The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 286 Night Visit Gu Junmo

Ye Zhiyu didn't expect that Ye Jundian seemed to be facing a big enemy in the research room of the Military Region Hospital at that time, but now he is dealing with his private pet hospital.

"Brother." Ye Zhiyu knocked on the door, but found that the door was closed. A gentle male voice came from the door: "Come in by yourself. I don't have much time in my hands."

The sound sounded a little helpless, but Ye Zhiyu came in and found that the other party was really comfortable.

Alaska, with black hair, is lying lazily at this moment, and a pair of white jade-like slender fingers are interspersed in the black and bright hair, which looks more like a work of art.

Ye Zhiyu called and heard that he was busy in the hospital and still didn't believe it. Now when he saw it, he really didn't lie to her.

"Brother, are you...?"

The corners of his lips were gently lifted, and his eyebrows were soaked with a gentle smile. Ye Jundian's hands kept moving and patiently explained: "I've been out for too long this trip, and I thought I had been forgotten. Who knew there was still so much business. If you want to make money to support your family, there is nothing you can do." The tone sounded helpless, but the man's light smile could not see his unwillingness at all.

"..." Ye Zhiyu was quite speechless and looked at the colorful bells on Alaska's neck and instantly realized: "Ah, the dog owner is a woman, isn't he?"


"..." Ye Zhiyu looked at the other party's response, was slightly ashamed, and couldn't help complaining: "Brother, do you directly say that they are thinking about your beauty and will die?"

Ye Zhiyu's words made Ye Jundian move in his hand, and then pulled out an increasingly pure smile: "Xiaoyu, I'm very modest."

"..." Ye Zhiyu pressed down with blood and finally found that he had been completely led by the other party. He immediately cheered up and said seriously, "Brother, I know about those photo negatives." Half of the words, test.

"Then you have to take good care of that girl. Before it's completely over, I guess there will be a lot of trouble around her." Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiyu's expectation, Ye Jundian did not seem to be surprised at all. Instead, he regarded her as a laborer and made a serious order.

Miss Ye twitched her forehead and stressed again, "Brother, what on earth are you hiding from me? Where is the negative?

"Xiao Yu," Ye Jundian paused, and the warmth in the phoenix's eyes was slightly reduced, but it seemed to add a little coldness and seriousness, which made Ye Zhiyu stunned, and then he heard the other party say extremely seriously: "Make your voice a little lower. You scared the child."

"..." Following the other party's eyes, Ye Zhiyu was not surprised to see the Alaska that was staring at her with a wary face.

Miss Ye was stunned at first, and then found that she had been taken away by the other party again.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhiyu told himself to calm down. For Ye Jundian, the most important thing is to calm down.

"Brother," his eyes narrowed slightly with a smile, and it seemed that his whole body was much calmer in an instant. Ye Zhiyu moved a bench and sat down next to Ye Jundian. "Brother, the chip in your heart actually has no eavesdropping function at all, right?"

"Hmm." Ye Zhiyu expected that someone admitted it very frankly and directly.

But after psychological construction, Ye Zhiyu was obviously not as impulsive and easy to be instigated at this time. She just said "Oh~~" slowly, "Is it true that will explode?"

"Hmm." It is still a simple single tone, but the tone is different from the cold and hard tone that Qu Xiangtian often responds to her. This sound is full of soft warmth, and the listener seems to feel as comfortable as being gently brushed by cotton wool.

Ye Zhiyu has long been used to the big killer of the other party's voice. He blinked and carefully stared at Ye Jundian's beautiful face for a long time. Then he gave a rigid look and said slowly, "When are you going to do it?" The tone was light as if asking, "When are you going to eat?"

Alaska was obviously massaged comfortably, with dark eyes gently narrowed and humming in its nose. The pleasant appearance made the warmth in the phoenix's eyes clearer and clearer. He stared at Alaska, but the words he said were for Ye Zhiyu: "The time is not ripe yet."

six words, simply send Ye Zhiyu away.

Miss Ye suddenly found that the other party was going to play Tai Chi with her at all. Where and what happened, she did not hide anything, that is, you said four or two thousand pounds. You threw it out sharply, but it seemed that a knife was inserted into the cotton, making people powerless.

Originally, she felt that the other party might feel a little guilty and told her what she wanted to know. Who knew that her fox had no lower limit at all, and her mouth was as tight as a clam shell.

She asked, but he didn't say anything; she checked, he had already taken the lead, so what else could she find out?

Miss Ye suddenly felt a little depressed. It is said that she can crush her IQ. Except for the big white goose, she hasn't experienced it for a long time on her brother's side.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the somewhat depressed expression of the people around him. Ye Jundian withdrew his sight: "Xiao Yu, there are some things that I'm afraid you haven't realized yet. I deliberately hide it from you because my brother can solve it by himself. In fact, I didn't expect to involve you..." Speaking of this, Ye Jundian's voice seemed to be a little lower, but it became more and more serious. There was a streamer in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was floating in his mind. Finally, he said in a sighing tone for a long time: "Step by step, I asked myself how to plan and calculate. Thousands of people moved their whole body with one hair, but they never made a mistake. But now I'm thinking that when you were taken away by Qu Xiangtian, I should have forcibly taken you away from him even if I exposed my identity.

Ye Zhiyu was stunned when she heard the words and found that the other party's eyes had turned to him. There seemed to be some strange hot emotion in those phoenix eyes, and she was submerged in the deep darkness for a moment, which made her have no time to catch it. She almost felt that it was an illusion of being in a trance.

But the suddenly changing eyes seemed to contain something strong enough to drown people's reason. After all, Ye Zhiyu was stunned and even unconsciously took a small step back.

How sharp Ye Jun's eyes were, naturally saw the natural reaction of Ye Zhiyu's body into his eyes. There was some kind of bitterness in his heart, and he stinged coldly, but the surface was still the gentle smile that never faded like a mask: "Your relationship with the Qu family is not suitable for going deeper into these things. If you want to help, help and share more energy to take care of Miss Yuan, and my brother will also save a lot of worry. With that, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her soft hair.

Ye Zhiyu stiffened when she saw this, and then looked at Ye Jundian with a little doubt. Seeing that the other party's doting look was no different, she finally became a little embarrassed.

Really... Even if there is no blood relationship, she has taken care of her own brother who grew up with since childhood. She was just misunderstood something... It's really a beast!

Ye Zhiyu was distracted by his heinous association for a long time. He suddenly came to his senses, screamed and knocked off the big palm on his head, retreated more than three steps, and his face was extremely disgusted: "Brother! You have touched the dog and haven't washed your hands yet!"


The winter night always comes very early, and it is dark in the special intensive care unit of the military hospital.

There is a vague figure lying quietly **, and the room is so quiet that only the other party's deep and long breathing can be heard, as if he has fallen into an unknown nightmare and sleeping soundly.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a slender shadow sneaked in like a ghost. The footsteps of the comer were very soft, but the goal was very clear, and he walked step by step to the bed lying with blurred figures.

** At this moment, there is a man lying. His already dark hair is a little gloomy in the dark, and the sides of the tall bridge of his nose cast shadows like under his eyelashes. It can be faintly seen that he is a very handsome man. He looks very peaceful when he sleeps. It is precisely because he has witnessed the death of Bingling with his own eyes. Gu Junmo, who is abnormal, sleeps at this moment is also due to the effect of tranquilizers.

The slender figure stood beside the man like this. He hadn't moved for a long time and didn't know how long he had stood. The dark shadow moved slightly, and his fingers seemed to tremble slightly, as if hesitating for a moment, but finally stretched out his hand to the man lying in **.

The cold fingertips fell on the thin cheek of the man, and the abdomen felt thin, and the warmth that the human body should have made the slender fingers tremble slightly.

These days, she comes to see him almost every night, but she usually stands like this until dawn and never really reaches out to touch him.

Finger slides up the eyebrows along the man's side cheek and strokes little by little. The depicted posture was very nostalgic. After a while, it shifted to the man's tight eyes, the bridge of his nose, and finally gently nodded his thin lips. He paused for a moment, as if he was reluctant, and seemed to be thinking about something. However, after a moment, he stopped suddenly.

However, at that moment, the airflow in the ward seemed to suddenly begin to flow strangely from somewhere. A pair of hot palms suddenly clung to the slender wrists of the figure standing by the bed. Only a very light "hew" was heard in the ward, which was a movement of quilt rubbing, with iron bed feet rubbing against the floor tiles. The harsh sound——

Everything was just lightning and fire. The man of ** suddenly woke up for some reason. The slender figure seemed to be really defenseless, and he was dragged to ** and pressed to death by the other party.

A pair of extremely bright pupils crashed into her sight in an instant. The pupils were like obsidian with some kind of dark magic, flashing out the prey-like light of the falcon and looking straight to the depths of her eyes.

There was no time to think. The next moment, the hot lips had been covered.