The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 379 Calculated by subordinates

"How is he?" I don't know how Dongfang Tiao put the portrait on the small table, and he is obviously not interested in these topics.

"I don't know." Wei Si set aside the words, and Dongfang said, "He is very nice, but I don't know if he is still alive? And he seems to have experienced something that he can't bear to recall, always with some sadness in his smile? As the feeling of confusion became clearer and clearer, Dongfang was also a little ethereal when he talked about it. Suddenly, a thriller supported the table and approached the unknown star picking for a moment and said in horror, "The strangest thing is that he actually knows me!"

I don't know how to pick the star, pushed his enlarged face away, straightened things out with his chin, and finally came to the conclusion: "That is to say, confusion now exists in a space in the future you mentioned, and you..." Dongfang Tuo nodded repeatedly with the clever behavior of picking stars, and didn't open it until he looked at himself again. He stared at him and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"And you are the person from the afterlife. Although I can't see where you came from at some levels, I will believe you once." Facing Dongfang, who was on the verge of breaking the bottom line, he didn't know the portrait in his hand and smiled: "But thank you for bringing me this as a gift. I like it very much."

Good guy, it's not easy for her to have a seizure. I don't know what kind of guy is going to do with picking stars?

"I will always ask you what you are deliberately avoiding, so you'd better think about what to say before!" Dongfang is not going to eat his like this. She doesn't believe that she came here just to play because of confusion.

I don't know that my eyes flashed and pretended not to know, and I didn't face the problem of Oriental penetration.

In his mind, he lifted the curtain and turned his face and asked her, "So, where are we going now?"

"Xiaoyao Xianshan." Dongfang looked at him. Didn't he write to him before he came? Is this a knowing question?

"What?!" Suddenly, Dongfang Yin didn't wake up and said, "Tou, I didn't bring anything, and I didn't promise you anything. No, no! " turn around and turn around!" The subsequent urging is obviously to say to the turbid wind of driving the car.

"Don't worry, I have promised Zhuo Feng to give him the clothing style of the new season, and he will drive for me." In particular, the last sentence 'for me' made me don't know how to pick stars and didn't react for a long time.

"When did you 'conspire'?" Listening to the gritting teeth in the car, Zhuo Feng shrugged his shoulders very responsatively and said with a smile, "Lord, it's been discussed with the Oriental girl and the shadow."

"You two eat inside and outside!!!" Seeing the imageless appearance of picking stars, Dongfang Toru suddenly felt sleepy and didn't bother to care about him.


In the dark account room under the Star Picking Building, the broken shadow was reconciling with the Mr. Account Room, and a sneeze for no reason resounded throughout the room.

Mr. Accounting was puzzled, and the broken shadow shook his head: "It's okay. I guess the matter of plotting the master with Zhuofeng has been exposed."

Mr. Accountable is surprised! Why is it so scary that the shadow can be so calm!?

"Don't worry, everything is within the scope of the Lord's knowledge, and nothing will happen." The broken shadow smiled softly, and I'm afraid it's inevitable to hurt the muscles and bones.

During that period, the turbid wind will work harder and take his share together!

Fengqi City, Oriental Mansion.

"Is the master back?" When the eldest lady Yan Umbrella at the door of the house saw Dongfang Xigui leaving the frame of Yueyu, a faint smile rippled on her elegant face. Just as she was about to come forward to greet her, she was pulled back half a step by the force that had been pulling in her hand. She looked sideways at the teenager who was holding her tightly and looked angrily: "Xiaoyao, what are you doing? I just agreed with my mother to wait for my father. What's wrong with me now?

"Brother Tuo went to the imperial city for several years and we couldn't even see each other. Brother Xiu also went to take the scientific examination. So did the two sisters. When they came back from the cloud upstairs, they went to Xiaoyao Xianshan to worship their teachers." The boy who is called the key looks only eleven or twelve years old. Fortunately, he is a very strong man, so the inkstone umbrella can't compare with his strength. Then he heard him frowning and complaining with thick eyebrows: "Amber and Brother Xi have also left. Why am I the only one left!"

Xiaoya, a strong young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes is exactly the same as when he was a child five years ago, but he lacks the ignorance and innocence in his eyes and has more emotions.

After listening to the youngest son's words, the eldest lady Yanshan nodded and coaxed: "You're right, but they are all adults, and they are 12 years old. They can help their mother share a lot of things, and their father often praises that they should be responsible. Did...the mother hear it wrong? The half-push question of the inkstone made Dongfang have a temper for a while, and he was a little hesitant.

"But... Brother Amber went out to travel by himself as early as my age..." From this point of view, he still hoped that his father could take him to the imperial city this time.

"We agreed that you will welcome your father here with your mother, and your mother will promise to hire you a martial arts master." Seeing that the frame arrived at the door, the inkstone umbrella took out today's chips to stabilize the mind of the East.

Dongfang wants to raise his face, frown and mutter, "Is Uncle Heluo really not good?" He really likes Uncle Heluo. Although he wears a black cloak all day long, he just likes it!

"Master, is it smooth to go to the imperial city?" The inkstone umbrella signaled that the east would return to the east to the west, and he took the cloak he handed over with a smile and held it in his arms.

The respectful side room behind the inkstone umbrella followed by a shout of "Master" and there was no follow-up, just quietly sat down on the side room. His son also learned something at the beginning of this year and went to the imperial courtyard to wait for the second half of the year's scientific examination. She just needs to wait for her son to pick her up.

Dongfang Xigui nodded faintly, and Ma Laoton obviously didn't want to say more, "I'll go back to my room and lie down for a while. I have something to announce after dinner."

Looking at Dongfang Xigui's eyes for a second, the inkstone's smiling face was a little unbearable. After seeing the face that Dongfang was about to sink, he patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: " Something may have happened in the imperial city."

Dongfang wanted to brush off the hand of the inkstone umbrella on her shoulder and ran back to his yard with a cold hum.

At the beginning of the side room, which had never spoken, he was very knowledgeable and saluted the two and said softly, "Madam, little prince, my concubine's old problem of coughing the day before yesterday has happened again. I went back to my room first."

The inkstone umbrella nodded, signaling her to pay attention to her body.

went back to the room and was stuffed in the quilt. Dongfang wanted to think about the scene just now. He was a little resentful about his mother. He had already said that he would not pick up his father, and he would treat him as air when he went there. He was all looking for himself to be unhappy!

In the evening, the umbrella bedroom.

An oil lamp was quietly lit on the table, and the couple sat opposite each other. Dongfang Xigui has been sitting in the room quietly since dinner, and the inkstone umbrella just quietly poured water for him without asking anything.

"We will go to the imperial city at the end of the month." Looking at the quiet wife, Dongfang Xigui opened his mouth for a long time, which was a little heavy.

"Do you need to inform the clan and the side branch, who can be arranged to guard at home?" The inkstone umbrella nodded.

"Tomorrow send a letter to Hui, and the family will send a few confidants to guard it."


One night, in just a few words, people can't tell whether it is husband and wife or boss subordinates talking about business.