Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 125: My Mind

"The way of my heart is to look at the heart, as the ancients once said. If people look through their hearts, they must experience all kinds of events, such as spring, autumn, winter and summer, and the cycle of sun and moon. If they can experience great sorrow and maintain a heart that is not overwhelmed by the secular world, they must return to the truth. But it's not easy to return to the truth. The dying old man sighed.

"Take off the external gorgeousness and restore a simple heart. If you were originally an emperor of the world, but you suddenly became a mortal, a beggar, can you still keep a calm heart? You have lost the ability to cover the sky with one hand, but you have to crawl and pray to people. At that time, who can keep your heart like waves? Even I will collapse and die.

"People are not afraid of habit, but after getting used to it, it makes you accept a kind of unacceptable habit. If you are a beggar at the beginning, then these are nothing, because it is low, but if you are high, it will be another situation if you fall into the low place. The dying old man said slowly.

Hong Lin also sighed after hearing this: "If it were me, I'm afraid I can't accept this cruel reality. The foreign magnificence will confuse people's hearts, just like a very familiar room, but if someone adds many walls to your room to make a maze. Or directly change the house and present it in front of your eyes. Who can see it clearly?

"What a metaphor!" The dying old man smiled at the corners of his mouth and was obviously very satisfied with Hong Lin's metaphor.

"For the ancients, I know a lot about the ancients. There are many ancients' further study of weapons, but I have never heard of it. It is said that when they reach that they have reached that level, they have seen the world thoroughly. The world can no longer bind him." The dying old man said.

Hong Lin wondered: "Is it that a heart is so powerful that even the awakening continent can't restrain him?"

"Don't underestimate this little heart. Cicadas can be dehulled, that is, they are transformed. Everything in the world can be transformed to a new level, which is just a difference in difficulty. And people can also change. However, many people have not found that in fact, people's biggest enemy is themselves. The ancients saw through this, but it was very difficult to see through the original heart. Finally, they opened up a way, which was just mentioned that the path of creating weapon awakening. The dying old man said.

Hong Lin also realized a little when he heard this.

Indeed, people's biggest enemy is not others. It's themselves...

If you are happy, you will be happy. If you are sad, you will be sad. If you are heartbroken to death, then no one can stop you. If you are born, then your vitality must be particularly strong.

Thinking of this, Hong Lin also remembered some dedicated characters, who could not kill those people even if they were rarely seen in a hundred years.

"Is the power of mentality so powerful?" Hong Lin rubbed his head.

He found that he had also taken a fork in the past. If Shura hadn't let him blindly increase the number of awakenings when he was a child, but accumulated his foundation, I'm afraid he would have been similar to Wanhao and Yan Daolian now. Thinking of this, he also knew Shura's good intentions in those years.

And according to Shura, he also has a lot of research on the heart, but the realm of the heart is very important, but his research is not as thorough as the person in front of him.

"The first layer of my heart is called no separation in the heart!" Hong Lin picked up a small book in his hand and opened it to look at it.

"The so-called absence of separation in the heart means that there is no isolation between weapons and people. According to common sense, weapons and people are oneness, but although they are oneness, thoughts cannot be one. There is no separation in the heart, which is the first realm. You are only one real demon away from this heart. If you can get through the real demon, you will reach this realm of no distance in your heart. The dying old man said.

"Is it possible that as long as everyone has passed through the demon, there is no separation in their hearts?" Hong Lin asked puzzledly.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" The dying old man said three 'error' words in a row. Then he said, "There is no gap in the heart, that is to say, there is no gap between the weapon in the heart. This real demon is a fixed gap. In your case, the foundation is very strong, and then after passing through the real demon, you successfully enter the heart without separation. And the gap between ordinary people and us is how to deal with the estrangement.

"Because their hearts are far from weapons, there is only one way to defeat the real demons, that is, to kill directly. Unlike the method I just said, they kill, and we get through it. For example, you are a close friend, and there is a gap between you two. We treat this gap directly to let the two confess, even if it is passed, moderated and resolved. With those who are originally separated from weapons, those people can't get through the real demons like us, so they will choose to kill the real demons and erase the estrangement directly, as if to erase the memory that your friend had estranged from you. The gap between the two is very obvious. The dying old man said.

Hong Lin nodded and said, "If that's the case, there is really a gap between them."

"This man is right. When the real demon realm, people now choose to kill the real demon. This is the only way to cross the real demon. Unexpectedly, killing the real demon is actually a wrong choice. The old man said that if he wants to cross the real demon, he can enter the two-way return of our mind." Shura also said.

"It will take a long time for them to kill the heart demon. In fact, for people like us who are very close to weapons, there is no big gap between the tenth awakening and the first awakening of death. If you enter the realm of transformation, then you will face the emergence of real demons. At that time, you Just choose to get through it." The dying old man said.

"Others are different. After entering the realm of metamorphosis, they need to slowly find the gully with weapons, and then attract the appearance of the real demon, so that they are careful to kill, so that a careless person can die, so many people think it is difficult to enter the real demon. In fact, is it really difficult to get through the real devil? If you open the foundation when you are a child, do you still need to worry about the future?" The old man said mockingly.

When Honglin heard this, he was also glad that he had laid the foundation when he was a child. Otherwise, if he really blindly improved the number of awakenings, then he would really worry about the true demon.

And now in the mouth of the other party, it may not be difficult for you to get through the real demon.

Once you pass through the real demon, you will successfully reach the first level of Taoism and my mind. There is no separation in your heart, which is the level that can enhance your strength twice. As for those who kill the real demons without crossing, they are not separated in their hearts.

In a word, it is quite complicated. It can be understood that if you want to achieve no separation in your heart, you must lay a good foundation from an early age, and you can't blindly improve your strength and lead to the incompatible heart and weapons...

Hong Lin is also fortunate to have practiced for so many years in the Monster Mountains. You know, he has only awakened four times and reached the peak five times. Although the physical realm has been highly improved, he did spend a lot of time unconsciously cultivating feelings in the middle.

If this is not the case, I'm afraid he will really worry about entering the real demon. Although this person didn't say much, he knows that it must be very difficult for a normal person to enter the real demon.

"This second layer, called Danpo Chaoqing, means that people's heart to treat weapons should be like a clear lake. The other party can clearly observe and recognize it, and the weapon is the same, and the heart is like a clear lake." The dying old man said.

"The three layers of this place are what I just told you. The two directions are one. Even if the straightforward heart and the heart of the weapon are almost one, in short, I have just reached this realm. I can't figure out this realm with words. It is very profound and mysterious. I think this realm should be almost the highest level of returning to the original in the future. It's the realm." The dying old man's eyes showed confusion.

However, the confusion was quickly suppressed by himself and returned to its plain appearance.

"Hong Lin, this book is the way I wrote one by one. I hope you can return to the two directions or return to the truth... There are too few people like you and me now." There was a trace of desire in the dying old man's words.

His fingers are on the small book in Honglin's hand.