The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 4 Talking about the situation of the mainland at night

"Is that so? Maybe it was the cause of the head injury. I forgot a lot of things when I woke up. A vague explanation of the dishes on the plate

"Mu Yin, how could Xiao Tow do this?" Dongfang Yin looked at Mu and asked. Mu Yin put down his chopsticks and thought for a moment.

"Xiaotou lost his memory because his head was hit hard." I thought about the conclusion that came out all afternoon. A plain sentence shocked Dongfang Yin but couldn't speak.

"Amnesia!?" Looking at the inexplicable but turbulent Dongfang exclaimed.

"It seems to be•••? Well, now that you know, can you tell me why I went to the back mountain and why I lost my memory? Seeing that both of them believed in Dongfang's amnesia, they turned the topic back to business.

"Because the second sister and the third sister provoked Longyanyuan a few days ago, saying that they have the help of mythical beasts this year, which will make you lose more miserably, but will trample your arrogance under your feet. At first, Mu Yin and I thought that you would lock ourselves in the room again. Although we were worried, we didn't disturb you until the next day. No one in your room was afraid of your accident. Mu Yinxun went to the back mountain and didn't expect you to be really hurt."

Seeing her doubt, she added: "The second sister Dongfang is from the main room. She is 14 years old, and she will enter the palace draft in another year. The third sister Dongfang Yue is from the second lady. She is 13 years old." He took a sip of warm tea and looked at me.

"Why did they provoke me so much?" I filled him with tea and then asked. At this time, most of them had almost eaten, so they put down their chopsticks and listened silently.

"In another month, it will be the triennial civil and martial arts selection of the whole oriental family. At this time of year, the country is the most lively. The royal family will also come to watch the rare competition in the past three years, and the second sister and third sister have participated in the fourth session since they were five years old. They have an excellent reputation in all aspects. The servants of the family have already made good notes. Waiting for the cashier." Seeing that he had a hard time taking over his words.

"To put it bluntly, I came to give me off. I couldn't think of it for a moment and went to the back mountain, right?" He asked with a smile.

"It's not all, because you heard that they have mythical beasts, so you wanted to go to the depths of the mountain to find an animal to be your own [mythical beast], so you were injured. The competition is divided into two categories: literature and martial arts. Literature is poetry and songs, long sleeves and dance, elegance of pairs, and martial arts, which is a little difficult. Because not everyone has that kind of talent and opportunity. And the second sister and the third sister are all very talented in the oriental family, and their literary and martial arts are very outstanding.

Especially three years ago, the spiritual master Yunyou came here and was favored by the old lady who was alive at that time, so he told them that they all had the talent to refine magic soul weapons. During this period, they really refined the magic master-level soul weapons as the heavenly master expected, and summoned their own mythical beasts from the alien space. I have never seen the spiritual island master appear since then. And they are extremely favored in the family as a result. Drinking tea moistened his throat and looked at the fascinated Dongfang and laughed.

"It turned out to be stimulated, but the idea is a little naive. Very speechless." Holding his hand and chin, he said to himself, "Who is the head of the Oriental family now? What is the situation in this world? And what are the levels of this magic weapon?" After asking some minor questions, this time I will go straight to the topic. But this time, Mu, who had been drinking tea quietly, opened his mouth. Although I heard her muttering in doubt, I didn't pay attention to it.

"There are three branches of the Oriental family. Now we are in the Oriental Mansion, and the owner is Master Yin and... Your father returned to the east and west.

Today's continent, name: Sky Continent! The situation is five points, showing the prosperous times in the east, the moon in the south, Guangling in the west, and the moon in the north. In addition, there is a mysterious and ancient force in the center of the four countries. No one knows what kind of situation it exists. It does not belong to the four countries. It is at the forefront of the four countries, but it is also in a favorable position to grasp half of the lifeline of the four countries, and there are mysterious rumors. So far, the four countries are unwilling to take the initiative to attack and attack.

Which country is willing to make a headbird, because they know that they are not only the king of a country, but also the faith of their subjects. They can't afford to gamble. Maybe they will have a chance to win in the group attack, but both sides are not what they want. What's more, now the five countries are safe and the people live and work in peace. Coexistence, why not do it! At least on the surface.

And the soul masters mentioned above are from the low level to the ancient level: illusionist, illusionist, illusion saint, illusion emperor, illusion emperor, red spirit, Cangsheng, Bizun, green emperor.

The weapon soul master summons a mythical beast equal to his own spiritual power. Similarly, the mythical beast will also advance with the growth of the weapon soul master in the future.

And mental power is similar to modern super brain waves.

Understanding the situation in the mainland, the family struggle is already midnight. A few pots of tea were also added.

"Xiao Too, it's late at night. Have a good rest and I'll change the medicine for you tomorrow." Dongfang Yin gently told Dongfang to turn around and walk out of the door with Mu Yin.

"Well, well..." Dongfang was yawning and waving his hands in the sky. Wait, what does it mean that he will change her medicine tomorrow? "stop" The two turned around at this moment, so they had to look at the inexplicable little man who lost his temper.

"What's wrong?" Dongfang Yin asked worriedly, "Is the wound hurt again?" I was about to come forward to check, but I was stopped by Dongfang. But Mu Yin leaned against the door that had been opened with his hands on his chest to watch the play.

"You, explain what it means [you change my medicine]?" Pay special attention to the last few words coming out of the spine between the teeth and asking him not forgetting to approach him step by step in case there is a need to do something.

"It's me who changed the medicine and cleaned the wound for you..." Someone still answered honestly in confusion

"How to change it?" This nerd, why is it so tired to talk to him?

"Just take off your clothes and remove the gauze..." Someone was still honest and gave a detailed explanation to a silent person, thinking that Dongfang wanted to learn, and laughed, "Xiao Too, if you want to learn, I can teach you."

"You took it off for me, didn't you?" Someone didn't listen to his nonsense and asked coldly.

"Cough...!" When Dongfang Yin was about to nod and say yes, Mu Yin suddenly coughed dryly and faintly felt that the corners of his mouth were upturned.

"Mu Yin, what's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold? I'll bring you some medicine to dispel the cold later. I'll boil it for a while, and I'll drink it tomorrow." After explaining a sentence, Mu Yin turned his head and looked at me

"Xiao Tuo, how can the wound heal if you don't take the medicine and don't fade your clothes? And you are seriously injured. I didn't pay attention to those at all..." Dongfangyin, who reacted, explained. Before she finished speaking, her little fist greeted her. The soft fist waved, and Dongfang's body retreated without warning. Looking again, it turned out that Mu Yin was pulling his back collar and walking out of the door. By the way, put the door on.