The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 150 Like Hell's Rasha

In the dark, the turbid wind is hidden in a tree ten meters away, concentrating on the eyes to see the scene in the distance very clearly. Their decisive means can't help but think of their dark life and the shadows before. The only thing they open their eyes every day is to kill and protect themselves. In addition to the endless darkness, the color they can see is the scarlet on the sword.

At present, the turbid wind is immersed in the memory, holding the sword that never leaves him. Looking at the five people standing in the distance covered in blood, the shady mountain wind came against...

The picture that was originally still suddenly came to life, and the bloodthirsty madness on their faces gradually faded. Returning to the original nobleman's appearance, the dark blood stains on his face did not hide the clarity in his eyes. At this time, he did not know that he was impossible in the eyes of others.

Leng Xiuyan slowly took out the white silk and gently wiped the blood stains off the sword body, and nodded with satisfaction as the sword in his hand returned to its clean appearance. When he shook his hand to take back his weapon and pinched his fingers with the white silk tightened and spread it out, the bloody white silk had turned into powder and gone with the wind.

This move made Dongfang Amber marvel. As soon as she took a step forward to discuss, she saw Leng Xiuyan staring at herself with cold squinting eyes. At present, her body stiffened and she couldn't figure out the situation at this time.

But I didn't know that Leng Xiuyan just looked at the forest behind him and shouted coldly in the dark: "Who? Come out?!"

Murong Xi was thoughtful. At present, he reacted and couldn't stop walking. His body shook his sleeve with a high difficulty and twisted shape. His sleeves turned over, and the hidden weapon shot roared past the amber's ear, like a wind passing through the quiet night wind.

Amber's stiff body only felt that her hair was broken by the strong wind left a chill. After a while of fear, he bitterly slandered: How confident are you in your skills...

In the dark, the turbid wind's body reacted faster than the brain and felt the familiar murderous intent directly on the door. His heart was shocked but did not drag. He opened his arms and fell back. Murong Xi's hidden weapon brushed the tip of his nose and flew to the depths of the forest.

It looks like it's going to fall five meters from the ground because of 'slip'. A back flip landed steadily and didn't wait for his feet to stop and take a quick run, and he saw a dead leaf flying on the ground. Han Zijin used his superior light skills to sweep under the tree where the turbid wind had just landed, but there was no trace of anyone searching around.

"What can I find?"

Within't wait for Han Zijin to approach, Gong Yao Cen stepped forward to ask, and there was no trace of panic in his expression.

Han Zijin, who was lowering his head and thinking, shook his head distractedly. He clearly heard the sound of crushing the dead leaves after landing, but there was no trace of falling. I also glanced on the tree and looked at it, thinking that there would be a harvest, but I didn't think it would be the same.

There is not even a trace of breath, but why did they find it when it was so powerful?

What does it mean to shake your head?" Gong Yao Cen rubbed his hair impatiently and looked at the distracted person a little weak.

Han Zijin looked down at him and directly slapped his wrinkled face to push the person in his way to Leng Xiuyan, ignoring the protest behind him. On his unsmiling face, there was no more charm than before, and he opened his lips: "I don't know my enemies or friends."

Seeing this, Leng Xiuyan lowered her head and thought for a while, squinted and smiled, "Since we don't mean to do it now, we don't need to think too much. It's late at night. Let's go back."

Looking up at the sky, it was still gloomy and terrible. The five people dared to cross the body of a place and go down the mountain. They prayed that the star building could be closed at this time, otherwise they would have to climb the window and feel lost their identity when they think about it. The steps under their feet did not feel much faster, and the rugged night road was like a flat road under their feet, and the dark forest had soon hidden their bodies.


In the dark corner, with a crisp sound of heavy crushing, I saw a black-faced white cloth boot appearing in sight. It was the dead leaves that stepped out of one foot and crushed the ground, but they didn't realize it.

The eyes are up, the green and gray corners of the clothes swing gently with the night wind, and the four-finger-wide belt of the same color are tied around the waist without any decoration, and the hands are cut back behind. The black hair was casually scattered on his body and let it be blown away. The split hair covered his facial features very well, revealing only the whole bridge of Yintang's nose, dark purple thin lips and firm jaw.

Looking at the whole, it gives people a feeling that there is a little strangeness in the coldness, because their eyes are half covered by their hair and they can't see their thoughts. But from the flashing cold eyes, it can be seen that this person is not easy to get with.

but it gives people a familiar doubt, as if...where have you seen it?

After slowly walking out of the hidden tree, he looked at the cold and strangeness of the holy moon peak after being stained with blood. His nose unconsciously overflowed with cold humming. He raised his hand to cover his nose with the Jinpa in his hand and frowned: This is the second time it has been overturned...

Thinking of the scene I just saw, I was also stunned. Fortunately, I calmed down and didn't take that step, otherwise the cold weapon would have been against me by now. At the same time, I wonder about their skills: Is it wrong with the information?

It seems that I was almost killed by them this time, hum!

"Useless things! Report that there is no need to allocate such a careless waste. Let Jieye and Jueming come and meet me."

In the dark: "Yes!"

He glanced and sneered: "Of course, including you... don't have to come. The waste is in the way." ...Is"

The people in the dark answered quite helplessly, who told them to obey the people in front of them.

He glanced coldly at the ground, shook his sleeves and turned around in the dark. From afar, he only heard him order coldly in the dark: "Clean up."

In a nearby tree, the crow melted in the dark and looked at the cleaned-up battlefield coldly and slammed silently, as if to say: I don't have any other skills, but the aftermath is first-class. Then he suddenly felt tasteless and shook his wings and flew in the direction of the Star Picking Tower with the Jinling eagle that had been spinning on the black clouds.

After cleaning up the body, some vegetation nearby was affected by the strong sword spirit and followed the 'death'. A scarlet shows that the scene just now is not a dream...

The next morning, Dongfang's party packed up and got into the carriage and was ready to leave the road when they heard a cry behind them.

"Wait a minute."

"Everyone followed the sound and saw a boy in his teens gasping for breath through people and streams. Dongfang Yin curiously lifted the driving curtain and poked out his head, and saw a very refreshing figure coming to him. Hold your knees to adjust your breathing.

Wait until you straighten up and greet the east in the car: "Little girl, oh, no, you should call the master now. Didn't you agree to wait for me?"

"There is a reason for those who are late." Dongfang knew it as early as when he shouted. At this time, although his heart was funny, he still scolded coldly with a straight face.