The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

318 palms a bet

With a flashing look, Bai Feiyin was a little absent-minded: "Really, I'm looking forward to you singing to me next time."

"You can also sing now." It happened that she was interested in teasing people.

When Bai Fei was stunned, Long Yu quit. He shouted, "Let's wait until you have a life. Although the time here is different from the outside world, the young master still suggests that you flirt with him, and you still have to be busy with business first."

After saying that, he trembled and ignored Bai Feiyin's cold temperature. Long Yu raised his hand to his eyebrows and merged the jasper bracelet on the oriental wrist into a wisp of blue and gorgeous light, which was derived into a long black sickle - Longling black sickle.

It's just that this time the end of the sickle handle is not the curved blade of the cicada wings, but a slender and delicate chain of the same color. At the end of the chain is a small blue sword with a cold blue cold light.

A wrist flower, the whirping wind blade tore up the still sound of the wind. Therefore, the sickle blade cannot be described as sharp as its strength.

Dongfang was stunned. I don't know when she could be as familiar with this long sickle that she had seen for the second time? And this time, compared with the last time, if she still doesn't understand directly this time, she will live in vain.

Bai Feiyin also looked at the girl who was not as shocked as others. He smiled faintly: "It seems that you have guessed most of these days, girl?"

She is not awkward. According to her own time travel and the rules of this soul beast martial soul continent, she is just a little luckier or unlucky than others? The fuss lost its image, so I simply nodded: "Well, I knew a little from the beginning, and I knew it all the way."

And her plain narrative tone surprised Bai Feiyin. According to reason, how can a calm person be so calm in the face of the treasures of the world and the rush of people from all walks of life?

"Are you not afraid?"

This is the will of the dragon who transformed into a growing sickle. I only heard his voice flickering with the blue light of the long sickle. Since he has the guarantee of Bai Feiyin, he doesn't mind gambling on the safety of the little master!

Unexpectedly, Dongfang seemed to hear some joke and sneered: "If I put it in the past, I will definitely be afraid, but you should know that I am no longer the former me!"

Calm tone, arrogant tone. Another dragon was stunned.

Bai Feiyin lowered his head and smiled and approached: "No matter who you are, as long as you know that there is loneliness in the whole world to accompany you, you can do whatever you want."

For Bai Feiyin's more arrogant guarantee than her, Dongfang smiled. She likes arrogant people, because they have this capital!

With a smile, Dongfang approached Bai Feiyin and looked at the firm eyes that had no intention of avoiding her. Dongfang knew that at this moment, she abandoned time and space, abandoned her previous fear, and also put aside her vow to stand in front of Dongfang.

All she knows is that now she can have the capital to walk side by side with him. He casually threw the long black sickle on the grass ten feet away, ignoring the protest of the dragon legacy.

He raised his jaw in Bai Fei's stunned look and whispered, "I don't care who you are, as long as you know that I am with you all over the world, just ignore the rest."

Bai Feiyin is slightly stunned and has a long vision. She narrowed her eyes and immediately reached out to hold her, who was also stunned, into her arms, and the buzzing smile of her eardrums lingered around her chest: "The girl is very arrogant... But I like it!"

He looked up from his arms and pulled his lips: "Wrong! This is called capital!"

Bai Feiyin pinched her nose and nodded fondly along her and said, "If you ignore your own strength, it can indeed be called capital."

"..." Dongfang is silent. At this moment, all the newly established feelings disappeared with the wind.

In the distance, the long black sickle buzzed. Dongfang turned around and threw a sharp eye, and she knew that it was Long Yu's smile. So he said viciously, "Laugh again! Believe it or not, I will take you to Mu Yin to melt the sickle that was beaten into a lawn?

Bai Fei raised his eyebrows. Why does he feel that the girl is sometimes very old and calm, and why is sometimes so naive?

The sickle flashed twice and calmed down. Long Yu's inner slander: He is definitely not afraid of the girl taking him to melt him, because he is a mythical beast in the form of a cold weapon, and no one in the world can melt him. He is afraid that Mu will lead the man with such a knife on the weapon body, which is not worth the loss... Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities to laugh at the stinky girl, and now she is still aware of the times.

The cloud goes upstairs, halfway up the lonely peak. In the middle of the test, the static form has become ready to move because of the sudden situation of Dongfang.

"Oh, it seems that Maitreya is going to miss a good play." I didn't know how to pick the stars and saw that things were unexpected and smiled confusedly. He raised his breath and flew to the test site halfway and changed his mind and flew up on the back of a crane.

The wide robe is full of wind and wildness with the ups and downs of the crane spreading its wings.

The crane leads the neck to sing, and then slowly lowers the high neck - this is the innate awe and fear of the strong! The crane knew that the person standing on his back was the first person known by the cranes. In addition, the man in red had been smiling gently and was unpredictable, which made the crane promise to him.

"He has a long-sighted eye. It's too early for you to worry." Immorality then points one foot on the back of another crane, with a blue shirt flowing, low-key but very suitable for the faint fraternity in the eyes of immorality, not flaunting but not contemptuous.

Underneath, a group of disciples looked at the decreasing quota in the jokes of several masters. The disciples who were originally lucky and relaxed suddenly showed their impatient nature and did not pay attention to anything.

They were originally just an excuse to hide their false state of practice. Who would be serious enough to waste time learning what they have already learned? Seeing that several people in Tianxuan's courtyard were all like old gods, they felt more and more uncertain. What's more, there was still the state of Dongfang Tide, an unidentified disciple, which made them afraid to take action at will.

Looking at the east facing him, there was no smile in his long narrow eyebrows. Looking at the immorality from the side, he saw through his leaked emotions, restrained his eyebrows and silently whispered the Buddha's name, which shocked him back to his thoughts of picking stars.

However, he heard that picking stars seemed to be memories and slowly telling things that he had never said. For those who did not know that there was a brother who did not seem to have something to do with Dongfang, he was immoral and had nothing to steal a saying, so he had to steal a saying: "It's not a book."

I don't know how to pick stars and smile bitterly, but it's still can't hide my face: "Yes, what a coincidence..." He muttered far away. Only he knows that a sentence of "what a coincidence" is a confused miss for his brother and his obsession that he didn't understand before. Maybe he may understand so a little now...

Dongfang, who is still in the sea of his consciousness, doesn't know. Since then, there has been only one sentence "The world can really be so small" to sigh for her encounter.