The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 241 The end is still premeditated

After listening to it, Taoyi didn't answer, and Dongfang Yin gave it time. It was not until the Taoyi showed his real human figure, which was difficult to distinguish in the dark and heard its affirmative answer.

"Since then, there has been no palace, only the Holy See!" He handed a roll of drawings in his hand and looked solemn. The slightly immature face has an unconcealed wildness and cruelty.

The Holy See, similar to the magic religion of martial arts people, is very different, and it is similar to the current Miyagi. I believe that in the future, the Jianghu court and even those people of the holy places of Xianmen will pay attention to this other threat to the new rise of Anping's prosperous era, looking up at the magnificence that is enough to swallow the mountains and rivers.

Taoyi stared at the unfolding drawings, and a majestic and cold palace stood on it. The exquisite design of each place, every corridor is carefully calculated and designed, not to mention the ingenious mind. The trap of each step has to be thought of a hundred steps in advance, which makes people unable to prevent it, and its degree of privacy, that is, it also needs to study this drawing thoroughly before it dares to open it carefully.

Taotie looked up from the drawing: "What is the Holy See's solution?"

"The meaning of the existence of the Holy See is that as long as you believe in a little, loneliness is the master and heaven! Lonely dead and lonely subjects only need to believe in loneliness!"

The childish face is full of domineering, and there is no mockery. What he saw was only the hegemony rekindled in his heart in the future, which was different from Bai Ran's regret. He would believe and firmly believe in and even implement this belief!

"But the body of our generation..." Without finishing his words, he felt strange and caught the porcelain bottle thrown by Dongfang Yin with his backhand: "Is this?"

"For condensing and shaping. What I need is you in your heyday!"

The glutton did not say thank you, but with other intentions. He raised the porcelain bottle in his hand and said, "No matter what you mean, there will never be any reluctance to do what we promised!"

Dong Yin nodded and was convinced: "The Holy See is not in a hurry to build it now. The dead man who needs alone has a soul and a mind. After you cultivate them, let them build them by themselves. After completion, they can stay with people who can enter and leave freely in and out of the Holy See.

The gluttony got what he meant and didn't procrastinate at all.

"That surface sergeant?"

"They just need to stay on the surface, perform their respective duties and enter..."

"In our eyes, there is nothing after trespassing!" Gourney is resolute.

Dongfang raised his eyebrows and nodded with a faint smile.

Gho, who originally had a good impression on Dongfangyin, had no reaction after knowing all the reasons, as if he had known it for a long time.

It's just the son of this white dye...

"Then why is your surname Dongfang?" Glugo suddenly opened his mouth.

"... When the orphan was not born, his biological father Bai Ran died. After that, the mother who was pregnant for three months married Dongfangxi as a concubine." Listening to Dongfang Yin's similar plain tone of explaining the story, the gluttony is still a little uncomfortable, not just because it is a meat-eating beast.

The belly... These three words suddenly appeared in his mind, and Dongfang smiled bitterly.


"Remmediae, you have been shaping first. I don't want to wake up one day when a dark beast appears in front of me." Dongfangyin seemed to be disgusted with such things, and there was an undisguised disgust between his eyebrows.

"..." It still feels that Dongfang Yin looked more pleasing before, at least at that time he didn't think it was a 'beast'.


When Dongfangyin woke up again, it was three days after the last level of Yunshang upstairs.

Looking at the person sitting by the bed, Dongfang Yin had a satisfied smile on his pale face. He raised his hand and tried to touch her, but found that his hand was holding her.

Wake up, Dongfang opened his eyes and woke up instantly. He saw that the person who had been lying for a few days woke up and handed him a glass of water to Run Sang.

"Cough." Gently recited his back for him, and Dongfang Yin was able to see her clearly.

stroked the oriental face and swept her back and forth. He began to worry again: "Bend, you haven't had much rest?"

"It's okay. It'll be fine if you get some sleep later. Are you hungry?" Rest your back pillow for him and ask.

Looking at the people who didn't talk about him as usual, Dongfangyin was really not used to it, but his heart was full of joy. He gently shook her hand and shook his head: "It's okay, wait a minute. It worries the bend."

Looking at the nerd as usual, Dongfang Tho really doesn't know what's wrong with him. Every time he fainted, there was no warning, so that people had no clue and no way to start taking medicine.

"Numb... Next time, don't fall asleep without saying a word?" He bowed his head and was afraid of the emotions at this time.

The answer to Dongfang is to clenched again. Looking at the person who lowered his head and didn't let him worry, Dongfang Yin couldn't say anything and didn't know how to promise her. After a brief silence, I heard him smile: "Bend, I'm hungry."

Without waiting for her to say anything, the door outside opened, and the warm sun at noon shone into the room with a shadow. Red clothes and black boots slowly walked in, and then a smile appeared with a smile holding a food plate with one hand hanging on the curtains on both sides: "Yo~."

The two people by the bed looked at the immortal smile and posture and were stunned. I don't know if picking stars originally wanted to surprise them and see how his big man served the two of them personally. I didn't want to surprise them, but...

"I don't know that uncle is more beautiful today." The stunned voice came from Dongfang's sincere praise.

"..." Dongfang's face suddenly flashed unnaturally, and he looked at his face anxiously. Shoulders trembled slightly.

"..." The hand that picked the star and lifted the curtain suddenly turned over. The original amorous hand grasped the curtain, and the murderous intention soared at the same time. The tray of the other hand also rose strangely in mid-air, and there was no wind all over the body.

In the quilt, his hand suddenly tightened, and Dongfang Yin, who was not sure, suddenly suffered pain. He received Dongfang's eyes before he could shout. Looking at the star picking, he carefully swallowed the discomfort in his throat. He shrank and saw the empty food plate and had an idea: "What... I'm hungry." After saying that, Zheng focused his head as if to persuade him, and he almost licked his lips and drooled.

For a long time, until the empty tray returned to the hands of picking stars, the two people by the bed secretly exhaled. He helped Dongfangyin to sit at the table and took the plate in his hand. Looking at the person who had not yet calmed down, Dongfang did not let him sit down and rest.

"It smells so good!" Dongfangyin sips rice porridge, and his face is full of happiness.

"I'm starving to death." The devoured Oriental took the miraculous time to take this sentence.

The blue veins on the forehead of the two were hung aside. They turned their heads and looked at the two people who turned their backs on him, and smiled strangely, "Don't you plan to ask me to sit down?"


It's so cold. The two people who ate well only felt a gust of wind behind them. They turned to him with a smile and got up: "I don't know if the food made by adults is really delicious. I forget myself for a while. Please sit down."

He glanced at Dongfang, who was playing with treasure, and the meteor walked without any vulgarity and sat on their faces. Looking forward to it, elegance still appeared.

No wonder, the two of them sighed again.