The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 21


"Damn, why am I so unlucky..." Zuo Xiaojie threw away the beer can in her hand, and the literary youth was detained, saying that it was illegal public security punishment regulations. Zuo Xiaojie said that she was afraid and forced me to stay with her for a day.

"Forget it, you shot a neurotic promotional video, and I have thought of the title of "Stay Away from Nerves, Defend Life" haha." I eat peanuts and watch TV.

Later, everyone didn't talk, so they kept broadcasting TV blindly and thinking about their own thoughts. Now my mind is full of Cheng Guangliang and doesn't care about me at all. Really, otherwise I am so close to Li Xiang, why he doesn't have any expression. In the past, he put a little thing on his face, and the corners of their mouths were like 258,000.

Look at Zuo Xiaojie. She held the cushion and looked at her mobile phone in a daze. At this time, I saw that she must want someone to suppress the shock, but those big people are either with customers or with their wives. They don't have time to care about poor women at all. I sighed and turned my head and looked at my mobile phone. Even if your hair is short today It's better to provoke me than to say anything...


The mobile phone rang three times, which was a text message. I almost grabbed it to read, not Cheng Guangliang, but Li Xiang. He told me to go to bed early at night. Don't think about it if you have nothing to do. Things should be done slowly and the plan should be executed slowly... I didn't reply. I'm not in the mood. I'm really not in the mood. They are all the damn Cheng Guangliang!

However, Zuo Xiaojie hasn't been doing well recently, and Nie Qing didn't go there well. She ran out on a date after learning from Zuo Xiaojie's flowers. She still went out on a date with the man she knew in the elevator. That day, the man took the elevator with coffee. Later, he suddenly splashed Nie Qing all over, and then he had to pay for the laundry and left a phone number for Nie Qing. She told Nie Qing to call him, and the two people who went back and again met each other and gave it to Nie Qingmei. She thought that there would be a relationship like a TV series. It was really stupid.

At first, Nie Qing thought that she really copied it. This time, she also played an elevator love story. As a result, she didn't get anything and almost took advantage of it. I said earlier that she was not Zuo Xiaojie who risked everything. She was so full that she was afraid of the truth. This time, it was, The elevator man was really good at talking. I was lucky to see him once. With that little mouth, the dead could speak alive. He really saw people talking and ghosts talking. That day, he saw it when he wanted to get off work with Li. Nie Qing happened to pass by when he went to see a movie and was seen by my sharp eyes.

"This is a friend." Nie Qing was still very shy. I thought she learned as much as Zuo Xiaojie. Last time she met Zuo Xiaojie on the street, the old man greeted me and pointed to the man next to him and said, "This is a new one. Well, it's better than the last time. The face of the old comrades of the family turned white and red, embarrassed to death.

"Oh, what are you going to do?" I asked.

"Watch the movie. It's time. Let's go and talk back." Nie Qing looked at his mobile phone and ran away.

Li wanted to tell me when Nie Qing left. He felt that this man seemed to have a wife. I almost laughed to death and questioned that he had a thousand-sighted vision and cared about the life of husband and wife. No, it was a peeping eye.


When I got home, Cheng Guangliang sent me a message, and he was brainless. There were only a few words on it. Are you serious?

I never play fake games. I went back happily, and the depression of the day dissipated. That's what I want. If you're not depressed, I'll feel bad.

"What are you doing?" It was beautiful. Liu He stretched out his head from the door and scared me.

"I'll give you a good job." Liu He came in with a plate of newly washed grapes with a flattering face.

"I have something to say, fart, my aunt is busy." I picked it up and ate it, so that I didn't have to deal with it and fight again, and then I ate it later.

"I revealed to Cheng Yingying about my preparation for a blind date." Liu He said this against his head.

"Damn, are you tired of living?" I looked at him unbelievablely.

"Shh! Keep your voice low!" Liu He waved his hand up and down and looked at the door for a long time.

Later, I understood that Liu He's idea was to disclose the news to Cheng Yingying like me, so that Cheng Yingying would come forward to make trouble in anger, so that Liu He could retreat without provoking my mother.

"Think clearly, your Cheng Yingying's twist is not ordinary. I can play this game with Cheng Guangliang. You may not play it. If you play it later, Cheng Yingying is angry to get married. Don't worry about you?" Now I suspect that Liu He's head has been squeezed by the door, and he dares to come up with any ideas.

"No, it's the last trick. If not, damn it, I'll get married and find a new wife." Liu He's warning to me is completely ignored. Let's play. Sooner or later, you will cry.

"Yi, I said there was no problem. Anyway, I deserved to die." My mobile phone vibrated. It was Li Xiang. He asked me if I didn't know where he put an important document in the morning. Now in the office, I can't find it.

Liu He stretched out his head and looked at it for a long time, smiled thieves, and then ran away.

Li Xiang really didn't treat me as an outsider and called me to the company to look for documents.

"Boss, where on earth did you put it?" I want to strangle him. I know it's an important document and let it go blindly.

"I really can't remember. In this case, you can go to the conference room." Li wanted to lie on the ground and direct me to look for it in the conference room.

"Cut, it's really yours..." I had no choice but to go to the conference room.

"Happy birthday!" The light in the conference room scared me half to death. Two groups of colleagues were there, and Cheng Guangliang was also there. He was holding a big box.

"Is it a surprise?" Li wanted to pat me from behind with a bad smile.

"Oh, you don't come home so late." I don't know what to do. My whole body is stupid and my eyes are blurred.

"You told everyone, didn't you?" I took the cake and handed it to Cheng Guangliang outside.

"Who else can you think of?" Cheng Guangliang smiled and said, "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." I turned around and leaned side by side with him on the armrest of the balcony.

"Go home after being naughty, I'll wait at home..." Cheng Guangliang whispered to me like usual intimacy, which almost made me forget that we had separated.


On the way back from the company's carnival, I received a phone call from Nie Qing. The crying one was out of breath. I didn't understand for a long time. Later, Zuo Xiaojie grabbed the phone and asked me to go to her house.

"Woo-woo..." Nie Qing held Zuo Xiaojie's sofa and cried endlessly.

"What's wrong with this?" I looked at Zuo Xiaojie.

"Alas, ** didn't learn well, so I was beaten." Zuo Xiaojie shrugged at me.

"Damn, what's going on?" I'm stupid. It's not strange to say that Zuo Xiaojie is too** to beat me. Anyway, I'm used to it. I used to help her fight when I first met Zuo Xiaojie. Nie Qing didn't expect that Li Xiang was really peeping at her eyes, exactly the same as he said. Now I think about my life is really energetic. I'm depressed and depressed all day. I'm bored, happy and excited.

After meeting the elevator man several times, his relationship has developed rapidly. Almost all of them have talked about marriage. The man is also real. He is not ambiguous about Nie Qing at all. He bought a lot of things for Nie Qing. As for whether it is true or false, it is unknown. All I know is that Zuo Xiaojie's face, which has not allergic for ten thousand years, is borrowing him to buy it. The cosmetics will be as swollen as pig's head in the future. Let's talk about this later. The process is very funny.

The man has seduced Nie Qing in the direction of the hotel more than once. Fortunately, Nie Qing only learned the surface**. She dares not be serious. She is still a virgin. It is called to give the best to the person she loves the most. In fact, virginity is a bit like a shelf life. It is estimated that it will last until 25 years old, and after the shelf life, it becomes a smile. There is also an exclusive noun - old maid, which is a name that every woman hates, marking that everyone will say, you see, you see, that's the only thing that you can't get married for nothing. If you want me to say, it's vanity. I'm happy, do you care about it? If the majority of female compatriots can see through this layer of window paper, there will be no rush to marry women to cheat people out of money and sex. How harmonious the society will be.

Besides, Nie Qing was also thrilling. When she was having dinner with the elevator man, she met a woman. The woman stared at the elevator man. He was obviously trembling. Nie Qing was still the second monk. If Zuo Xiaojie had taken refuge, she would have taken refuge. She had always been sensitive to this.

Then almost instantly, the woman shouted with Nie Qing's hair and kicked Nie Qing's legs hard. Nie Qing, who had been honest since she was a child, was completely scared to death. She was so stupidly beaten by others. During this period, she groaned for the elevator man for help. Unexpectedly, the superwoman stared, and the man was scared and turned her head without saying anything. Run, after a fall, Nie Qing knew that this superwoman was the wife of the elevator man. It turned out that her grandson was cheating!


Where did Nie Qing sleep that day? She was really scared.

"I heard that something happened to Qingqing?" My mother stood at the door and asked me.

"Do you know all this?" I think there are too many people with special functions around me, even in my own home. My dear mother, why didn't you inherit me?

"I heard about it in the vegetable market today." My mother chained the dog out.

In today's society, in addition to the Internet, TV and newspapers, the biggest news distribution center I read is the vegetable market. A bunch of old men and women stand there chatting when they have nothing to do and say everything. Therefore, my family never contacts with neighbors. I can know who works in foreign companies and whose children are dating. The girl's stomach, who stole the wire yesterday and caught it...

"Nie Qing is also an unlucky child." I shouted and went back to my room. I haven't slept well these days. I asked them to toss around. Before I fell asleep, I asked Cheng Guangliang to wake him up by a phone call. He said that he had put the important data in the pocket of his jeans and washed it. Now everyone must go back to the company to redo everything. Cheng Guangliang's success is not enough. Have a good rest. He was disturbed by the day.

When I arrived at the company, I found that there were only me, Cheng Guangliang and Li Xiang in the whole company, who were negotiating with the partnership. The three of them began to work overtime awkwardly. The advertising company attached great importance to it, mainly looking forward to doing this case well, and then fooling them into continuing to cooperate, which is a long-term flow.

At noon, I was kicked out to eat by two busy men, because I was just assisting from the side. The other main parts were made by them, which can also be called idle people. Standing in the supermarket, I picked a string of green lifts. Cheng Guangliang liked to eat green lifts, but he hated red lifts. He insisted that he could eat a different taste. What's the difference between a grape, and Li wants to like red grapes. Qing mentioned that he didn't eat it or didn't like it, so I had to buy two kinds of rice. When I got to the restaurant, the rice was just right out of the pot. My clay pot rice, Li wanted stir-fried, Cheng Guangliang asked for red stewed beef, and a bucket of coke. All of these things were all asked me to carry back.

Originally, I wanted to scold them first when I went back, but the two people stood in the office and didn't know what they were saying. The small board inside was full of things. 1, 2, 3, 4, @, ¥, &, * are like Tianshu. Look at these two seriously, like children. Looking at them, I suddenly feel It's meaningful to live. Two excellent men are by my side... Er, ah! It's disgusting.

"Get out and eat!" I patted the door.

"Oh, I'm starving to death." Cheng Guangliang was not polite to me at all. He picked it up and ate it. He always forgot to eat when he was busy. Every time he was hungry and had a stomachache, he felt it.

"Eat slowly and shout less about stomachache for a while!" I gave him a blank look and handed the meal to Li Xiang.

"Thank you." His smile was extremely warm, which made me feel very comfortable.

"Look at others, you won't talk." I took out the spoon and despised Cheng Guangliang.

That day, I was busy with the two workaholics, and then the three began to play games in the office to relax. In fact, it's not bad for everyone to be good friends. As long as Cheng Guangliang doesn't find a new girlfriend for me, our relationship must be very harmonious. Later, we never played like this again. It's been too long and I almost forgot about it. At that time, this kind of stupid happiness.