The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 132


"Haha, haha." I almost recited it when I listened to the recording from the express.

"What's the silly girl laughing about?" Li wanted to slap me.

"Nei Qing sent me a disk. She said that she saw a pervert recently, and then recorded the conversation and asked us to help her solve it." I stuffed the other side of the headphones into his ear, and the action was a little ambiguous, and then took advantage of the unpreparedness. He kissed my forehead gently. Now I find that I am not so panicked. Maybe I have admitted the reality and accepted Li Xiang's little position in my heart. As long as someone doesn't come back, I can completely forget it. Remember.

A few days ago, Nie Qing's mother's colleague told Nie Qing that this person has a house and a car, and the only one is his household registration in another city. However, I heard that the unit can transfer him to Beijing next year, which can basically be regarded as half a Beijinger. In fact, his hometown is not bad, not a poor county.

"Hello?" In the recording, Nie Qing's voice is very clear. Every time she answer the phone, she feels particularly sweet. I can't learn it. My mother always says that I answer the phone, and I'm not gentle at all. Li wants to say that this is her true personality, which shows her sincerity.

"Hello, Nie Qing, right? I'm XXX, introduced by Aunt Dong. The man's voice was not bad, with a little accent, not very heavy, and very few words could be heard, but in the tide of entering Beijing, this man was very good at Mandarin, but his later nature was exposed.

You don't think I'm a stranger, do you? Don't you think so? In fact, I will have a Beijing household registration soon. It's nothing, right? But I have a small question for you. What's your education? What does my mother do at home? Where is Dad?

I haven't reacted yet. This man asked a lot of questions.

No, I'm Daben. My mother is retired. My father is an organ cadre. Nie Qing's dry answer to the question makes her feel that she is in an interview.

Oh, well, the voice over there is obviously very disappointing, so your family doesn't think I'm out of town, right? Right? In fact, I will soon be from Beijing, and I don't know if you are familiar with my work here. I work in finance. How about your math? Oh, it's okay. It's okay. I'll teach you later. When you come to come to me, I'll teach you, teach you little by little, and then just eat at my house. I'll make it for you. It's okay. You're welcome. Do you usually sell a lot of clothes? Oh, it's okay. It's good not to spend money indiscriminately. We can't compare with others. We need to save money. I still want to take our mother over. Do you have any problem? Yes, we should be filial to our mother-in-law, and then we have to talk about the problem of the child. I'm the only one in our family, and we have to have a son, right? My daughter is absolutely not. Do you have any classmates to be a doctor? If not, just tell me that I will find such a friend as soon as possible, so that the child can check the gender later. Don't be distressed. At that time, we must not have girls. If we should fight, we can fight. We can't break my family's incense...

I gave birth to your grandfather! Nie Qing's sudden roar scared me and Li to think about it, and then the recording was broken, shaking my ears still buzzing.