The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 196 Rules

Looking at Yunsheng with a blank face, Dongfang Yin shrank back to Dongfang, and Yun slapped the person beside him with the same smoke and cloud veil: "He has always been like this. Just get used to it." After saying that, he waved his sleeves together, and a green fluorescent subtitle appeared in mid-air. He turned his head and looked at the last group of people and smiled, "Look at which group you are in." Then he looked around and confirmed his position and said solemnly, "Wait a minute, divide it into two ways and follow the steps of Yunsheng and me. Remember, one step wrong is life!"

Pick up your nature and nod with a solemn face.

In the past, under the guide of two disciples who guarded the boundary, the people who stood outside for a long time finally stepped into the 'cliff' world. Suddenly, I felt a noise in my quiet ears. When I took this opportunity to rub her with her, I didn't know that the star-picking dwarf smiled in her ear, "Little girl, thanks to you."

stared at his slender back and secretly gritted his teeth. I really want to step on his mopping clothes and kill him!

"Bend, will we be far apart?" Just now, when I saw myself in a group with someone I didn't know, Dongfang Yin wanted to cry in an instant.

"Don't worry, it won't be far away." You can see it: "Nerd, remember to save your life with your sleeve arrow later..."

"Um..." He raised his hand obediently and was ready to say that he knew, but his empty hand made him silent in an instant.

knocked on his forehead, and Dongfang was annoyed: "How can I forget this matter?" The sleeve arrow had been seen by many people when it came up, and it was not lethal. There was no time to find another weapon beside him: "Take it."

Looking at the dagger in his hand, Dongfangyin blinked his eyes: "Bending, I won't..."

"..." Although I really want to say that he will close his eyes and chop randomly, this move will probably make him die faster.

"What?" When he look at the Oriental Amber that came up, the scene of him holding the sword suddenly flashed in his mind, and he made up his mind.

"Amber, are you good at not using weapons?" Amber didn't think about it and patted her chest: "Of course, you haven't seen it all the way."

"Then lend your sword to the nerd." Reach out to him and definitely return it to you when you run out!

Looking at the meaning in her eyes, Amber scratched her head and asked, "What's the matter? Do you recognize the Lord?" Do you want it?

"That's not true." With the sword formula, a golden light flashed, and everyone in the world was shocked and looked this way one after another.

At this time, Long Yuan lay quietly in his hands, completely unaware of how much panic and desire his arrival had caused. Taking the legendary Longyuan, Dongfang looked at it carefully. To be honest, she didn't understand at all.

He pulled out the body of the sword, and the silver light was dazzling. He looked carefully. It was not too much to break all the vulgar things in the world. He handed it to the nerd and asked Amber, "What's wrong with this sword?"

"...just be careful not to hurt yourself." What's on her mind?

"If you hear it, don't panic. You have a sword in your hand, and the other party is just a person. Maybe he is not a master." Looking at Dongfang Yin, who was still hesitant, Amber hooked his neck and smiled, "Although the sword has no eyes, if you don't win, you can only jump down." Pointing to the bottomless deep cliff hanging under his feet, Dongfangyin's feet were soft for a moment. Amber continued, "The most important thing is that you can't be with Xiaolu in the future."

As if stimulating him, Dongfang Yinpo nodded with a strong man's momentum of never returning.

"What about life?" Looking at Dongfangyin, who was still worried about others, Amber said, "I'm not an arsenal."

When the nerd mentioned this, Dongfang thought of it and gave him the cicada wings: "If you really can't beat it, you can jump down."

Yousheng: "..." Can I choose to go back to before I met you?

Wait for everyone to find the bluestone platform where they are and stand. Yunsheng calmly announced the rules: "Bir- brought weapons, limited to one incense." Looking at the water mirror in front of him, he showed the expression of everyone in the world, and then said, "If there is a draw, they will be defeated. At that time, the bluestone platform under your feet will automatically disintegrate..."

Before the rules were finished, I saw a burst of coquettishness in the water mirror. Move. The two were not in a hurry to ease the atmosphere. They didn't say until they calmed down again: "There is a crystal ball next to each group of bluestone platform. Those who give up can put their hands on it, and then there will be a passage to take you down the mountain. Don't imagine that you can live with it in the middle of the game. You will bear the consequences. At that time, it will be life or death. It all depends on your ability. God's will: "That's all!"

"What about the one who is left alone?"

"Sent to any group, which can be pulled in or attacked together. Or, the three parties confront each other.

"Isn't that bad for those three people?"

"Of course, people who are left alone can also pass the game directly." It depends on how the two people choose to choose. Generally, they will choose to let the single person pass the customs directly, regardless of whether it is threatened or not.

But this doesn't mean that he can go upstairs, because it's not over yet.

Is it better than... or not! Looking at the picture of the water mirror reacting, looking at the calm appearance of a few people, Yun flashed his eyes and looked at Yunsheng. No one could understand the deep meaning.

After saying that, someone was swayed, and some people even chose the crystal ball road on the spot, leaving the other side on standby. You could have imagined the chaotic scene, but on the contrary, it was quiet and orderly. The person left by each group stood on the bluestone platform with the other person the same name the next second after the opponent reorganized.

Actually, Oriental is very strange. How did they know the names of these people who came to the competition? It seems that only customs clearance can ask.

After inspecting the situation in the crystal and make sure that no one retreats. A wisp of smoke suddenly flashed in the crystal ball next to the bluestone platform. Looking closely, it was the timer of the game - a fragrance.

"Oh?" Staring at the people who were still in the opposite group for a second, they would be in the same group as themselves. Dongfang Amber suddenly felt that this was very interesting, and her eyes were completely nervous. She shouted at the crystal ball by the bluestone platform, "How do you send people around?"


After a so-called ridicule, only an emotionless word fell into everyone's ears: "Wait until you are equally qualified to ask this sentence." Then a laughing voice followed: "Xiang, one-fifth has been burned."

With the end, the whole boundary is filled with a sense of killing. The two people in each group of the Qingshitai team looked at each other without blinking and were ready to go...

If you don't know which group will do it first, it's like a signal bomb, and the whole world is tearing up in an orderly manner. Usually, some self-respecting romantic warlocks have completely disappeared here, and even Dongfang is no exception.

Staring at the man with a cloth towel to protect his forehead with bare hands, simple clothing, smooth lower disk, wild eyes and domineering giant axe. No matter how she died miserably, she tightened her little fist, and Dongfang suddenly found that he completely looked down on himself - his ability to find death.

licked the lips of the interference and secretly calculated the weight and strength of the huge axe. Although she wants to say that the bulky axe will slow down the speed, who will tell her whether the man who fought against him is the originator of the fitness industry!?