The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 144


"You are too cheap for him." Zuo Xiaojie said while peeling the apple.

"What else can you do after splashing water? Nie Qing has never learned taekwondo." I helped Nie Qing get a glass of water.

"That's right." Nie Qing blocked his nose and spoke a little clearly.

"If you want me to look at him and say, I don't have big breasts, but I don't think your size is very good." Zuo Xiaojie shook her head and said to us, "This is a double blow, that is, to save yourself and stimulate him with the most painful thing."

"Master." I praised Zuo Xiaojie with a piece of apple.

"Bullshit!" Cheng Yingying was the first to object, "I tell you, real perverts will not retreat. He will continue to say, "Why don't we open a room to verify that I have seen a lot of grandchildren like this." Cheng Yingying was full of righteous indignation and breathed out of her nose and eyes.

Later, I thought that Cheng Yingying should have met more perverts than us. The main reason is that she is divorced, more than half of the range of selection, and there are more middle-aged perverts. Cheng Yingying is also the least angry about this. Why do I have to find those half-aged and not disabled men who are lustful when I have married someone? Recently, I heard that I don't know who will open it. It began to give to Cheng Yingying those widows. According to conservative estimates, the oldest may be more than 70. The old man wants to continue the string. He is not looking for romance like Cheng Yingying. At that age, he can't make waves, and if he continues, he will die suddenly.

Liu He also began to recruit troops recently. The main reason is that he was watching a while ago. Later, he found that a little sister from the same company was good and looked particularly pure. Of course, at that time, no one could see the details. If only someone could read minds, otherwise Liu He would not have guessed and dared to do it, and my mother was not idle. As soon as my brother was ready to move, he introduced the daughter of an old comrade-in-arms friend to my brother. When he heard that it was a forensic doctor, Liu Hehan came down. My mother didn't mind at all and persuaded him that the forensic doctor was also a doctor, but the division of labor is different. You can't generalize, but she didn't want to find a forensic doctor to show you what it is. Liu He is on a hunger strike with my mother for this.

"What should I do?" Liu He got into my room and sat on my ** to eat cookies. On the surface, he was passively confronted with my mother and didn't eat, but he didn't have a meal at night. He ate at work during the day and hid in my room at night. He ran into my room all day long and remembered to drill in. Last time he tore one of my manuscripts. Li wanted to make it for a week. I didn't dare to tell him, so I could only do it again based on my memory. I took three days to make it, and handed it to the customer on the first day. Li thought later said later that I felt as if I didn't do this, and let me fool it with my psychological effect.

"See you, find an excuse and it's over. There's nothing you can do. Who told you to like other actors? Besides, in fact, there is nothing wrong with forensic doctors. At least if you die that day, we can know if someone has harmed you." I quarreled to death for Liu He, and he didn't eat.

"Get out, I don't care. You're happy. What should I do?" Liu He began to roll with me, and I wanted to beat him.