The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 287 Memories of Sin in the Shaking Pavilion

Bai Feiyin was a little interested in this kind of lyrical scene. He played with the cup lid and looked at his shaking light: "I'm not here to listen to the story." Especially I don't want to listen to nonsense.

He shook his light and his face was slightly red. He coughed and said, "You can also listen to it as a story." Finally, he couldn't resist Bai Feiyin's smiling eyes, so he shook the light and said with a smile, "Don't you believe me? Maybe you will believe me after hearing it?"

Bai Feiyin raised his eyebrows and just reached out for help, silently signaling that he could start.

"A decade ago, like the twins in your life, have you ever heard of it?" Aware of the exploration in the shaking words, Bai Feiyin just smiled and nodded: "Not long ago."

The reason for the twins in the life seems to be that Guanyin, who is in charge of Zixi in the Heavens Hall, sat down with two children, which led to the overlap of the twins. The overlapping spirits were not known to the world because they were not loaded into the Zixiong. Only when the orbit alternates day and night at midnight can we find a trace of the trajectory of a twin star. Because it has never been heard, it has been rare in a hundred years.

Only except for Bai Ran and Bai Feiyin in the past ten years.

Speaking of this, he shook his head and sighed, "How lucky I am."

"Isn't this a sign of disaster?" Bai Feiyin's self-deprecating words attracted a side eye. Finally, he said the truth: "That's just imagined out of the world's jealousy and unknown fear of twins." Of course, it also includes himself.

"Jealous?!" Bai Feiyin wanted to laugh, but he didn't know what to laugh for a moment.

"Unknown things are not only unilaterally terrible, but also those who can't help but want to discover and thirst." Enough to offset the fear in the bottom of people's hearts: "I can't stop."

"That is to say, the owner must be very popular in this world?" The glutton's eyes are bright.

For the appearance that the gluttony seemed to sell the owner in his mouth, he couldn't laugh or cry: "If they can't grab it, they will destroy it!"

It's like white dyeing!?

As if he had heard some joke, Bai Feiyin stood up and said, "Destroy it?" Turning to the shaking light, he changed the topic: "You haven't said your purpose yet?"

"Can't what I just said prove my purpose?"

Bai Fei raised his eyebrows and said nothing: "Indeed, unknown and rare things are like a treasure for people like you." His eyebrows suddenly turned cold, and the airflow around him floated: "But I don't like someone to use this ast to define me!"

Shaking the light without fear, his gray hair flew in the wind and said to himself: "A decade ago, the old man was arrogant and arrogantly harmed the white prince who was also a twin, but now he just wants to redeem his sin..."

Bai Feiyin's body stiffened, and the airflow disappeared. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Mr. Bai?"

Shaking light suddenly closed his eyes, as if he did not want to recall the scene at that time. His face was pale and sad, and he shook his lips and whispered, "The former Eastern Dynasty's son-in-law, the owner of Fengran Palace - Bai Ran!"

The ability of the Jianghu court is not to violate the river, and there has been no marriage for thousands of years. From the shaking words, you can imagine the difficulties of the two at that time!

Bai Feiyin's eyes are wide open, and it is a known fact. Hearing others, it was another shock. The sourness of his heart made him almost unable to maintain his calmness. It was deceptive to say that it didn't hurt, but it was not clear whether this feeling came from him or Dongfangyin.

However, the two identities that seem to have no intersection are unique, which has to make people think, which leads to the stubbornness of the light behind, which eventually indirectly harms them.

The glutton looked angrily, with blue veins protruding on his forehead and clenching his teeth. Shaking the light told him that it was just a moment when he turned over the powerlessness at that time and experienced it again. On that day, everything was unkind! He can't wait to swallow the world he hates into his stomach!

However, Bai Ran said no. He said that there are phoenixes in this world, and there is a wish she wants to protect...

The figure was stiff, and the gluttonous suddenly restrained all his expression, and he was so dull that he didn't know where to put his hand. Who is talking... Why did he never remember it before, and the voice was obviously told to him by Bai Ran... Why did he forget it at that time?

Is it because Bai Ran's frequent words alone made him ignore... or was Bai Ran's mind unintentionally heard by him?

However, shaking the light seems to be a broken decision. Regardless of the expressions of the other two, it seems that he is going to tell all the past that has tortured him for more than ten years. For fear that the crime would drown him if he was late: "At the beginning, I didn't associate two different identities, just because the courtiers of the former Eastern Dynasty didn't know where to hear the truth of the matter and made it public. Above the court, it is a difficult place for a personal heart. If you say it first, others will believe it first. Shake the light and stared at the thoughtful Bai Feiyin and sighed: "The meritorious master has always been there. A female streamer bravely broke into the capital of another country to seize the leader of the forbidden army and intimidated the lord of other countries... Accompanied by twin stars on his side, how can those judges who belong only above ten thousand people let them be covered by the light of the world? Which is not enough to let the world People are afraid?"

Thinking about the sad words of shaking the light, Bai Feiyin seemed to think of something and took a step forward: "That is to say, your appearance is just a chess piece for those people." The fixed tone makes it impossible for people to speak.

Shake the light and smile bitterly, default.

"You know who was involved in that year!" A light or heavy sentence, shaking the face is relieved.

That's what he's waiting for!

Shake your head and shake your head: "I don't know."

"Good." With this, Bai Feiyin smiled angrily and knew that he was worried that the sky would never be born. He did not force him: "You just need to look aside, and I will let them experience the pleasure of those years again." His side face smiled softly: "However, the controller is - alone!"

And they are just the existence of his Bai Feiyin's plan, allowing him to erase and knead at will.

"Although I can't say anything, I can make a point or two when I need it." He is a sinner, so let him fall into the abyss of sin again.

Some things, inadvertently, many versions will emerge, which are ridiculous to hear.

Bai Feiyin raised his eyebrows and obviously didn't have the energy to join the bargaining chips. He only smiled and said, "With the passage of time, bad things are still the same."

Waving his sleeves, the red robe flew over, and disappeared in the shaking courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Looking for the disappearing figure of the uncalm owner, Taoyi shook his head and sighed, put his hands on the brocade belt, stared at the shaking light of his intention, and opened his lips: "Remember to clarify the rumor. If the reputation of the little girl is destroyed by you upstairs, you must be very angry in the future, and the consequences must be very serious!" Finally, he raised his momentum and snorted, turned his head and disappeared.

It was inexplicable, but he also knew that they didn't mention it, and he would also clarify this matter. After all, it is about the reputation of Yun Shang upstairs and Tianxuan's disciples, and it can't be sloppy.

In the shaking pavilion without the sound of conversation, it was lonely and terrible, and even the candlelight of the past was a little swayed with the wind. With a sigh of relief, he shook the light and closed his door and turned around, waiting to go to the side hall. A flash of glitter on the main seat attracted his attention.

His eyes turned slightly, and he stepped forward to twist a copper coin next to the teacup he had just drunk, and looked closer to the candlestick. Except for the different words on the copper coin, there was no other way at all.