The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 168 Episode (Bad Taste)

Also, the prince's order... is not only the prince who holds it... is it!

The mountain bandit leader turned around and vaguely cleared who he had robbed back. The body trembled slightly and said: It's over, God is going to kill him...

Being tied together, the 'master' was also doubting the authenticity of the matter. Unexpectedly, he felt the trembling of the owner's body before he figured it out. He wondered, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Dongfangli, who was close to him, looked down and sarcastically: "Do you understand now that it's too late?"


The panicked eyes reflected Dongfang Li's sneering face, and the mountain bandit's forehead was even more cold sweaty. It is said that they only know how to reflect at a critical moment. It seems that the village owner knows who they have messed with.

"The prosperous... world, is it the prosperous era of the Eastern Dynasty?"

Xiao Wuyou, who had been quarreling with Dongfang, also cast his sights. His long eyebrows tilted and looked down at the arrogant bandits. The royal demeanor who had been influenced since birth immediately appeared: "Didn't I tell you at the beginning that we are big shots? You can't afford to provoke them?"

However, what he said made the bandits have an impulse to curse their mother. At that time, it was not like this. At that time, the three of them looked like weak scholars at first glance, but they were a little more luxurious and thin. Let him mistakenly think that he is a passing student or a businessman who wants to see the once-in-year opening of the cliff...

Recalling the scene at that time, the bandit leader still can't adapt to this 'mutation'...

"What are you... going to do?"

"Hahaha, you white-faced nerd is really hopeless. Haven't you ever seen a bandit who blocked the road?" The bandit leader looked up and down at Xiao Wuyou, who was a little more beautiful than a woman, and a touch of calculation flashed. Of course, he failed to escape someone's 'bad taste' sight.

"Fighting, looting, do you know who I am? How dare you openly stop people in broad daylight?" Looking at Xiao Wuyou, who was still addicted, Xiao Tianlan, who had always been in a cyan robe, restrained his sleeves and coughed, secretly adjusting his fragile nerves. Xiao Yuyu is still always elegant, with a gentle and calmly shaking the jade fan to look at the place in front of him.

"Then tell me who you are. It happens that the men haven't been scared to pee in their pants for a long time." Hahaha..."

Looking at those bandits laughing up to the sky, Xiao Wuyou's white face turned red, shaking his long fingers for a long time to squeeze out a word without any threat: "We, but the big shots of the Eastern Dynasty, how dare you be presumptuous?"

"Four? Ah ha ha, the old man still has five." Hahaha..."


Xiao Tianlan, who had just calmed down, heard the words of the mountain thief's leader, and Xiao Wuyou, a senior who almost broke his achievements, stopped him with a sad look and coughed dryly.

Xiao Shuyu laughed in his heart, and the smile on his face spread a little further.

It's really a group of bandits who don't know the hardships of the world, ah...

"I don't care what you put, whether you let us or not?" Xiao Wu asked angrily, of course, he still pretended.

Who knew that the mountain bandit stalked twice with a pitiful look and curled his lips and said, "I didn't think he was such a good man with a bad brain." Just as Xiao Wuyou secretly prepared to end this bouting mountain thief, he was interrupted by Xiao Shuyu's cough. Then he heard the mountain bandit ask the brothers behind him and coaxed, "Little guys, have you ever heard that the bandit who robbed people and money let go of his mouth fat?"

The bandits answered in unison, "No!"

Looking at the beautiful man in red robe, he was scared to turn pale. He thought that he had really robbed some rich businessman and shouted about the good days in the future with his copycat brothers, but ignored the 'master' eyes of the robbed person behind him.

Unexpectedly, from the moment he stepped into the gate of the cottage, he was doomed to the suffering behind him. Although the three showed their 'nature' as soon as they stepped into the village, they did not embarrass their brothers.

On the contrary, he kindly told them which passers-by could gain. Although he was curious, he was wise and did not ask. Anyway, as long as there is something good and there will be no fear of life, no matter who it is!

Although I asked a lot of strange questions and didn't get satisfactory answers, it was as if I had settled down here. I didn't see anything wrong.

How can I know that the three of them have been coming west since they secretly set out from the palace? The road was full of dangerous but uninhabited paths all the way here, but there was no trace of Dongfang's group. During the wandering, he was entangled by the bandits. Xiao Wuyou turned around and the other two understood.

Maybe you can find some information from here, so you have the current scene until you are crushed into the village.

The bandit leader shook his lips and wanted to argue: "But at that time, you obviously didn't say that you were a prosperous royal family..."

"Can't the royal family stop the robbery?" Xiao Tianlan frowned and interrupted him, asking back in a bad tone.

"No, no, no, no, the little ones are just making a living. Now that I caught up with the opening of the cliff, there must be a lot of people watching the bustle. I wanted to take advantage of this gimmick to do a good job and then stop it. Who knows..."

Seeing that Xiao Tianlan's face was getting worse and worse, the mountain bandits whispered in time until the sound. He looked uneasily at the mood of the people in the lobby, afraid that a flashing life would be explained here.

Dongfanglu doesn't have someone's 'bad taste' thoughts, and he holds the prince's order in his arms. Waiting for Xiao Yuyu to cash it out one day, a long-lost smile appeared on his face and pulled the still stunned Oriental out of the lobby.

"Where are you going?"

"Stupid, there is nothing else, such as gold and silver treasures. I guess that Long Yu's guy has softened his hand. Dongfang's habitual backhand gave him a brain.

"Oh, how do you know the bend?" Dongfang Yin rubbed his forehead in disbelief: Didn't Long Yu go to the toilet?

"Hmm...feeling." Dongfang was suddenly asked by him and didn't know how to answer.

In fact, she didn't know, so she subconsciously said it. Why are you so sure where the dragon legacy is? Is it strange?

Dongfang Li looked at the token symbolizing the identity of the prince so easily fooled by Dongfang, and he could only be anxious. Seeing that the party was still calm, he had to temporarily suppress the impulse to chase him out and get it back. When he withdrew his sight, he looked at Dongfang Yue beside him inexplicably and returned to his previous coldness.

However, Dongfang Amber and Murong Xi could not leave like them, so they had to accompany the three 'masters' in the palace to make trouble. Just caught a glimpse of the pure blackness: "Mu Yin, why didn't you follow me?"

is not a joke or blame, but a curious tone.

Who knew that the latter really thought he was reminding him, walking up along this pole, politely bending down to salute Xiao Shuyu and the others, and then disappeared into the lobby without delay.