Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 299: Southeast Valley

"There are three forces distributed in these three continents, so how big is our original Yuzhou and how is the power distributed? Is it a clan alliance that covers the sky? Also, how did our original Yuzhou divide? Wait and tell me more about it!" Hong Lin asked again.

Fei Yuncai naturally understood and said, "Our original Yuzhou has a lot of forces. The clan alliance is just an alliance, which is an alliance of major families, but the major families are large and small, powerful and weak. Usually, there is nothing. Only during the war will they really gather together. At ordinary times, there are still many encounters. It crashed."

"This is our original Yuzhou, but these collisions are generally not harmful. After all, there are a large number of saints, and it is not so easy for saints to kill saints, so no one can stop anything. Unless there are a large number of battles, they will be stopped by the senior officials of the clan."

"This major family, the most powerful family, is the beacon family. This beacon family is the oldest family on the first floor of the Sky Platform. Its ancestors entered the first floor of the Sky Platform countless tens of thousands of years ago. Now they have already flown to many floors, but there is no doubt about the strength of the first floor of the Sky Platform. His family occupies Using countless resources from the sky platform, an average of thousands of years, this family alone has given birth to 17 or 18 saints, which can be imagined..." Fei Yuncai said articulately.

Hong Lin was also surprised: "Seventeen or eight saints can be born in a thousand years. This family alone is more than the number of saints born in the awakened continent for thousands of years. This indigenous people is terrible."

"Ha, this also has a lot to do with the resources of the Sky Platform. There are many mysterious places in the Sky Platform. Many things are of great use for saints and have endless use for the bottom. Many indigenous people have been promoted to the realm of the Great Honorable in a short time, and then stuck in front of the saint level..." Fei Yuncai smiled and understood Shidao.

"Oh, go on." Honglin looks very interested.

"Hum, this is the beacon family. No one knows the number of saints of the beacon family, but the beacon family is the largest manipulator in this clan alliance. No one can doubt its strength. According to legend, the beacon family is on the second floor of the sky, and the third floor also has a distribution of power!" Fei Yuncai said.

"This is the Beacon family, the No. 1 family of the clan alliance. This No. 2 family is a force called the Tianyun family. Although this force is not comparable to the Beacon family, there is no doubt that it is powerful, and a large number of saints can be born every thousand years..."

"There are only a few powerful families, and the most are countless saint families. This so-called saint family is a family composed of the descendants of saints. This kind of family is also very strong. There is a saint at least, 17 or 18 saints, and dozens of saints are uncertain!"

"For example, the largest clan in the former Yuzhou, Tiancang County, where we are now is a force called the Haoyue family. There are only three saints in this force, but they are also at the level of local hegemony, and no one dares to provoke!"

When Honglin heard this, he also had a general understanding of the sky platform.

Fei Yuncai and Hong Lin walked all the way and helped Honglin solve their problems. In just one day, Honglin learned about the sky platform. He is now in the original Yuzhou and Tiancang County. Of course, although this is called county soil, this county soil is countless times larger than the county soil of the awakening mainland, far from awakening. The territory of the mainland can be compared.

And Honglin is now deep in the south of Tiancang County, which is different from the awakening continent. The territory is under the county soil...

Although the southern border is under the realm of heaven, the area is still very large and large. According to Fei Yuncai, they have gone for so long, it is just a drop of the sea in the south, which gives Hong Lin a layer of understanding of the 'big' of the sky platform.

And Honglin also has some understanding of the surrounding forces in a short period of time.

Characters at the level of 'Lord' of Fengshuiling are not within the range of the clan alliance. They are just some people who occupy the mountain and can't go to the elegant platform, so no one cares about anything, and their strength is not very strong. Only when they reach the level of saints will they be won by the clan alliance.


Hong Lin's pace was not fast, mainly asking about the sky platform, but it was because of his unhappiness that the lord of the fengshuiling actually caught up with him.

This made Honglin laugh repeatedly, but did not take action. He looked very plainly at the Fengshuiling lord in front of him. The Fengshuiling lord was a middle-aged man, and his strength was only a great respectable man. Next to him was the centipede standing. At this moment, he was flattering the Fengshuiling lord. Obviously, he did not see Honglin's strength.

"Lord, it's this boy who has ruined a small good thing. He is very strong, but he will never be better than adults. He is just a local steamed bun and dares to be wild on our Fengshuiling territory. He is really impatient to live. Adults must show him a little color!" The centipede king flattered and looked at Hong Lin fiercely.

Hong Lin just looked at all this faintly.

However, Fei Yuncai looked afraid and scared, but there was a trace of cunning in her eyes. Obviously, this fear and fear were pretending. Hong Lin could naturally see Fei Yuncai's thoughts, but she didn't care.

"Of course I know. You don't have to worry about it. I'll make the decision for you!" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and looked at Hong Lin. He said so, but he had a lot of thoughts in his heart and did not dare to take action at will. He looked at Hong Lin and Fei Yuncai.

"That boy is very young, but he can't become a saint at the age of 27 or 18. Even if he is a genius in the sky, 278 is just a great honorable person, and those geniuses can't appear in such a remote place. This boy is at most a venerable person!"

"Look at Fei Yuncai, I must get this beauty. Looking at her scared appearance, she is obviously afraid. She knows that the young man can't deal with me and defeat me, so she is afraid. My guess is not wrong!!" The lord of Fengshuiling thought in his heart.

He thought of this and snorted coldly, "That boy, report it. If your name makes Grandpa listen to you well, then Grandpa may spare your life. If you know him, hand over the woman next to you quickly and don't let Grandpa grab it!"

When the lord of Fengshuiling said so, he naturally had a layer of fear in his heart. He was afraid that Honglin was a son of a big family. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but he was afraid of what he had just said just now, which threatened Honglin, but in fact he still wanted to force Honglin to say his name.

But how could Honglin not recognize these little tricks and snorted coldly, "If you want to fight, fight, so much nonsense!"

"You!" The lord of Fengshuiling was furious: "Good boy, since you want to die, then the lord will complete you!"

The lord of Fengshuiling took action, and as soon as he took action, he drew a divine storm. The storm swept away and the power was infinite. When the centipede king saw this, he retreated repeatedly for fear of hurting himself. It can be seen that the power of this storm, but in front of Honglin, it was not much different from playing games with children.

Hong Lin did not move, but looked at the lord of Fengshuiling. The power of the rules spread and directly locked the other party.

He didn't move like a mountain and only read one word: "Death!"

The word fell, and the lord of Fengshuiling and the body of the centipede king suddenly fell from the air like an arrow from the string. There was no resistance. The gap in strength was there. A saint level, a saint who understood the rules of life and death, the strongest rules, the great venerable, not to mention a , a thousand, Honglin will kill him.

"Dead!" Fei Yuncai was shocked.

It's not that she hasn't seen the battle of saints, but she really hasn't seen anything like Honglin. She didn't move. She just said a dead word from beginning to end. These two people died directly, clean and neatly, and there was no action from beginning to end, which he had never seen before.

"Rules of Life and Death!" Fei Yuncai suddenly thought of a word.

But after thinking of this word, she didn't believe it. She didn't believe that Hong Lin was a saint of the rule of life and death. It's not that she didn't believe it, but the rule of life and death. It's too difficult to understand. Few people can understand these rules. The whole sky platform is so big that nowadays, there is no one to understand the rule of life and death. Then the people.

Because the rules of life and death are the strongest rules and the strongest rules, no one understands the first floor of the whole sky platform, which can be seen.

has only appeared in history.

Thinking of this, even if Fei Yuncai doesn't believe it, she looks at Honglin with new eyes...

"Who is fighting in front of you? Don't you know that this is the territory of the Southeast Valley!"