The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 126


"Woth, give me the plate." Li wanted to be busy breaking open the roast chicken I bought, and I didn't know what we had in mind at that time. If we had nothing to do, we should buy a roast chicken to eat. It's all Cheng Yingying's anger. Usually, I basically don't eat chicken, but I bought it all of them. Let's make do with it.

"Just bring a knife." I pinched the cherry and ate it. Nie Qing twisted a bottle of water and didn't open it for a long time. Zhuo Hang looked at it and said nothing. This man was not good enough. I thought, and then watched him walk to the car.

"See it." Nie Qing actually twisted the water away, and then said to me while drinking, "Now I believe that the man can rely on the sow to climb the tree."

"What are you talking about? He is relatively honest." Li wanted to pick up the chicken and said, "Actually, I think sometimes girls just need to say something. Su Yan is very good at this. They don't even take the bottle. Just tell me, go and open the water and hand it over to me."

"Get out!" I cut the cherry core in my hand, and then I saw a white thing fall between me and Li. It was a large fruit knife that could not be folded, like a watermelon knife, and then Zhuo Hang smiled, and with his pale face reminded me of countless American horror films, most of which were Describe a group of people on an outing to meet a perverted murderer, and I sweated.

"Didn't you say that there is a knife? I found a knife quickly. Look, there is a big hole in the pestle like this." Zhuo Hang took the chicken from Li Xiang's hand and began to cut it. He smiled at us while cutting it. The atmosphere was very strange.

I looked at the chicken in his hand and suddenly felt that we were the chicken and came out to be slaughtered. Then I looked at Li Xiang. He was swallowing a mouthful of water. I felt that he had swallowed the heart that was about to jump out. Then I looked at Nie Qing. She was squeezing at me, and then I took her to the toilet.

"What's going on? It's so scary." I grabbed Nie Qing.

"I just want you to see that it's not terrible. It was scary last time. This time it depends on your courage to break up. In this way, Li wants to watch and won't say anything that it doesn't match the facts." Nie Qing looked at me sincerely. I wanted to pull Li to run away quickly. Sister, didn't you pull us to die together...