The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 184


"Give me this tomorrow and change it here..." Li wanted to tell me with the picture.

"Oh, no problem." Looking at the picture, this customer is difficult enough to deal with. I haven't seen such trouble after changing it later. I don't know which unlucky business took over. I can't go there next time.

"Do you know that Cheng Guangliang may be transferred back?" Ding Ding called me on MSN.

"What?" My heart suddenly beat so fast that it was about to jump out.

"Uh... Well, I didn't say anything..." Ding Ding immediately became vague.

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask Li if he wants to go." I thought about going back like this.

"No, no, then I will be exposed. I heard about it, but I don't know the details. Didn't Li Xiang tell you?" Ding Ding quickly begged me not to say anything.

"He didn't say anything. Maybe it's ridiculous. If it's not good, he won't say it." I closed the dialog box and began to feel depressed. The feeling in my heart was that it was cool. It turned out that he still didn't trust me for so long, but when I thought about it, maybe he said he was afraid that I would be affected, but it had already affected me. Why can't you tell me? I watched him answer the phone in front of the window and took the sample in his hand. The picture is twisted like a towel, wrinkled.

Come here, I'll wait for you on the rooftop! I sent a message and went upstairs.

Sitting on the roof and let the wind blow, I suddenly found that I could understand what Li was thinking, because even I didn't know what I wanted to hope that Cheng Guangliang would come back. His return may bring me an uproar and may make me feel folds. This thing should be more difficult to remove than the folds on a woman's face. When a woman dies old Naturally, I don't think about the folds, but if people are different, there will always be a next generation. In the end, these things will be mentioned and will never be extinguished...

"What's wrong?" When Lixiang's arm came around from behind, I knew that tears had already flowed out like the ubiquitous mistress. The mobile phone screen in his hand was wet, and I erased the water stains with my thumb.

"Will you lie to me?" I leaned against his heartbeat.

"No, I will never lie to you." His voice and heartbeat beat rhythmically with my heartbeat. Zuo Xiaojie said that there is nothing that men don't lie, including well-intentioned lies. In short, lying is as simple as texting mobile phones, and it will make you unable to say anything, because it is so seamless.

"Then I'm fine. I suddenly wanted to have a breeze just now. I haven't had a convulsed for several days. I dare not imagine happiness. Life will be a little scary if it's too comfortable..." I turned around and hugged him and put my chin on his shoulder. I don't want to think about what lies Zuo Xiaojie said. Since how can it become a lie, then Just believe it. Anyway, if you don't believe it, you just can't get along with yourself.