Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 52: Join the battle circle

"Don't come over, don't come over..." The woman resisted the fear in her heart and retreated step by step with the little boy in her arms.

However, the middle-aged man did not stop walking, but walked step by step.

"Do you want to kill even our two unarmed people?" The woman gradually shed tears. All she saw in the other party's eyes was the emotionless emptiness. She could guess her own result.

However, the woman did not give up. There was a trace of determination in her eyes, and then she took the child down.

"Child, run quickly later. Be sure to find an uncle you know and let him protect him, okay?" The woman, somehow, put down the boy at this time.

Although the boy was a little reluctant, he still nodded obediently.

Then the little boy ran away quickly.

"Do you think he can run away? Hahaha, I love to see your feeling of life-and-death separation. There's nothing we can do. War is like this. Since our Bai clan started the war, there is no need to keep hands on you, just to let us have future troubles." The middle-aged man said word by word.

There was a trace of joke in his eyes.

Because the woman rushed towards him.

"Arm as a car!" After the middle-aged man sneered, a dagger showed scarlet blood and pulled it out of the woman's stomach.

Then he chased him very fast. His goal was to kill the escaped little boy. Their order was to kill all the children and remove all threats. Whether it is a woman or anyone, kill it.

But as soon as he ran two steps quickly, he suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the middle-aged man widened his eyes and looked forward with a frightened face, because there was a young man standing in front of him. The young man was 17 or 18 years old, holding a boy in his arms. Of course, he was not afraid of the man's age, but the strength of the man in front of him.

Because this man is a famous genius in White City! Hong Lin.

He awakened twice in 18 years, which is a world of difference for a person like him who has not awakened.

"Forgive my life! "Forgive my life!" The middle-aged man showed despair on his face and shouted for his life.

But the next moment, his eyes darkened and he had no consciousness at all.

"Like you said, war is cruel. You are not as good as two unarmed people. At least they haven't shouted for mercy, but you are a real scum. Hong Lin said coldly.

"Uncle, save my mother, save my mother." Just as Hong Lin was talking to himself, the little boy in his arms cried and said.

Hong Lin touched the little boy's head and whispered, "Don't worry, your mother is not dead."

As soon as Hong Lin finished speaking, she heard a cough. It was the woman. At this moment, she woke up and looked at herself in surprise. She only felt a knife stabbed her body. Then she felt that she was bleeding, and then fainted, but she did not feel any pain from beginning to end.

She is just a woman, unarmed. It's normal to react at this moment. When she wakes up, she sees Honglin and her own children.

"Xiao Lin, it turned out to be you. Thank you for saving my child." When the woman saw that her child was safe, her eyes were red and she thanked with tears.

Of course, she knows Honglin. After all, Honglin belongs to the kind of unknown person in the whole Hong family.

"Madam, you take the child to a yard in the north first. Uncle Hong Chengjie is there. I have something important to do now. I have to leave first." After a few orders, Hong Lin quickly left here.

And the woman also took the child and quickly found Hong Chengjie in the north yard.

These are naturally because of Honglin's divine consciousness. The reason why the woman did not die was entirely because of Honglin's manipulation of the divine power. Although the middle-aged man pierced the woman's body, the divine power protected the woman's body, at most only shed blood.

Then Honglin opened his consciousness, found the awakened strong nearby who could protect them, and left a way out.

After all, what he wants to do now is not to help the unarmed people of the Hong clan, but to kill the strong men attacked by Baicheng as soon as possible. Only after killing the strongest, the Hong clan is a real victory.

At that time, the war will naturally stop.

"I have rarely fought with the awakened strong." Hong Lin flew in the air and muttered. His eyes were full of murderous intentions, but more of a fighting spirit that could not be seen all over his body. This fighting spirit of war was surging.


The whole Hong clan was extremely turbulent, and every place was filled with traces of fighting. On the eaves, on the trees in the yard, there was a ground with blood flowing like a stream, and the lying corpses. The Hong clan was crazy.

They killed desperately, but even so, they also felt the gap between them and the Bai clan. As the strongest family in Baicheng, the average strength of the Bai clan was much stronger than that of the Hong clan. If it hadn't been for the shock of the elders and patriarchs, I'm afraid that the Hong clan would have been destroyed long ago.

However, they did not give up, but killed their opponents desperately. It's not that there is no chance now.

If the Bai clan feels that they have to pay a great price to swallow their Hong clan, then their Bai clan will definitely give up these.

However, all these hopes lie in their elders. If their elders are defeated, then all their hopes will be gone. If the elders do not lose, but win, then the Hong clan will also win.

Although they all know in their hearts that their elder was injured and was seriously injured when fighting against the mysterious strong man outside.

At this moment, their elders are fiercely fighting against the elders of the Bai clan in the sky.

"Hong Fan, you'd better know each other. Don't you see the fate of the Hong clan under your feet? If you let them resist desperately, they will all die sooner or later. If you give up, I don't mind letting them die."

In the sky, a white-haired old man covered with blood and a short and fat old man with black hair. The white-haired old man is the elder of the Hong family, and the black-haired and fat old man is the elder of the Bai family.

The speaker is the dark-haired, short and fat old man. In terms of injury, this dark-haired, short and fat old man is much lighter.

"White mule, our Hong clan is different from your Bai clan. No one in our Hong clan will bow to the enemy." Elder Hongfan said calmly that although he was injured, his calm did not seem to be pretending.

However, this elder not only openly fought against the dark-haired, short and fat old man, but also secretly released his consciousness.

"Honglin, please leave quickly with Zhan Qiang. I have been seriously injured. The whole Hong family can't escape. With the strength of your five-time awakening peak, it is not difficult to save Zhan Qiang. I will delay you!" The elder consciousness of the Taishang has been scanned to Honglin.

chuan sound to Hong Lin with divine knowledge.

Hong Lin did not reply, and these elders did not say anything, because in his eyes, Hong Lin was only awakened for the fifth time. Although he could accept that he had to pass the voice, it was very difficult to send the voice again.

"Honglin, what are you doing? Go and save Zhan Qiang. Don't worry about me. You can't control the matter here."

The elder's consciousness has been scanning this. He had to observe it. Instead of saving Hong Zhanqiang, Hong Lin came to his side, which made him angry.

The dark-haired and fat old man also found something strange, but after he just sneered, he didn't say anything. For him, Hong Lin's behavior was just a stone to death. Naturally, he could see Hong Lin's purpose, but he didn't think Hong Lin had the strength to compete with him.

But the next moment, the two of them widened their eyes in shock at the same time.

Because Honglin actually...

unexpectedly flew into the air, like the two of them, and at the same time emitted divine consciousness and a large amount of divine power.

"Wake up for the sixth time, how can it be!" The dark-haired and fat old man muttered to himself, and there was no hidden shock in his eyes.