"One day, you will meet someone more important than me. Will you still choose to stay with me at that time?"

Almost without warning, the hoarse and warm voice echoed in her ears, and it seemed that a man's gentle smile could appear in front of her eyes at any time.

He is always such a calm and calm man, unable to see through, and even makes her feel that it is a kind of blasphemous man to speculate on his mind. Sometimes she felt that he seemed to be the sun, and because she looked up and stared for too long, even if her eyes were burned one day, the remnants of the sun would still appear in front of her eyes.

The man gave her everything, and she used to think that asking such a question was simply a humiliation for her. But now, she can't deny that she has wavered.

The relationship between FBK and Red Blade has always been very tense. As a sharp knife of the field team, she often bumps into the man who is also the leader of the Red Blade field team when she is on duty. When she first saw him, it was him who trapped her in the basement of the assassination. She always suspected that the only loophole that led to her escape that night was the man's intention to do it. And now, she is more sure. The man's principle, the red blade comes first, and then his damn gentlemanly demeanor and undue softness.

Unlike Qu Xiangtian, he is always full of grunistic aura, let alone the coldness behind his smiling eyes. Contrary to the cold and dull appearance, Gu Junmo, a man, is indecisive and extremely unsuitable to be a soldier.

She opened her eyes slightly, and her eyelashes trembled slightly because of the weight of the beads.

bite his lips and scratched a trace of disgust in his eyes.

She likes that man, which is good.

But "I don't want him to die", which is already the limit.

It seems that the red blade is the first in his heart. For her, FBK and adults are also the first.

The gap between their positions is so wide that there is no need to say anything more...

... Besides... he won't like her...

The curvature of the corners of her lips was a little ironic, and she began to adjust the distracting thoughts in her heart.

Don't think about anything, because it's not worth thinking about.

As adults once taught her, as long as they concentrate on completing the tasks in their hands.


Gu Junmo was left in the living room in confusion, but after minutes had made him wait for a full hour, worries arose - she wouldn't... what happened in the bathroom?

Together, the man couldn't think much about it. He immediately walked to the bathroom and reached for the doorknob, but found that the doorknob turned by itself. Then with a "kake", the steam came to his face, and then appeared in front of him, with a stunned little face.

The woman in front of her is wearing the shirt he changed before. Although she is tall, his shirt still covers her body like a robe, faintly transparently outlines the wonderful curve, especially because her wet hair is dyed above the shoulders because the water is not only tightly attached to the porcelain-white skin, but also There is an almost transparent state. Under the wide shirt is a slender and straight **.

"You..." He opened his lips in astonishment, but just spit out a word humorously and dryly.

The light fragrance of cold plums on her body is replaced by the smell of the same bath liquid on her body, intertwined with him and mixed into her nose, regardless of each other, with unspeakable ambiguity. Especially her posture of suddenly appearing in front of her...

Gu Junmo only felt that his palm was itchy and his throat was slightly tight.

Bingling obviously didn't know what the other party was thinking at this moment, and the faint blush on her face was because of hot water or the embarrassment in the person concerned at this moment.

"I forgot to bring a bath towel." She looked away and added, "I also forgot to bring a change of clothes. Where are you..." The voice became smaller and smaller? She simply said no more and was about it. She raised her legs and was about to leave.

It was because she was dizzy just now and went into the shower in her clothes, so that those clothes rings were soaked and could not be worn at all. In addition, she thought that as long as she could borrow him temporarily, she could change it when she returned to the room...

The man's eyes were unpredictable. That look made her feel guilty and finally calm down. Because of this situation without warning, Bing Ling simply gave up explaining and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, at the same time as she moved, the man raised his wrist and said, "Uh."

She only felt a pain in her back before she realized that she was pressed against the wall by the man in front of her.

"You--h" After she finished speaking, her cold lips had already pressed up. She stared at the thick eyelash feathers in front of her and the tear mole on the iconic forehead at the corner of her eyes, black, on the outside of the extension line of the lower eyelashes, which was unexpectedly fascinating.

However, it was the moment's astonishment. Her lack of resistance gave the man a chance to seek further, skillfully breaking through the defense of the teeth and exploring the magical sweetness.

His intrusion made her suddenly come to her senses, "Well."

With a muffled hum, the smell of blood permeated in the smell of intertwining the two.

He opened his eyes to look at her angrily, with a little unbelievable in his eyes, as if he didn't believe that she would bite him. However, Gu Junmo had no intention of letting go at all, because his right hand could not be used. He could only hold the back of her head with one hand with his left hand, deepening the kiss more and more. The viciousness of his hard chest squeezed her softness, but he relaxed his grip on her, and Bing Ling bent his knees--


This force is not small, but it is not light. Gu Junmo lowered his head and covered his abdomen because of pain, but Bing Ling suddenly felt that he could not move. He just stiffened his back and looked at the man in front of him. Looking at his shoulder, he began to tremble slightly. Then, the sound of laughter rolling in his throat passed low into her eardrums from his mouth.

For a moment, he looked up at her, and his eyes looked like a sharp blade.

She didn't know what he was thinking, but she was inexplicably afraid of that look, and her chest heaved slightly.

He raised his hand, and his clear and slender fingers slowly wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. It looked sexy in the eyes of any woman, but she saw the smile on his lips, as if it were the curvature of a demon who was insightful in people's hearts.

"Bing Ling, you like me."

His tone was very calm, and she couldn't hear whether she was sad or happy, but the tone of the statement and the absolute confident look made her breathe stag, and a mass of unidentified irritability in her chest made her raise her hand, even before she could react by herself, with a crisp sound, which immediately appeared on the man's cheek. A little pink palm prints appeared.

Because of excessive force, her hands trembled slightly, especially in those icy eyes, which were stained with anger at this moment.

Ignoring her angry eyes, the man stretched out his hand carelessly, gently covered his cheeks, and smiled at the corners of his lips, with a little pity in his sarcasm.

"Pingling, you are a coward."

His eyes are burning and sharp as a knife.

And that night, she could only escape from that sight in a hurry.

Did he notice...why...Will he notice...

Gu Junmo had only one bed in his room. Although that kind of thing happened, he still didn't say anything and consciously slept on the sofa with the bedding in his arms. Bingling lay alone, but accidentally found that no matter how hard she tried, the scene at the door of the bathroom would jump into her uncontrollably. The next day, when Mu Lianhua came to the door, the sentence "You'd better give me an explanation for killing the indifferent and poisonous scorpion" was choked back by the extremely strange atmosphere in the room.

"What's wrong with you..." The man gently stroked his chin, and his dark green eyes were unpredictable.

In fact, he is more interested in gossip.

And as he expected, the hero and heroine didn't mean to pay attention to him at all, but Gu Junmo came up first: "Why are you here?"

The original intention of his question was "How did you find it here?" Mu Lianhua grinned, but the words were not so pleasing: "Mr. illegitimate child, are you asking me how to find your original residence now?"