Spiritual Path

Chapter 22 Legendary Civilization

Although it has only been a few days, the answer from Zhu Yan has been several months. Because in the jade space, Zhu Yan controls the flow of time. According to Zhu Yan, in order to refine more thoroughly, he spent a lot of energy to control the time. If Jiang Chen knew that Zhu Yan's purpose of manipulating time was to have more time to steal his blood, then Jiang Chen would not have been so grateful to him at that time.

As soon as Jiang Chen came out, he naturally washed his body first, although some impurities were burned out by the real fire and did not leave any strange smell. But Jiang Chen's skin was charred and formed a layer of natural armor. Jiang Chen carefully tore off this layer of armor in the bathroom and found that her skin was crystal clear. There is a very ethereal feeling. Jiang Chen estimated that any piece of his body can be called a fairy elixir. Although I don't know his efficacy.

While Jiang Chen was sighing for his new skin, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that his body was warm, like roasting in a stove. However, Jiang Chen did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt that there was an unspeakable power in his body. Jiang Chen's mind moved and found that his body had become like the red-hot Luo Tie. He didn't feel anything, but the drops of water fell on his body and turned into gas with a sneer. A cold bath immediately turns into that steam bath.

There seems to be endless power in my body. An inexplicable formula turned around in my mind. Before I could grasp anything, I just felt that my true qi was following a very strange route.

"Qingyanyin!" Jiang Chen spit out these three words from his mouth. My right hand is like a red-hot iron, burning brightly. There is a faint cyan, obviously the temperature is very high. Jiang Chen felt that there was a lot of great power on his palm to explode, and the consequences were unimaginable. And this is not a complete fire seal. A complete fire seal is to leave the palm to form an energy fingerprint. That kind of energy fingerprint Jiang Chen will send, but he is a little powerless.

Because although the Qingyan seal is only the first seal, the temperature of the pure green fire is already very high. If you slap this, you will have to consider changing places to live.

In addition, my skills have obviously increased a lot. Although I don't know how the spiritual realm is divided, I should be a little about five days in the spiritual realm now. Because he compared with Ding Hao, his aura can no longer affect himself.

Is there five heavens in the spiritual realm? This speed is quite fast! Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"Practicing with the spiritual body is indeed a master and a unique way. I really picked up the baby this time. Jiang Chen said, "I thought that practicing the spiritual body was only a matter of acquired things, and it would be good to improve the soul as a martial arts practice, but now some people have turned it over in a unique way."

The orthodox martial arts practice is actually mainly to cultivate the soul. As a body, you only need to refine it well. Jiang Chen directly cultivates the spiritual body and doesn't care about the soul. Of course, Jiang Chen can't test his own soul, as if his soul does not belong to him.

Jiang Chen wanted to find a place to try the power of his Qingyan seal, because he understood the strength of this martial arts skill. Jiang Chen is now thinking that he has consolidated this Qingyan seal, and then he has to find a fire-intensive place to repair the second seal. There are few quiet days, and you don't need to practice.

Hongxi didn't wait for Jiang Chen to pick her up today. And went back directly, but when he returned to Jiang Chen, he didn't find Jiang Chen. But Hongxi doesn't care much. Originally, because I seemed to have lost my memory, I had to supplement my knowledge to see if there was any way to make me completely remember what I had lost.

Hongxi has also begun to practice slowly, and his knowledge is more entangled in what skills to practice.

Hongxi's soul is already very powerful. Once it is determined which skill to practice, it can be cultivated for thousands of miles a day.

What standard does Hongxi's soul reach? No one knows about this. But there is one thing you can peek at. Jiang Chen wants to watch a piece of jade for a minute. And the books in the historical area are as vast as a sea of smoke. But Hongxi released his terrible soul power and suddenly enveloped the whole audience. Although there is no prohibition on the jade scroll for the convenience of students to borrow, it is also a little appalling to read books in this way. In less than half a minute, the jade rolls trembled slightly. It turned out that Hongxi had put away his soul power.

However, Hongxi's face is already a little pale. It's not that the soul power Hongxi can't support it, but that the massive information suddenly flooded into Hongxi's mind and hit Hongxi for a moment. Those jade rolls are full of spiritual power. Even if each jade roll is small, it is considerable under the accumulation of quantity.

Hongxi slowly adjusted his spiritual power in a corner of the library. After a long time of calming down, I slowly explored some of the memories I had just got.

What makes Hongxi speechless is that most of the books record some trivial things. For Hongxi, those things are waste, which is not only useless, but also takes up memory.

In fact, Hongxi gets so much useless information that is easy to understand. The history of ancient times is generally very simple, and even a simple record cannot judge its truth. Therefore, all kinds of so-called research and defense have emerged. This kind of book, which is not a historical book, is also among them. This kind of book takes up a lot of space. Because of this kind of thing, later people recorded the history in detail. Not only the king's city has been completed. Even the smallest village is recorded, and it is still like keeping a diary. Hundreds of thousands of years, that is a very domineering number.

Hongxi carefully searched for some useful things in the sea of consciousness. One of them attracted Hongxi's attention.

It is said that there was a civilization called scientific and technological civilization on this land before. With the help of external forces, he flew to the ground and pursued the reincarnation of life and death. However, in the end, technology reached its peak and found that many strange phenomena in the world itself could not be explained by technology. The development of many things seemed to have been suppressed. There is a force in the dark to prevent the development of scientific and technological forces. The regulations of the operation of the universe and the original intention of life cannot be solved scientifically.

Science has finally reached a dead end and there is no way to break through. If you want to break through, you need to modify the foundation of technology, but after that, you will still come to a dead end. So at that time, some people joked that science was the wrong thing. Today is right, maybe tomorrow is wrong. The truth that had been passed down for thousands of years turned out to be wrong.

However, scientific civilization has developed rapidly, and the height reached is self-evident. It is rumored that even the so-called high-powers invented by technology can't stand a blow.

The history of civilization is not very long, only a few million years. Unfortunately, there seems to be no trace of that civilization history now.

And Hongxi seems to have heard someone say about this history of civilization. In short, he is very familiar with it, but even if he can't remember it.

I don't think Hongxi is outstanding about what is described in the history of civilization, as a person who came out of that world. Hongxi naturally knows that if you want to really understand the Tao, you have to use your own soul to perceive it. With the help of external things, you can never get the truth. How can I get my true self when I see the foreign minister?

However, Hongxi got a very important news, which is a poem manuscript written by an unknown person in the history of civilization. The poem is very vague, because it is written on paper. Although it is preserved in the jade space, it can't stand the washing of time. The untidy self becomes a little vague. The general idea is that the end of scientific and technological civilization has arrived, and the world has changed greatly. Space wormholes, voids and turbulence can be seen everywhere. Originally fragile surface earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis... All the inexplicable disasters suddenly came out completely. In just a few years, a highly civilized prosperous world is like returning to the birth of the universe.

The original unchanging constellations also began to deviate from the track, and the red sun also became restless. The originally touching moon has also become the legendary dumb moon, that is, the black moon.

No one knows the reason for the great changes in this world. It's like a pair of big hands taking the universe as a card table, and then there was a shuffle.

A man named Asura created a very wide world.

The originally barren land suddenly had aura.

Hongxi naturally knew when he saw this that Asura should have untied a seal, that is, the kind of array that blocks the spirit of heaven and the earth, such as the chaotic nine-day array, the return of heaven and earth to the array.