The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 48 June Street Prayer

Outside the inn, Qin Niang repeatedly asked if she wanted to show her the way, but was politely declined by the East. Qin Niang saw that several people had said this, and it was not good to chase them, so she turned to greet the diners by herself.

The five people walked slowly in the crowd. Dongfang had to pull Dongyin's sleeves because he was short to prevent people from being squeezed away at any time. Dongfangyin looked at Dongfang, who was calm behind him and grasped his sleeves tightly, and his face was softer.

Dongfang saw that he looked at his hand grabbing his sleeve and thought he was going to cry again. Just as he was about to let go, he was grabbed by Dongfang Yin first.

Looking at Dongfang's nervous eyes, Dongfang Tuo didn't feel funny in his heart, and now he also laughed face-savingly, causing Murong Xi and Amber, who were walking in front of him, to turn their heads and ask, "Is Xiaotou so happy?" Murong thought that Dongfang was laughing because of the child's nature, so he asked with a smile.

Amber didn't get the 'order' of Dongfanglu, so she hasn't untied the [binding spell] for him, so she can only scratch her head and wonder.

Huh? What?" Dongfang looked at Murong Xi, who suddenly turned around inexplicably.

Murong Xi opened the folding fan and shook it gently: "Come out and play. I'm very happy to see you."

Is that right? Maybe." Dongfang was perfunctory and urged the two people in front of him to hurry up: "Okay, I'm very happy. Hurry up, or it will be dawn."

Murong Xi had no choice but to continue to look while walking. Several people occasionally passed by some fascinating young women and accidentally bumped into them. Murong Xi and Amber would apologize, and the young women would blush and bow their heads and walk away with a smile.

At this time, Amber put his aggrieved face close to Dongfang's front, which scared her to stroke her chest and calm her heartbeat, and said to Amber's teeth: "Why? I can't say anything. The disgusting face is still so close."

"Well,,,,," Amber moved her face away with a bitter face, and he also wanted to speak, okay?

"Bend, Amber can't speak..." Dongfang Yin gently pulled down Dongfang's hand to remind her that Amber could not open her mouth at this moment.

Mu Yin nodded, which meant that it was like this, and Murong Xi laughed.

After a reminder from each of them, Dongfang blinked his eyes and said calmly, "Well, I forgot."

Amber silently jumped on one side to protest.

"Mu Yin, untie it for him." After saying that, Dongfang continued to go to June Street next to the street.

And Mu Yin just put his thumb and forefinger together, a little closer to Amber's lips, and pulled one by one with Mu Yin: "jie!" Mu lowered his hand and said with a smile, "Oish, try it."

Amber cleared her throat first and looked at Mu Yin to confirm. Seeing him nodding, she tried to open her mouth and say 'ah'.

Seeing that he was so nervous, Mu Yin felt funny and patted him on the shoulder to chase Dongfang. Amber, who confirmed that she could speak and was already on the verge of mental disorder, and Murong Xi, who had been watching Mu Yin untie the spell without saying a word.

The people who passed by looked at the two people and couldn't help dodging away. They were also a little bold to point to them. Murong Xi stroked their foreheads and said secretly: What's none of his business.

It was not until Amber was stopped by Murong Xi that he realized that the three of them had gone far away, so he kept chasing Murong.

The street where the Yipin Building is located is also called June Street on the sixth day of June every year.

It is the same as the street where you stay in the inn, and the color lights are hanging high, but because of the name of June Street, it is relatively lively.

For example, there are throwing copper plates (in exchange for affordable objects of various colors), throwing bamboo rings (a set of exquisite jewelry porcelain), throwing color ratio, guessing lantern riddles, fortune-telling, writing letters, noodle restaurants, chaotic stalls, sugar-coated haws, brocade cloth, and all kinds of them.

The most lively is the intersection of several streets. Many people gathered there and threw something at an ancient tree. Curiously, they had walked into the crowd and saw an old man next to him holding a rectangular cornered wooden card in his hand, with a drilled hole tied with a green rope.

It is not very clear what Oriental is written on it. Because of its height, when Mu Yin behind him opened his mouth to tell her whether it was a Buddhist blessing ceremony.

This is a famous prayer tree in Lingyang, and many people in neighboring cities will also tell it their minds and wishes. I hope that my home is safe, my business is booming, and my descendants will continue.

To put it bluntly, it is a belief in life of the people, so that they have spiritual sustenance.

Oriental penetrates the way of reducing stress for the ancient people with the ideas of the 21st century.

And tonight is because it is the washing and drying festival, so most of the old and weak women and children are praying, and the young men and women are guessing to go to the June Bridge outside the city to win the hearts of their favorite girls.

Now, Dongfang wants to try this way of praying for blessings. He feels that the idea of the ancients is really simple, but it is also the most direct and effective way to relieve stress.

He thought that the old man had been listening to Mu Yin. At this time, he looked at Mu Yin and stroked his white beard and smiled: "Young man, you know so much. This prayer tree is really smart."

"Oh?! Uncle, what's the spiritual method? The old man's clothes looked up and asked.

"Ha ha, okay, few children like you still care about these things." The old man smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

Dongfang said with a sweet smile: "Well, Xiaoto used to like to listen to grandpa's stories."

When Dongfang Yin saw what she said about Grandpa, it was strange that he had never seen Grandpa tell her a story. When he was about to ask Dongfang, he was pulled by Mu Yin behind him and shook his head to signal him not to speak.

Bend down and came close to Dongfang's ear and whispered, "Young master, just listen to the story. I think the young lady also wants to hear it." Mu Yin straightened up and looked at the nod of Dongfang Yinmuna, who seemed to understand, without explaining, but listening to the ancient and vulgar story.

It is said that this tree has a history of hundreds of years. After several generations of emperors and city lords, it has endured all year round. A hundred years ago, the current prosperous times have been in chaos, and the people's days are miserable and full of complaints.

Until one day, a farmer's child, because he couldn't stand the departure of his relatives, hid under the tree and cried about the injustice of heaven, cursing the emperor at that time to let him lose his relatives. The child looked at his partners who often played with him at that time, died in fear one by one, screaming and scolding, and begging bitterly.

The child couldn't bear the fear in his heart. At the cost of his own life, he cursed the emperor at that time and cursed those tycoons to disappear together.

Then hit the tree and died. The warm blood stained the rough bark and red the dead leaves on the ground. There was bright red in the gray. The child lay on the dead leaves, just like his mother's warm heart, but his body was so cold.