The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 224 Ear Hole

I only heard the downturned head suddenly rise up, his mouth and inhale cold air, ready to cover his hot and painful ears slowly. Dongfang's eyes were sharp. At that moment, he slapped his hand rudely, looked at the person with tears in his eyes and grievances, and said half-threateningly, "Try to move and try it. Be careful not to rot your ears."

Seeing the nerd shrinking, he pulled a smile on his face with satisfaction. Seeing that I had just applied the medicine given by Mu and didn't see blood, I was even more satisfied. Take the warm wine prepared under the table, dip it in a little cotton ball to disinfect him, and blow it for him by the way, so as to relieve some tingling and burning discomfort.

"Mu Yin."

Looking at the girl who naturally stretched out her hand to him, Mu Yin silently accepted his fate. He gave her an 'elimination' medicine bottle and said lightly, "One a day, three days."

Dongfang nodded and had no doubts about his words. He half ordered Dongfang Yin, who was still white-faced, " Open your mouth."

Seeing that he obediently swallowed the pills and looked at him puzzledly, Dongfang said, "In this dynasty, there were no specific measures to pierce the ears." Therefore, she can only use the most primitive and direct way, just a little painful.

"..." Dongfang Yin's tears just about to take back flowed out, and he cried aggrievedly, "Isn't the ear hole only made by women?"

Bend, I'm your brother, a man...

Dongfang also felt a little guilty when he pushed away the crying sad person. After all, he had a whim and then did it himself. Who taught him to look so 'shou shou'? If you don't do anything, I'm really sorry for the tearful face in front of me.

Mu Yin looked at the two people's small quarrel and just smiled. Carefully stared at the trembling glitter on Dongfang Yin's ears, closing the light in his eyes. Slowly, he found himself really attracted by the scene in front of him. Not only because of the young master's change of an ear nail, but also because of the girl's 'unqis' during this period.

Dongfang Yin choked and saw that Dongfang ignored him. He wiped a handful of tears and wanted Mu Yin to take it down for him. It didn't look good, but he was stunned when he looked at himself. He blinked his wet eyelashes, shook his palms, and called softly: "Mu Yin."

"Hmm?!" Mu came back to his mind and saw a teenager in his teens blinking and calling him with clear tears. Suddenly, he had an unrestrained cough: "Young master, what's wrong?"

Dongfang Yin glanced at Dongfang, who supported his head and opened his face, pointed to the shine on his ears, and said: Can you help me take it down?

Mu smiled and shook his head: "That's good." This is the truth.

Dongfang turned his head and looked at Dongfang Yin, who was depressed and Mu Yin with a smile on his face.

" girl, since the things have been delivered to you, I'll go first."

"Wait!" Dongfang took out a wrench and handed it to him from the brocade box introduced to her by Mu. He pouted to the room of Long's legacy: "It's for Long's legacy."

"Why don't you give it to him by yourself?" Mu Yin played with the same shiny ring in his hand, the lifelike dragon head - the dragon's eyes were bright, and the dragon's beard was awe-inspiring.

It's like the real body of a dragon!

Mu Yin smiled in his eyes and thought of it.

"That man, if you can find someone else now, I guess he still has his own dereliction of duty." Dongfanglu understood himself that he fell into the danger of the swamp earlier.

"Okay." Mu was clear and said, "Yes, everyone else in the house is alive. There is still life."

"Hmm." Dongfang nodded. She knew that Mu Yin would not stand by and watch what should not happen now: "Can you accept my proposal?"

"What?" Seeing a touch of cunning flashed in the girl's eyes, Mu Yin nodded helplessly: "You should worry about yourself, whether he has a trait that can't be surpassed by a master."

"Are you giving birth to a challenge book?" Dongfang raised his eyebrows.

Interesting! His deacon butler gave birth to a war book for his own servant!

"It can also inspire you very well." Mu Yin said so. Looking at Dongfang Yin, who was obviously relieved beside him, he added, "Obviously, one of the masters also includes you, the young master."


What is he doing wrong?

Laughing at the stunned idiot, Dongfang turned his head and responded cheerfully: "Is this also a deal?"

Mu Yin took a deep look at the light little master. The unique hazy moonlight in the mountains was cold, and the white lantern hanging obliquely overhead covered the top. Looking at the east hidden in the shadow of the corners of his eyes and lips, Mu Yin just smiled and nodded: "What good idea do you think of?"

Seeing her shaking her head invisibly, Mu Yin said, "Oh?" After a moment, I also want to listen to it. No matter how the little girl in front of him changes, he just needs to know that she is the master's daughter.

Others, it doesn't matter.

"I win, you have to tell me what you've been 'busy' lately?" In a determined tone, Mu Yin was a little hesitant at this moment: "What if you lose?"

"I don't know." Dongfang admitted honestly, because she really couldn't think of any ideas worthy of Mu's agreement with her, except for this inexplicable identity. Then he raised his eyebrows and said, "Listen to your tone, which seems to be more certain than me?"

Or, looking down on her?

Smelling the transparent tone of the East, Mu Yin did not say anything, but said, "Woman, I'm talking about 'you'."

Listening to Mu Yin's two repeated words, Dongfangtou and Dongfang Yin, who was shot, were stunned. After a long silence, he heard Dongfang raise his hand weakly and said, "Can I......"

"No!" Alas!" Dongfang Yin covered his head and hummed again. Looking at the ruthless Dongduo's decisive rejection, the whole person was like an eggplant beaten by frost... and protested silently aggrievedly: there are no human rights at all...

"So, shouldn't I let you fail the girl?"

"Hmm, do you care about the opportunity you gave?"

Dongfang was obviously caught by the little braid, and his face flashed shyness and hummed arrogantly at the beginning. Mu Yin didn't break it either.

"A month later..."

Looking at this oriental penetration, Mu Yinwei sighed faintly. Dongfang heard it but just ignored it. Why did he ask what others didn't want to say?

She has never been a spoiled and arrogant person!


However, this does not mean that others do not ask.

This is not before Dongfang Yin opened his mouth. A figure appeared silently on the only vacant seat at the table and asked with great interest. He didn't care about a person whose face suddenly turned black and a person whose face suddenly turned white. He just looked at Mu Yin, who was scorching tea with his moonlight eyes.

Damn it!

"I suddenly broke in and didn't know how to say hello first in the middle of the night?" Dongfang's face roared angrily and ignored her oriental amber.

"Oh. Toa girl, A Yin. At this time, he didn't notice that Dongfang Yin was still pale. He turned his head and continued to look at Mu Yin and urged, "Mu Yin, what's going on in a month?"