The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 46 Lingyang City, an interesting inn

After thinking about it, I pulled Dongfangyin, who was fascinated by medical science. The fool was shocked, but saw that the pillow on his leg Dongfang closed again.

Put the book on the tea table and gently adjusted the sitting posture so that the man could sleep comfortably. Dongfang was dissatisfied and continued to sleep in a different posture. Dongfang saw her like this, her eyebrows bent lightly, and Amber could only point to her mouth to protest when she saw this scene, [Men and women have Don't!!] I guess only he knows.

Murong Xi just smiled and turned his face away and looked at the path in front of him. Maybe he didn't know the doubt between his eyebrows.

Mu Yin leaned his back against the frame behind him, shaking the rein of the horse, and there was still a deep silence between his eyebrows. The wild flowers beside the road bloomed quietly, and the two red-brown horses ran briskly, and the bells between their necks shook gently, bringing a trace of beauty to the quiet path.

The slightly warm wind in June makes people drowsy, and it is estimated that only the east in the carriage can really fall asleep. The east sings through the window, looking at the backward scenery outside the car, leaning against the wall of the car, closing his eyes to rest, and closing his eyes to enjoy.

Wind, get into the car.

At the tea table, books fly with the wind.

In the evening, before it got dark, Dongfang and they rushed to Lingyang City in advance. At this time, night vendors on the roadside had set up stalls one after another, lit oil lamps, lanterns were lit, and the atmosphere of the night market slowly became stronger.

Mu Yin parked the carriage in front of an inn. Murong Xi and Amber turned over and got off the horse.

"Young master, miss, we have arrived at the inn." Mu Yin whispered in the carriage. Dongfang was awake before the carriage entered the city, and the curtain was also installed. At this time, Dongfang was lifting a corner of the curtain, looking at the busy people outside and responding to Mu Yin's words. Thinking that I used to be as busy as them, busy living for the unknown tomorrow and ignoring the current feelings.

Dong Yin had taken the lead in holding up the curtain and went out. The clerk at the door of the inn saw a twelve or three-year-old young man in black hair and white clothes coming out of the carriage with his eyes straight.

When he saw a guest coming to the door, he immediately piled up a smile and quickly came to Mu Yin, who got off the carriage. He bowed his waist and asked, "Yo, several guests, do you still want to stay in the hotel?" The excited eyes looked at the one-eyed Mu Yin and saw that he was wearing a strange black costume at night, and he knew that he was not a good stubble.

Speaking, two men from the stable came up to lead the horse.

"Stay in the hotel, four rooms,,,,," Mu Yingang ordered the clerk, and Dongfang, who lifted the curtain of the car, suddenly said, "Five rooms." With Dongfang Yin's outstretched hand, he got out of the carriage and stretched out his slightly wrinkled clothes.

The stable man led the horses and cars to the stable. The guy looked at the little girl in plain clothes getting out of the car and looked at Mu Yin, which meant asking: Is this,,,,,,?

Mu Yin smiled and nodded: "Five rooms, prepare hot water, and prepare another table of food." The clerk nodded and nodded: "Okay, guys, inside, please." As he spoke, he led the way. Dongfang stood in front of the door and looked up at the plaque above.

Pear wood red ink, written: fusion.

just two words? Dongfang raised his eyebrows and looked at the couplets on both sides of the door owner, which was also interesting, at least in places like the inn.

And Murong Xi, Amber saw that she was staring at the plaque in a daze, so she also looked up. Murong Xi also found something interesting, so she said loudly, "Welcome the world with a smile. It's really an interesting inn to make a generous person. It's the first time I've seen such a generous business. Amber, who couldn't speak, also nodded in agreement. I saw the elegant and smooth writing on the doorpost. It can be seen that this person's breeze comes out of his sleeves and the heart of the bright moon.

Uplink: Welcome the world with a smile,

The lower couplet: Let people have interests.

The horizontal criticism is that harmony makes money!

It is very simple and appropriate, which is Dongfang's view of this inn.

Entering the lobby, the clerk looked for something. Seeing that a woman in green was boldly adding drinks to the diners in the hall, he shouted to her: "Boss, there are guests, five rooms."

The woman in green listened and looked this way. She turned her head and smiled at the diners and said, "Master Ma, you eat first. It's not enough. Qin Niang will give you a discount." Master Ma was naturally happy and nodded repeatedly, and the diners at the next table immediately coaxed and shouted for a discount. The green woman named Qin Niang smiled happily when she heard it: "Okay, you want Qin Niang discount, right?" The diners nodded and waved their hands: "Let's give my mother full of preferential conditions first."

In a word, a group of diners sat down and continued to drink and eat.

When the woman in green saw that everything was fine, she raised her hand for her hair accessories and clothes, and slowly walked to them in the East and bowed her knees.

"Madam, there are five rooms." The man reminded again.

"Hmm." The boss's wife responded indifferently and waved to the clerk to the front door to greet the guests. The clerk retreated, stretched out his hand, and led the way: "Six people, upstairs, please." Mu Yin in front nodded.

And at the counter, a man who looked like a goatee smiled comfortably when he saw the decent posture of the woman named Qin Niang. But in exchange for Qin Niang's coquettishness, she hurriedly lowered her head to make a calculation for a while, and then took notes. It seems to be very busy.

Dongfang looked at this scene and felt harmonious and interesting for no reason.

"A few people are not locals, are they?" Qin Niang looked at their group and said for sure.

"Well, pass by." Mu Yin nodded and replied briefly.

"Oh, my name is Qin Niang. Just let the clerk upstairs know if you need anything." Seeing Qin Niang pushing open one of the doors at the door of the room and smiled, Mu Yin nodded, "There is a working lady, where are the other four rooms?"

"Oh, this room is number one, and the other four rooms are number two, three, four and five respectively. This is the singular, and the opposite is the double number." Qin Niang said.

"Okay, nothing. Help us prepare hot water and food. Take a bath first." Mu Yin nodded.

"Okay, the hot water has just been prepared. Let me know, and the guy outside will know. Then I won't bother you. I'll excuse you first." Then he went downstairs to greet other diners. The luggage was also delivered later and handed over to the clerks in each room.

"The two princes live opposite No. 2 and No. 4." Mu Yin asked what Murong Xi and Amber meant, and Murong Xi nodded. Then Mu Yin will go down to pay the deposit first, and the young master and young lady will go in first. Dongfang nodded.

Dongfangtou turned around and took the lead in walking to Room 5. A girl who had just come up stood at the door, waiting respectfully at the door with a bun. Seeing a little girl coming, he restrained his mind and opened the door. Dongfang politely nodded to her, and the girl was half stunned there.