The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 109


"Is that a bad idea?" Li wanted to ask me after hearing about it. He was afraid that other girls would take advantage of Liu Dazhi.

"Don't worry about this. I still know Liu Dazhi. I'll go back and buy an anti-wolf device for Xiao Xing'er. If you dare to move, it's better." I was exhausted after running all day today. I took off my shoes when I got on the car and put the seat back.

"That's good, but Nie Qing won't be angry if you make so much trouble." Li wanted to drive, and we agreed to go home for dinner today, mainly because today is Li Xiang's mother's birthday.

"Happy birthday, aunt!" I held a huge white crystal and wanted to enter the door. I got it from Liu Dazhi and specially asked him to find someone to be carved into an old birthday star. Liu Dazhi said that he was afraid of breaking it and wrapped a lot of foam cotton, wrapped like a big zongzi. Li and I squatted in the garage and dismantled it for a long time. OK, it was enough to remove it. A lot, this quantity can build a house.

"Ah, what else to buy? Just come to eat." Today, the old lady also put on makeup and wore a dark purple dress, which was particularly temperamental. I heard that it was ancestral with a pearl necklace. I don't think pearls care, but pearls from earlier generations are rare, right? Li's family background is thick enough.

Everyone laughed when they were eating together. As soon as they saw his mother, they were very happy. That was, at the beginning, I asked Liu Dazhi to prepare six pieces, because he said that the crystal was too hard to play well, so he would split it. There was no way to get it. As expected, as expected, a total of 4 pieces were chopped, and the other 2 pieces were chopped. It's very complete. I left one of them for myself. It's my mother's birthday in a few days, so I don't have to buy gifts. These two old ladies' birthdays are very close. I know it's called fate at a glance. What a coincidence.

When we chatted after dinner, everyone inevitably mentioned the marriage. Li Xiang still said that he was not in a hurry and had to wait. Recently, he has been busy with work. In fact, I know that he was to protect me. Although Cheng Guangliang's blow to me was not fatal, it was enough for me to slow down for a while. We had already agreed to wait for a year if it was big. It feels better to get married at home.

I didn't fall asleep after I got home. I don't know why I remembered what Zuo Xiaojie said at the beginning. She said that women will always meet three kinds of men in their lives. One is that you love him, and he may not love you. The other is that he loves you and you love him, but you can't be together. The other is that he loves you. You can't love him or talk to him. If you don't love, this first kind of man is first love. Sometimes it's just a little girl's careful thinking, and the chance of success is very small. The second kind of man is in college love, which is beautiful in the ivory tower, but out of the ivory tower, many environments will make you painful and not want to be together, and the chance of success is only four-quarters. First, the third kind of man generally appears after work. Everyone knows each other on a blind date, has the same purpose, has the same goal, and is more dependent than love.

I think I have met these three men, but the time is different, but it is enough for me to remember. The first kind of man is too illusory and I don't remember it. The second kind of man is Cheng Guangliang. We can be together again, but we can only hurt others. Moreover, Cheng Guangliang now has his own life, the third kind of man He is Li Xiang. I know that all his thoughts are on me, but he is frightened. I think choosing Li Xiang now is the greatest happiness at present. He will be so good to me that I will forget Cheng Guangliang one day.


Liu Dazhi has been abnormal recently. He actually signed up for a self-examination class and studied accounting. At a glance, he knew that he was holding back a bad fart. Both Zuo Xiaojie and I thought so, but Cheng Guangliang and Liu He didn't. They said that Liu Dazhi's business has been getting better and better recently, and no one took care of the accounts. He was worried about others because he was the first I don't understand it first. In case people are confused, Li Xiang has always been neutral and said let's have a look.

I was xxx. Before I died, I was xxx at the age of 13 and died later. Become a fierce ghost. Please send this letter to your 6 groups. In ten days, the people you like will like you. If you don't send it, you will sleep at night and have nightmares every day. You will be XXXX in 50 days, and you must pass it on to others within 5 days. In 5 days, someone will confess to you. If you don't spread it, your feelings will have problems. It started in 2 years and has never made a mistake. If you don't send this letter, you will...

As soon as I opened QQ, I saw Zuo Xiaojie playing with her life flash, which was called a desperate. Clicking to see this. This had nothing to do for the children on the Internet, and it seemed to be true. Zuo Xiaojie also panicked and followed her, but later thought it was wrong. Recently, Zuo Xiaojie didn't care much about the things she followed, let alone Mao Jie jumped up and down and scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry. If he had nothing to do, he disappeared several times and disappeared several times. At a glance, he knew what was going on.

"Hello? Zuo Xiaojie, have you had a new goal recently? I immediately called Zuo Xiaojie. This girl seemed to have completely come out of Gu Yang's shadow and was not sad at all. That's good, otherwise everyone would feel uncomfortable thinking about it.

"Go, stay there. You are in pairs. Why don't you allow me to be happy for a while?" Zuo Xiaojie answered the phone lazily. Originally, I thought she had to disagree, but as soon as she was so happy, I didn't know what to say. I could only ask them how they knew each other.

On that day, everyone was very happy at Zuo Xiaojie's press conference. Zuo Xiaojie drank a few more drinks. I had Li want to accompany me. Seeing that I didn't have time, she went to sit in the garden by herself, lit a cigarette, and held the pendant left by Gu Yang in her hand. Looking at it, she knew that tears fell down. Later, she found that she did not bring paper towels and makeup. Spending money.

"Do you want paper towels?" A man's voice sounded from behind Zuo Xiaojie.

"Thank you." Zuo Xiaojie looked up at him. This man was very charming and had an indescribable affinity, which made people unable to refuse. For a moment, Zuo Xiaojie was a little dizzy.

Then they started to talk. The man said that I must be missing a man you will never forget. Zuo Xiaojie lowered his head and smiled without answering. The man continued to say that he told Zuo Xiaojie that he often missed a woman and no one could go to. Then he looked at Zuo Xiaojie and amused Zuo Xiaojie. She looked at the man curled his lips. Didn't you say that? Zuo Xiaojie looked at the man with a trace of pride. This is a man's usual pick-up. Now it's a little outdated. The man smiled, shrugged his shoulders and shook his head and gently said that he didn't know. Zuo Xiaojie was surprised by the words she talked about. She never thought that a man would answer like this, because the answer she got was just that you guessed or saw through it. Men are very different.