Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 216: Strong murder

Nanzhou, Jinyuanjing, Chu County.

In this vast sky, hundreds of figures flew by. Hundreds of figures, one by one, were extremely fast. Flying in the world, they were fleeting, just like the wind, blowing slightly, but no one could find their existence.

These people are all members of the Anti-Soul League.

The front is Honglin.

"Chu..." Honglin's speed soared to the limit. For him, if he did not save Hong Xiaofeng, his heart would be in pain every breath, and his murderous intention and hatred would become stronger and stronger to reach the top.

Although the speed has soared to the limit, he can't stop the spread of Honglin's killing. At this moment, the seeds of killing are slowly changing, exuding around, and his whole body exuding an invisible smell of blood red. Although it is not very loose, it has been growing. No one doubts that I'm afraid it will condense soon. It becomes a killing mood.

Many strong people in the Anti-Soul League who have understood the killing mood saw this, their eyes lit up.

They have understood the killing mood, and it can naturally be seen that Hong Lin has gradually formed a trend of killing mood!

And the killing blood red around Honglin became stronger and stronger, so that in the end, the whole body was infected by the killing blood red. The body was filled with blood red breath, which was clearly visible. Looking at Hong Lin's eyes, a trace of red gradually appeared. This red...

"Bad!" Many people who understood the artistic conception of killing shouted bad.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Zhentian understood the artistic conception of killing. Naturally, he knew what was going on. First of all, he said, "Don't let Honglin go on like this. Honglin's intention to kill has been soaring. This killing is what I have seen in my life. However, this is not a benefit but a disadvantage. Honglin's willpower has allowed this killing, and that That is to say, when the killing is getting stronger and stronger, Honglin may control himself, and Honglin will also become a body dominated by killing!"

"If he can bear it, then his killing mood will be achieved in an instant, but if he can't bear it, this killing mood will directly invade his mind and soul, so that all Honglin's personalities will fade, and finally, killing dominate his body..." Another person who understood the killing mood sighed.


"Is that stopped or let go?" Chen Dongfang frowned, the wind was like thunder, and Jiang Xingtian and others were also very anxious.

They did not expect that Honglin would encounter such a change on the way to the Chu people. On the surface, Honglin was just covered with blood and red fog, but in fact, the killing was gradually dominating his body.

"Is it blocking or letting go!"

Huang Zhentian frowned slightly, but sighed the next moment: "If he succeeds in staying awake under this powerful killing, then his killing mood will definitely succeed, but if he does not succeed, then as previously said, he will become a body dominated by killing. Compared with the two Come on, I'd better choose the former..."

"I also choose the former. It is difficult to stop such a strong killing, not to mention that Hong Lin is affectionate and righteous, and his obsession must be very heavy, and he must be prevented from going on like this! Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Hearing that everyone who understood the artistic conception of killing said so, for a moment, everyone also chose to stop Hong Lin from going on like this.

The killing mood is important, but if Hong Lin really becomes a body dominated by killing, it will be of no benefit to him or his anti-soul alliance, and it must be stopped.

"Stop it!"

When everyone looked at Wu Yongchang, Wu Yongchang also sighed and nodded. In addition to Hong Lin, he was the strongest, and everyone naturally took him as the highest choice.

However, Wu Yongchang suddenly waved his hand, and his face showed surprise.

Everyone also waved their hands and stopped. Looking at Honglin at this moment, he was supposed to run, but at this moment, he stopped in the air and closed his eyes and didn't know what he was doing.

"Let's wait..."

"As long as we have not been dominated by the killing mood, we will still have time to stop it. At this moment, Hong Lin must try to wake up again and try to integrate the killing mood to see if he can succeed. If he succeed, Hong Lin will become stronger. In that case, the strength of our Anti-Soul League will be improved a little." There is no eternal way.

When everyone heard this, they nodded and looked at Hong Lin at this moment. Although their faces were anxious, there was nothing they could do.

You can only bet.

"Honglin, you want to succeed. You are the leader of the alliance. Only you can set up the best plan for the anti-soul alliance to survive under this soul master alliance. Only you can set up a plan to kill the soul master of the soul master alliance. Without you, although this anti-soul alliance is very strong, it is under the huge thing as the soul master alliance. , it's still not enough!"

"I hope to succeed..."

The group thought silently. Unconsciously, Hong Lin had become the real leader and was promoted to the highest position in everyone's minds.

In terms of strength, it can kill the fourth strongest man in Senzhou and even threaten the great man. In terms of wisdom and planning, it is the first in the Anti-Soul League, and Hong Lin is affectionate and righteous. Everyone can see that if Hong Lin encounters some changes, their Anti-Soul League will definitely suffer great changes.

Everyone thinks so...

And Honglin is struggling strongly at this moment.

How could he not notice that his heart had gradually tilted towards the killing, and the killing had become very strong and strong. He fell into it, and even the sound of Shura was useless, and even its unauthorized stimulation of divine power was useless. There was no way to wake him up.

If Shura hadn't finally thought of a way to leave his body and wake him up with this excitement, I'm afraid he is still immersed in killing and doesn't know himself.

"Killing, killing!"

"I want to kill. I hate the people of the Chu people. I want to kill the people of the Chu people. They have arrested my uncle. If I don't want to kill anymore, am I still a human? Am I still a human? I have killed. It's normal. It's normal. Hong Lin gradually thought that that will was like a rope, hanging, swaying from time to time, leaning towards this side and there for a while.

But Honglin, if you think about it, you don't know how to get rid of this killing.

When he doesn't want to kill, he will think of the sentence just now.

If he has been immersed in killing, but will be dominated by killing. In the end, everything in his brain is killing and becomes a walking corpse manipulated by killing, which is not what he wants.

Whether left or right, he can only struggle and can't choose the most correct choice.

"Whether it's killing or giving up killing, I can't have a clear conscience!" Hong Lin has a splitting headache, which is the biggest problem he has ever encountered.

Killing or not can't interpret his heart.

"What should I do... What should I do!" Hong Lin became more and more anxious, but unconsciously, the killing was also getting stronger and stronger, hitting his mind again and again, breaking through his mind's defense line and completely dominating his soul.

"Calm down!" Shura reminded.

Although it is just a simple sentence, it is like a basin of cold water splashing on Honglin's head.

In an instant, Hong Lin woke up.

From the establishment of the anti-soul alliance to now, his biggest reliance is neither mental power nor anti-soul work. His biggest reliance is calmness. Only by calmness can all difficulties be solved.

Calm down!

As long as you calm down, observe the overall situation and observe everything, you can find the weaknesses of anything and find loopholes in any situation. No matter where you are, what you are, this matter cannot be solved, and this strong killing mood cannot be solved!

"It's impossible to be without weaknesses!" Hong Lin calmed down.

Although the intention of killing gradually became stronger, he did not panic. Although he may be immediately taken the initiative by the killing mood when he is not careful, he will calm down in the face of any situation. At this moment, it is difficult to make him lose his mind after seeing these clearly.

If it hadn't been for the beginning of killing and getting him into it, I'm afraid he would still be able to keep calm.

At this moment, he is slowly observing all this, recalling the beginning of the present, the beginning of the killing, and now, looking for a way to crack it.

"My killing begins with knowing the death of my loved ones..."

"I know that my uncle was caught by the Chu people and became stronger! But I suppressed it!"

"When I saw Lianyi and Bai Feng, the suppressed killing appeared again! Until now..."

"In fact, everything is not looking for if the killing is erased, nor how I can I have a clear conscience. Killing is a kind of emotional expression. However, when I encounter a strong mood, the killing will become stronger, strong or stronger, but all the mood swings are in me. ......”

"No matter how strong you kill, you are also my physical killing. I let you exist, you exist, I let you disappear, you disappear, you are my emotional expression..."

"It's my emotional expression. Seeing this point, my heart seems to have realized another layer. This layer, with Shura's heart, seems to have climbed over another mountain. Has my state of mind advanced again?"