The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 9


I actually picked up the crazy blind date for the other party. It was all hand debt, no, mouth debt, and then triggered the war behind.

About three months after the breakup, I found some information from my brother's diary. Although Liu He is usually careless and careless, in fact, this man loves life. He likes to keep a diary and writes it every day. Although it is a running account, he has a good attitude to seriously record everything. My mother caught Liu He playing truancy, puppy love and absenteeism all from the diary. It can also be said that Liu He can't hold back anything and has to say anything.

I didn't want to turn it, but the book seduced me in front of my eyes. On the new page, it was written that Cheng Yingying's parents really didn't like Cheng Guangliang's hard life at home, so they introduced him to a partner. At that time, my mind was blank in an instant. After the blank, I thought of my grandson! How dare you go to another girl before I find my next home!

Then I ran away, rushed to the toilet, kicked Liu He, who was wearing his trousers, on the wall, and forced Cheng Guangliang to go to play hooligans with a razor. At first, my brother would rather die. Later, when he saw the new blade, he immediately softened, honestly reported the address, and said that I should not be impulsive.

When I went out, I put on makeup and went with a smile. Liu He wanted to follow me tremblingly and was locked at home. In order to prevent him from running out, I deliberately blocked the lockhole and took a car coldly. I guess the aura was very big, because the taxi driver had been aiming at me in the rearview mirror.

Through the glass window, I watched Cheng Guangliang sitting face to face with a woman. No one talk. I thought it was scary enough to see No. 1 this was even more frightening. The freckles on my face made me want to put rubber on her face. I was suddenly happy. I don't know why I was so happy. Just like now, I saw Cheng If it's bright and unlucky, I will be excited.

"Liangzi! Why are you here?" I tried my best to pretend to be Zuojie's coquettish charm and sat next to Cheng Guangliang. His head was sweaty. I quickly found a tissue to wipe it for him. The girl opposite looked angry and dared not say anything. I guess she would have suffocated. Now think I was really big. If this had been like Hao Shasha, I would have died long ago. Later, I heard that This girl is really Xiangliang, but she is particularly entangled that Cheng Guangliang is a playboy. Of course, Cheng Guangliang is not blind, and no matter how bad it is, he can't be with her. My appearance is a salvation for him, an angel...

However, angels are not so easy to do. Cheng Guangliang, an ungrateful person, immediately came to revenge. Is there such a thing to his benefactor? Then my blind date career was hung up with Cheng Guangliang. You come and me, and it's lively, but sometimes I play tricks. Those text messages and online chats are not good. I don't like it, just Try to let Cheng Guangliang know, so that my mother won't say anything, and all the mistakes will be pushed to Cheng Guangliang. I don't know if Cheng Guangliang also thinks so. Sometimes he will deliberately reveal something about blind dates...


On the day of the sisters' wedding, there were three people who made her regret for the rest of her life. They were Zuo Xiaojie, Nie Qing, and me, mainly Zuo Xiaojie, who was so dazzling that anyone with her would become the focus.

"Oops! Baby, I miss you so much!" Zuo Xiaojie ran up and hugged the bride on the cone-like high heels, and the bride was also smiling, but I guess what she hated was that her back alveolar teeth were itchy. Zuo Xiaojie's shining appearance made all men dumbfounded. The small body and the small makeup were perfect, plus the revealing weight. Point parts, not only men, I think women also think about what is under the clothes, while women think about why the heels are not broken, or why the clothes are not torn...

In fact, the bride is not ugly, and her figure is not bad, but it is relatively round, and a little small and exquisite. How cute the dimples are, much better than those cute and unloved, but it is a little worse than Zuo Xiaojie. She is a little shorter, her waist is a little thicker, and her hairstyle is a little vulgar. I can see the wedding photos. The whole Zuo Xiaojie's show was forced to become a babysitter.

Nie Qing didn't dare to join in the fun. The open and secret struggle between the two women was more dangerous. Her mouth was not particularly slippery. After thinking about it, she would eat honestly, but while eating, she found that there were men next to her who always looked at her and smiled frequently. She immediately began to ripple and took me to the staff. Dizzy!

However, this man is not bad. He looks polite and has small eyes, and his height is not bad, but he can't guess what to do. When I was on the staff, Zuo Xiaojie was also busy and happy. She was shouting at the bride's foundation. A group of women were discussing the effect of cosmetics. This is Zuo Xiaojie's The unique trick, she now relies on this to resolve the same-sex enemy around her. She has won many battles and won many battles. It is also a woman's life. Of course, she has to take good care of it.

"Look! Look!!" Nie Qing held a small note for me at the end of the wedding banquet, which said, "Hello, can I meet you?" My phone number is 1392XXXXXXX. She was so excited that she was incoherent. I quickly patted her and told her to be reserved, otherwise the duck would fly away. We are a small jasper, smiling.

We found Zuo Xiaojie when she was almost dispersed. She was standing next to the car waiting for us. Just now, countless masters handed her olive slices. Yes, it was a piece. She grabbed a dozen business cards. I said why it just disappeared and went to collect the net for a long time.

"I said, aren't you afraid of being married?" I asked Zuo Xiaojie when I went back.

"Cut, you know nothing. It's best to be married. At that time, you really want to dump it and earn a sum of compensation. Just tell him, 'Grandson, I'll sue your wife if you don't pay!'" Zuo Xiaojie stretched out her long nails. She just went to a French salon to get them. I heard that the nail polish used are all imported, 50 for one finger, with maintenance and painting flowers. If I make this, I must provide it with my hands. I'm looking for someone to feed me, and even find someone to wash my face. 500 yuan!

Nive Qing has been paying no attention to us. She giggled and talked about it. She pressed it with her little hand and didn't stop. Looking at me, my hand cramped.


When Nie Qing heard that she hooked up with that man, she had been sending text messages every day, and the phone has not been interrupted. I guess this time it was a peach blossom that she hadn't seen for many years. God finally opened her eyes. Zuo Xiaojie also gained a lot. She hooked up with three masters herself and was choosing the right one. I still went to work.

This wedding is really rewarding, which made the bride angry enough. In fact, Nie Qing and I don't like to see this person, but we are embarrassed to go after receiving the notice. Fortunately, Zuo Xiaojie is the best. We have played together several times before, which completely let Zuo Xiaojie got to know this person well, and now think about how wise he is.

It is said that the sister's husband was from someone else's wedding. She originally went to the wedding with grief and indignation, but she fell in love with this man at a glance, followed by abnormally quickness. After knowing each other for about half a year, she was ready to get married. I don't know that man, but this The reason why the sisters plan to get married so quickly is that they are afraid that the ducks they get will run away. Her old woman has been squatting outside the wall for several years. Is it easy to catch a man? Naturally, she can't let go. However, some things are reckless. A year later, she divorced. She is very calm emotionally, but for the sake of property. These two have lived 36 tricks. Fortunately, they have no children, otherwise they would be really unlucky children.


I don't know where Cheng Yingying poured a pile of fruit. Originally, she wanted to make a fortune, but it was not good to catch up with the weather. It always rained. What smelled at home? It's too hard to forget.

"Why haven't I done anything recently..." Cheng Yingying squatted on the ground and wiped the water marks left by the fruit. If I hadn't insisted, she would still be reluctant to throw it away. Later, I said that if you put it like this, the good ones would be ruined. At that time, she would lose more, and she would throw it all away.

"Did your brother curse me?" After wiping the ground, Cheng Yingying began to think nonsense. She even remembered the feudal dross and forced me to ask me if he had brought any incense and charms home recently. He wanted to bring it. I guess my mother wouldn't let him enter the door. The old lady was allergic to this kind of fragrance, just like SARS. I don't know who said it. , the whole corridor is like a temple. My mother is like she can't wake up every day. Her face is full of tears and her nose is completely breathless, but she still has to endure it, SARS! How terrible it is. Compared with the one who can't breathe well, it doesn't matter if he sneezes and shed tears when he has nothing to do.

When I went to pour water, Cheng Yingying asked her to help her take the flowers out of the kitchen to cover the smell of the room. While picking up the flowers, I saw a photo of her and my brother underneath. At that time, everyone was still like glue. My brother was really famous probably three years after entering the circle. Those days were not so Fortunately, Cheng Yingying was different. She bought a script without knowing anything, but she fell in love with a big director and won another award. Then they trembled. Basically, the inequality between the two began at that time.

Cheng Yingying's life is rhythmic, and she can't wait to put everything away. Liu He has always been used to being careless and loses everything. He can't find his mobile phone at home every day. He also said that he has lost it and taken it away. He pointed at my dog and scolded the locust. The two people like this look harmonious on the surface, but indeed in his heart Opposite, because of the existence of this kind of love, everyone blocked the other party's mistakes, but this was just the darkness before dawn. Later, things turned around, and Liu He's career finally rose up, and Cheng Yingying began to go downhill. The bottleneck was that she couldn't write anything, so she vented on things every day, and then began to Scolding each other, Liu He said that Cheng Yingying's menopause was ahead of schedule, and Cheng Yingying said that Liu He raised a little fox and didn't want to go home...

Everyone agrees that Cheng Yingying and Liu He are the devil. Like the Smiths, they harm the public. No matter who persuades them, they can't persuade them, and they are prone to deteriorated internal wars. They can spread their problems to the persuaders, and then persuade people to open At the beginning of the fight, from Cheng Guangliang and I to that time, Zuo Xiaojie's rich boyfriend and my parents were basically all the scourge. The only one who still insisted was his parents, the old couple.