The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 281 Being played and kissed in a dream

Dongfang's eyes stared at him with clear color. Dongfang's annoyed mood was depressed for a moment, and his face turned red and hummed: "What... are you talking about is a nightmare..." It's hard to understand! Dongfang roared in his heart.

"Oh?" But she looked a little trance in the morning and didn't look like a nightmare. The best solution to nightmares is to say it, do you know?

"Really?" She hasn't heard of it. I don't know if it's a world saying.

Dongfang Yin admitted that he lied maliciously in order to know the bent idea. I felt that my hands were wet, but there was a trace of undiscovered expectation in my heart, looking forward to her sharing the 'nightmare' with him.

"I think. Spring."

"What?" Originally, because of a 'good lie', the righteous people in her heart fought against Dongfangyin, and I didn't hear her muttering for a moment.

"I said... I dreamed of being kissed last night." After saying that, he was afraid that Dongfangyin didn't understand what it was to play with kisses, and pouted and motioned.


Looking at the funny pink lips close at hand, Dongfang Yin only felt a muffled thunder in his mind. He hurriedly straightened up and opened his sideways. Later, I realized that my face had already steamed, and my mind was full of curved words, which lingered. I wanted to ask her who she dreamed of with... but the current panic made him unable to find the north.

"What's wrong with you?" Dongfang looked at his face when he cooked shrimp and looked at him with ridiculing.

"I, I... Oh, I just remembered that the quilt in the room has not been folded yet." When he came to his senses, he was shocked that his hands had nowhere to put, so he had to rub the corners of his clothes and escape in a panic. Finally, he bumped into the shelf next to drying clothes, but saw that he just covered his head and fled in confusion.

"Dumb, son! How can a person who usually love cleanliness not remember not folding the quilt until now, and I don't know the excuse to find a better one. After seeing Dongfangyin's figure disappearing around the corner, Dongfang said to himself and suddenly laughed first.

But when I thought about it, it seemed that I was really not a nerd. I was really a little disappointed when I thought about it. I had to gnaw alone with my mouth and entangled with the disturbing dream of ancient books.

At night, Leng Xiuyan sat alone in the room facing the open door, playing with a copper plate in his hand, and the swaying candlelight reflected a little dreamy in his wandering eyes.

"Since you promised to trade yourself, why do you still look like you're crying?"

The wind moves, and the voice comes first. The candlelight on the table shook rapidly, and after a struggle tended to extinguish the edge, it was bright. The night wind brushed the cold and smoke of the ink hair clothes, making the whole person a little illusory.

The man picked up the warm tea dried at the table and wiped it off, and smiled: "Good tea!" In the end, I felt a little embarrassed that no one agreed with me. I looked at the cold smoke on one side, but saw that he was just looking at him and laughing silently, and the candlelight at night. How scary it was.

The glutton's heart thumped, and he only felt that the warm tea suddenly burst into his stomach, which made him shrink. He pointed to the teacup and said carefully: "Is it possible... are you still poisoned?"

Leng Xiuyan smiled faintly, as if he didn't care about the rude words and deeds of the gluttony, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "If I want to poison you, I will never make you suspicious." After saying that, he picked up the tea at his table and drank it.

Gluice touched his nose and hummed: "We are not afraid that you will poison, but we are afraid that you will be full of unknown miscellaneous poisons."

Leng Xiuyan played with the teacup and laughed: "Your Excellency said that you are a glutton. As far as I know, glutton is one of the five mythical beasts in ancient times." Taoyi raised his eyebrows and nodded, motioned him to continue. It seemed that it was not bad to be praised by mortals. Leng Xiuyan did not disappoint him, and then said, "I just heard you say that you dare to swallow poison in your stomach and still dislike noble and lowly. Now it seems that it is difficult not to believe it."

Who knew that as soon as Leng Xiuyan's words fell, the gluttony became a little fluttering and patted his chest arrogantly: "What's so difficult? I think that we followed our master to dive into the dead water of the West Sea to find food in vain. What hasn't you eaten?"

"Have you been to the realm of illusion?" Although Leng Xiuyan was a little speechless and gluttonous, he was interested in what he said. Unexpectedly, the latter just glanced at him and was very dissatisfied that Leng Xiuyan looked down on him.

"Our generation can still open the door for us now!" After saying that, a shock floated in from outside the door, and the two followed the sound and looked over. Bai Fei's lips were just hanging with a smile and a gluttony that was a little embarrassed.

"I don't know that Yugui has this ability, but I have learned a lot." Moving into the room, Leng Xiuyan saluted and silently showed her answer.

"Yes, I'm a businessman who likes to be straightforward."

In this regard, Tao Li just dismantled his platform: "Who said that businessmen are synonymous with profit-oriented a few days ago?" After saying that, the teacup in Bai Feiyin's hand broke up, and with the smile he squeezed out of his teeth, he only made people feel piercing cold.

Leng Xiuyan sighed softly: "Mr. Bai is telling the truth." He still can't imagine that the ancient fierce beast that the world is afraid of loves his master so much, but it is particularly harmonious. Looking at the harmless handsome appearance of gluttony people and animals, it is difficult to remind people that he is the greedy who never knows how to be full.

Greak covered his lips and smiled sullenly: "Puff...Bai, prince?" Bai Feiyin gave him a timely glance, stopped the gluttonous smile, and signaled him to stop at the right time.

Leng Xiuyan was puzzled and looked at Bai Feiyin, who was more than ten years old. Should he also call this teenager 'master'?

Bai Feiyin got up indifferently and walked to the door to throw something to him. When Leng Xiuyan took over the others in a blink of an eye, he had disappeared at the door. Feeling the coolness in the palm of his hand, Leng Xiuyan held it in his hand and looked at it.

A larger copper plate? Oh, it is a copper plate made of silver, engraved with the words 'Prosperous Holy See'. Compared with the vague words on the copper plate, he can see it clearly this time.

Leng Xiuyan smiled and said in his arms: "It seems that your owner also has the mind to do business." In this regard, the gluttony does not say anything. When he took a golden copper plate thrown to him by his master today, he was really curious about where the owner got so many things. He was very curious!

"So, now I am qualified to know what you are doing?"

"What are you and us? Don't forget that you just had a short time." As for the division of Leng Xiuyan, Taoxi is very unhappy and speaks without mercy. Again, he just saw him put the silver coins in his arms, and he didn't agree to repudiate the debt!

Seeing this, Leng Xiuyan couldn't keep her constant smile. Her face twitched faintly and sighed again and lamented her future fate, but she had to take the silver money in front of the glutton and make a vote: "I'm a businessman. You said that we are mercenary. And I have also sold myself cheaply since the moment Mr. Bai entered the door.