Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 165: Chu Qiulan

The doll emperor and Zhou Yanran were both surprised and added a lot of joy.

Although the old wine is looking for materials to help advance the body, you should know that these materials are not cherished at all. As emperor-level figures, as long as you look for them a little, you can easily make them together.

So the requirements of old wine are not a problem at all.

In addition, the spare materials on the old wine have also been borrowed first, helping the doll and Zhou Yanran's physical realm to the realm of habitual acupuncture points.

Everyone figured out that although this old wine is a little half-baked, it is not stingy.

Soon, the day of the establishment of the Anti-Soul League will come...

On this day, there were many more people in Wuhuang City, and these people, all of whom came to congratulate the famous clans and clans in Yueyang, or some strong figures.


There was a jingle in the unparalleled city, and many clans who were talking stopped one after another.

"It's noon, and the Anti-Soul League has been completely established. Let's all go to the Wushuang Hall to celebrate!"

Many people were flying to the Unparalleled Hall in the air, and in the Unparalleled Hall, a dragon hovered in the air and saw thousands of people. They laughed and said, "Please enter the hall and completely start the banquet of the anti-soul alliance!"

The loud roar of Jiaolong completely spread throughout the unparalleled city.

Everyone entered the unparalleled hall with laughter.

Although there are thousands of people, it is not crowded at all in this ancient hall of the unparalleled city. At this moment, Zhou Yanran, the baby emperor, Huang Zhentian, the six kills, the dragon, the savages are like thunder, Jiang Xingtian and the old wine, sitting in the front seat of the hall one after another, but there is an empty space in the middle. Swing position.

Everyone knows that this position is the seat of the alliance leader.

As for Jiang Xingtian and Lao Jiu also appeared in the Unparalleled Hall, which is also completely arranged by Hong Lin. Jiang Xingtian has a great hatred with the Soul Master Alliance and has a close relationship with him. As long as the Soul Master Alliance is not stupid, it will definitely guess that the two will join the Anti-Soul League. In addition, there is another layer of deterrence, that is, let everyone see that the deterrence of his anti-soul alliance is enough to add two emperor-level figures in just a few days.

The leaders of the major clans sat down one after another, and they were also shocked to see Jiang Xingtian and Lao Jiu.

"Eight emperors! Didn't you say it was six?" The major clans probed their heads.

"It seems that there are six, and these six are all expected, but there are two more. I have to say that the deterrent power of the Anti-Soul League is really very strong. In just a few days, two emperor-level figures have joined the alliance. This young alliance leader is really a generation of wizards."

Many people drink pre-prepared tea while talking.

Although it looks like an extremely plain conversation, everyone's heart is shocked. You know, if two emperors are added in just a few days, if it goes at such a speed, the Anti-Soul League will definitely sweep the whole Senzhou and can't find an enemy in less than a year.

"Come to my anti-soul alliance, it really makes my anti-soul alliance shine."

At this moment, a long laugh came, and everyone looked at it. This person was Hong Lin.

Hong Lin strode and soon sat in the middle seat.

When everyone saw Hong Lin coming here, they had different ideas, but their expressions were almost the same, with a smile on their faces.

You should know that the other party is the leader of the anti-soul alliance. Although their strength is not at the top, the eight emperor-level figures next to them are not a decoration. If they provoke the displeagument of this anti-soul alliance, the anti-soul alliance may not kill chickens to warn the monkey, but they also provoke a powerful existence for no reason.

"Hong Lin Xiaoyou was able to wake up for the second time at a young age. Today, he established the Anti-Soul League. I am the first to congratulate the establishment of the Anti-Soul League!"

At this time, a man from the sect sent a congratulatory gift.

"Our Song family also came to send a congratulatory gift!"

"Our Fayangmen also came to Song to celebrate!"


One after another sent congratulatory gifts, and Hong Lin accepted them with a smile and expressed his gratitude.

However, the characters of these sects made many choices, all of which came here to send congratulatory gifts to the anti-soul alliance under the deterrence of the Soul Master Alliance, but many of these have been done...

If it were him, he would do the same. You should know that the strength of the Soul Master Alliance is strong, but they dare not do some angry things, and the strength of the Anti-Soul League is strong, but the power is distributed in the mainland, and naturally it cannot be concentrated somewhere. Even if these sects clearly send gifts to the Anti-Soul League, the Soul Master Alliance has not done it. Law.

This is the threat of distant hatred far less than that of close enemies. Anyway, the Soul Master League dares not do anything. It's better to please the anti-soul alliance first.

"The knife family in Yangzhou came to send a congratulatory gift nine years ago..."

At this moment, a sound of pulling his neck and shouting suddenly sounded, and there was another person in the unparalleled hall, who had been with a knife for nine years.

At this moment, the knife looked at Hong Lin on the hall for nine years, holding a gift bag in his hand and giving it to Hong Lin, but after giving it to him, he did not leave directly.

"Honglin, have you entered the awakening of death for the second time?" The knife has been in doubt for nine years.

Hong Lin nodded.

Seeing Honglin nodded, the face of the knife nine years old showed a look of loss, but he immediately said again, "I also entered the awakening of death for the second time, but it can't be your opponent, but the next time I see you again, it will be the third time of the awakening of death. Next time you have to be careful. My nine years of knife is still there, early One day, I will defeat you and return your kindness of not killing.

Although the nine-year-old sword was not high, the voice spread throughout the unparalleled hall.

"What, the knife failed without fighting for nine years?" This is what some leaders of the big clans think of.

Many of them have only heard of Hong Lin's reputation, but they have not seen it. They all think that those achievements are just fabricated by unintentional people, and most of them are false.

However, at this moment, a thunder sounded into their ears.

The knife family's peerless genius knife, which has not been held once in a hundred years, stepped into the awakening of death for the second time when he was under the age of 20. Unexpectedly, he faced Honglin, did not fight and directly admitted that he was inferior. Then how powerful Honglin would be. Unless there is a huge disparity in combat strength, how could he let a person admit defeat directly without fighting?

What's more, the shocking arrogance of geniuses is even more unlikely to be soft on a generation of young peers, unless you have seen its power...

When everyone thought of this, they all guessed one or two. Most of them fought with the knife for nine years at a certain stage, and as a result, they easily defeated the knife for nine years.

Hong Lin also had to admire the leaders of these clans, and their eyelashes were empty.

"I have something to do at home. Dao has not stayed here for nine years. The younger generation has met several predecessors for the family elders. Say goodbye!" The knife saluted with a fist for nine years.

For a short time, Honglin's storage bag was full of dozens of bags of gifts, which made Shura happy.

"Grandma, Honglin, do you know that you made a lot of money this time and didn't use the power to occupy a city. Even if the banquet is held, it is ready-made in an unparalleled city. You are fine. In this short time, you have earned thousands of top-quality stones, and you are about to top a family." Although Shura scolded, his joy could not be concealed at all.

Hong Lin smiled slightly. You know, it is naturally impossible to underestimate the gifts sent by families with heads and faces. One may not be anything, but if there are two, ten or more than a hundred, it will be a large number.

What's more, who dares to be perfunctory about the gifts sent out by the Eight Emperors of the Anti-Soul League.

You should know that any of these eight emperors represents the strength of the top ten in Senzhou.

What are the top ten in Senzhou? The reason why it is called the top ten represents that the whole Senzhou has this combat power, which is only ten. If there are more, it will be in the back row. However, the combat power of the top ten in Senzhou has eight at one time in this anti-soul alliance.


Which clan has one, but the Anti-Soul League has eight.

"The Chu family in Nanzhou, Saint Chu Qiulan came to send a congratulatory gift!"

At this moment, a sound pulling the duck's neck suddenly appeared.

When Honglin heard this, his pupils suddenly contracted.

The next moment, two people appeared in the hall. They were a man and a woman, and the woman's junior high school years, but the years could not hide Liu Fang's years at all. This woman was not enchanting, but she exuded a charming atmosphere and made everyone worship her, but more of them were still that layer, simple and holy temperament.

Hong Lin's attention was all on this woman, completely ignoring the man next to him, gritting his teeth and saying, "Chu Qiulan..."