The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 79 Imperial Noble Concubine

Amb, who was proud that she was about to save the fallen girl, suddenly felt something was wrong. How could her body fall back uncontrollably...

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Dongfang's slowly looking down. Only then did he know that it was the reason why he fell back.

"I am deeply honored to say that I don't look like a good deed person."


Amber suddenly felt so wronged that it was him who was thrown down. Looking at the sudden stone under her, Amber kicked her feet angrily before she got up.

Dongfang Toru left with a 'stain' appearance of nothing...

The reason why Amber fell was that it was designed by Dongfanglu. Looking at the person in front of her, he only cared about his mouth. Dongfang looked at the stones protruding on the roadside lawn, so he moved a little and walked there. Of course, Amber would follow her for her far-unrealistic ideas. The above incident happened as a matter of course...

When Amber saw this, she had no choice but to put aside this idea and screamed blindly at the far east...

Qingyun Hall, as soon as several people from the East arrived outside the hall, they saw the guards guarding the door. Mu Yin recognized that they were the royal army belonging to the royal family.

"How do you know?"

Mu Yi raised his chin and motioned Dongfang to look at the coat of arms on their sleeves and told them that it was evidence. While talking, several people had already stepped up the steps. As soon as they were about to enter, they were stopped by the guards.

"Who are you?"

"Oriental Mansion." Murong Xi shook the fan calmly.

The two guards saw each other's doubts in their eyes: "You said you were from the Oriental Mansion. How can I know whether what you said is true or false?" One of them looked up and down with a cautious face.

"Is there nothing left with a notification?" Dongfang looked impatiently at the three people who talked and muttered at the same time, "Is Yulin Jun so talkative and brainless?"

"What are you talking about?" The other stared at Dongfang and questioned in a vicious voice, because she was a little girl and it was not easy to start.

Dongfang Yinbian shrank and pulled Dongfang Tho behind him and looked nervously at the fierce guard. Mu Yin took a step forward to compensate. Then he told them to wait and asked another person to look at them. He went in to report.

Walking to one side, several people's eyes were clear.

"It seems that the imperial concubine came early."


Dongfang sneered at Dongfang Amber and didn't agree with his nonsense-like opinions. Amber was not happy...

"What did you say, just because of the imperial army? It may also be that the emperor and queen are here. How about it? Are you speechless?

"I don't know."

The more Amber spoke, the more she became, and looked at her devocatively. Dongfang was not going to talk to him, which would lower his IQ, so he snorted coldly and looked at the door of the palace. Amber decided that she had nothing to say and became more and more arrogant.

Murong Xi really couldn't stand Amber's unknown appearance, so he had to shake his head and tell him the cruel reality...

"When you leave tomorrow, the emperor will come to see you off." The implication is that your 'possible' is completely impossible.


Amber suddenly calmed down and did not hesitate to delay Murong Xi's usual gentleness and inexplicable 'good intentions'. Dongfang Yin beside him turned his face and smiled secretly: Amber will never learn to be obedient.

In the main hall, a beautiful woman in a light golden suit seemed to be very happy to chat with the oriental western returnee sitting beside her. The slightly shaking shoulders and shaking steps proved that her master was very happy at this time.

When she caught a glimpse of someone coming from outside the hall, the beautiful woman gave Dongfang Xigui a wink, elegantly brushed off the dust on the gorgeous clothes, and waited for people to come. That's completely different from when I just smiled happily.

"See the imperial concubine." The man came to kneel on one knee and salute with fists.

"Hmm, what's the matter?"

I looked at the person below and saw that there was no expression on his face, so I knew it was not a big deal, so I hummed and asked why.

"A few people came from outside claiming to be from the Oriental Mansion."

Huh? What kind of person?"

"I don't know that they are all over ten years old, and there is also a one-eyed adult man in black."

Looking at the person below who didn't want to lie, the imperial concubine took a look at the Dongfang Xigui sitting below and signaled him what he knew.

Dongfang Xigui pondered slightly and knew that it was the few people who went out this morning. He got up and saluted her and said, "Mother, it's just a few naughty children and stewels in the wind house."

"Let them in."

"Yes." The guard took the order to leave.

"Brother, but Li'er and Yue'er are back?"

"The Empress, it should not be. It's the other two and the third brother and the fourth sister's family."

Dongfang Xigui didn't see much reaction when he heard the name of the person sitting on it. He still replied respectfully. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the messy footsteps coming in...

A few people from Dongfang just entered the hall and looked up at the beautiful woman in a light golden dress and forgot her movements...

The most restrained style is that even the sight of people feels like an elegant gaze...

"If you don't have a wince, why don't you pay a visit to the imperial concubine."

"Brother, why are you trying to scare them?"

Dongfang Xigui felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward and unconsciously stared at them. The imperial concubine looked at their reaction and stopped Dongfang Xigui with a smile, indicating that the family did not need too much courtesy.

"Grassmen and women visit the imperial concubine, and the empress is a thousand years old..."

Imperial Noble Concubine, the sixth sister of the East West - Oriental Ink!

Several people who were awakened by the returnees of the East knelt down and saluted. Mu Yin just bent down and saluted lightly, with little expression on his face.

"Okay, get up and sit down."

"Thank you..."

Several people were not polite. As soon as they found a seat and sat down, the maid of honored tea. Mu Yin still stood behind the head of the East as before.

"Are you the ones who were selected to exercise elsewhere?"

Dongfang looked at her and didn't understand what she meant.

"Xiao Yin, Amber boy, Xi'er, don't you know your aunt?" Seeing that they all looked at her blankly, the noble concubine didn't feel funny, so she called them affectionately.

"Mother, you are a jade body now. Don't be so intimate with them here." Dongfang Xigui got up and reminded the man who did it, and his words were full of vigilance.

When Dongfang Shuimo saw that the return of Dongfangxi was so uneasy, he waved to the maids of honor to go down. Seeing that there were only them, the noble concubine was angry with Dongfang Xigui.

"Brother, do you feel relaxed now?"

"Thank you for your understanding."

"Then call it the name of ink, isn't it?"

"Yes, ink. Didn't you say you would come for lunch?"

Dongfang Xigui was also ordering the kitchen to pay attention to meals and taboos, but she suddenly arrived, and the ten of her family had gone out now, so she had to ask someone to look for it in a hurry.