The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 100 What is cruelty?

"Oh. Kill us." Dongfang nodded as if he didn't understand, and suddenly an excited spirit opened his eyes: "Kill...kill us!!!" Looking around the people in black again, Dongfang Yin suddenly felt that the cool and comfortable dense forest was very gloomy. He shook his whole body and pulled Dongfang Tuo behind him with an arrow step, shaking his lips and trembling: "Who are you? Why did you kill us?"

Dongfang listened to the straight forehead: it seems that the nerd still doesn't understand the meaning of the killer...

When the man in black finally saw a normal person who knew he was afraid, he also recovered the killer's murder. The steel knife was thrown casually, and the coldness came to his face.

"Nerd, protect yourself with the sleeve arrow between your wrists." Dongfang looked at the man in black who had moved his steps and whispered in Dongfang's nervous ear.

"I, I... are... scared, and my hands are shaking... so much." Dongfang Yin tried to raise his arms and lift his sleeves. However, it is very difficult because of the tendons of the body, let alone aiming at the target.

The three Oriental Amber have been fighting, and the metal impact sound of the blades makes people want to grind their teeth. There was also the sound of whip dancing empty, and the fierce killing, and the bushes in the forest fell down and became a mess.

Seeing that the man in black had rushed up, Dongfang's eyes firmly clasped Dongfang's arm and aimed at the man in black, gently pressed the button and fired three short arrows at them with the sound of breaking through the air. The man in black almost bounced away the short arrow with a dangerous knife. After three clear sounds, he shot at the tree trunk beside him, and a few muffled sounds into the wood showed its power.

The man in black only paused for a second and saw that both of them were paper tigers. Suddenly, the flames soared to the two of them. Seeing people approaching, the East looked around to see if there was anything to take advantage of, but in addition to trees. The anxious Dongfang transparent on the surface silently calculated the countermeasures in an instant. Dongfangyin raised his hand and shot another arrow at the man. Unexpectedly, the man in black had expected that they would only do this move. The corners of his lips hidden under the mask unconsciously showed a trace of sarcasm. This time, he easily blocked it with just a wave.

Humph! Waiting for you is the gap at this moment!

How could Dongfang not know the idea of the man in black and sneered in his heart. Pulling Dongfangyin, who stayed aside, without saying a word, he put his hands on his shoulders and swept up the tree trunk with his feet, pulling out the ready dagger at the same time...

The long-distance sleeve arrow can't hit, so you have to take out the basic skills practiced every day in the previous army to dismantle it. The dagger is the most powerful and direct weapon in close combat, except for the hidden weapon.

And modern troops are different from this era. Coupled with the lightest weapon used by Dongfang, it saves a lot of strength when fighting. The steel knife collided with the dagger, and sparks splashed. Dongfang was slipped several meters away by an internal anti-shock body, but fortunately, he hung a tree to stabilize his body.

"Bend!" Dongfang Yin saw that she was fine, and his trembling heart fell slightly. He looked back at the man in black in front of him. Dongfang Yin meditated on the formula that Dongfang taught him to aim at the man in black. The sleeve arrow flew away, and several wrists of the man in black separated the unthreatening sleeve arrows and waved a knife to the front of the east...

Because of fear, Dongfang Yin habitually closed his eyes and held his head so fixed that he could not dodge. Dongfang, who couldn't make it, roared at him, "Nerd, open your eyes. Empty hands into the white blade!"

Hearing this sentence, Dongfang's mind flashed and suddenly opened his closed eyes. He held the knife waved by the man in black with his bare hands. Because the man in black used internal strength, he strangely passed through Dongfang Yin's body to the ground, and Dongfang Yin fell into the soil because of his internal strength and his face turned white. A bloody spewing out of his throat and dyed the simple white.

In addition to finding the right time to gather his strength on his legs, Dongfang Tho flashed behind him to the calf bone of the man in black. The man in black held a painful knife and his hand was slightly loosened, and the moment he bent down to see another foot on his wrist. The man in black loosened his hand and fell to the ground with a bang. Squat and sweep and kick, but only let the man in black stagger and didn't let him fall as he wished.


Dongfang's secret curse sounded, and then he turned around. The dagger attacked the heel of the man in black who had not yet stood firmly, and his legs and stomach were quickly stabbed "Ah...!" The man in black rolled on the ground with his legs in his arms, his eyes were full of anger caused by pain, and he still couldn't stand still.

Looking at the depth of the bone, Dongfang's mouth raised an arc: Yes, I guess he will be disabled in his life! However, she wanted more than the disabled. Looking at the man in black who was still struggling, Dongfang came forward and squatted down. He smiled and waved the dagger slowly on his neck...

The man in black opened his eyes, and his gradually lax pupils were full of panic, covering the bloody neck with his hand. Only the sound of 'gurgling' was heard in the throat.

I wiped my neck, but I didn't die happily... How cruel!

The body of the man in black twitches on the ground, and his eyes that can never be closed are so staring at Dongfang with a smile...

The other people in black were entangled by the three Dongfang Amber and couldn't get rid of them for a while, and one of them saw that his companion's cruel death was slightly stiff. The sharp light flashed in Oriental Amber's eyes, shining on his chest and hitting the tree. While the man in black was knocked out, Amber picked up the dead branches at her feet. He concentrated on his feet and kicked him through his heart and nailed him to the tree. Blood flows down the rough bark...

At the same time, Murong Xi threw the hidden weapon with both hands that seemed to be in full, and the man in black was forced to resist in a hurry. The reason is that Murong Xi is not serious at all. He wanted to find out who instructed him from the man in black. Unfortunately... he is not a patient master.

With no warning, the man in black suddenly fell straight back. I can't believe that I died like this. The most terrible thing is that I don't know how I died.

Looking at the unwilling eyes, Murong Xi's face looked cold: "Since you are sent to assassinate, you can calm down and see this nostalgic world."

At the moment Murong Xi turned around, the eyebrows of the man in black gradually turned a little red...

blood! A trace flows down the forehead into the hair room...

The subtle wound reflects a cold light through the scorching sun between the leaves. Silver needle? The most common silver needle!?

The so-called hidden weapon is seen, how can it be called a hidden weapon!

Mu Yin and Long Yu stood leisurely among the trees and looked at the battle situation below and slam their mouths. It looks like it's just a bag of melon seeds sitting and watching a good show.

"The ugly woman is so vicious!" Long Yu looked at Dongfang's tormenting method and shrinking all over.

"It's far from it." Mu Yin's eyes did not leave the two below and replied coldly.