Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 387: Third State

"Well, fallacy, Honglin, I think highly of you. If you only depend on these fallacies, then Honglin, I think too highly of you. If a strong man wants to reach the peak, he can't look at those foreign theories, destroy everything, destroy everything, which is the real truth, and can reach the highest level!" Chaos Cave snorts coldly.

"In that case... let's fight!" Hong Lin didn't say much.

Between them, the verbal attack can't help each other. Their hearts are as solid as a rock, and there is no loophole between each other. Even if they catch each other's handle and language flaws, they can't help each other. Even if they talk about each other's hearts, their hearts will not reveal anything.

Both of them are of their own hearts!

The chaotic cave has lived for countless years. When the chaos first opened, it has been born. With the loss of years, its heart has been stabilized to the extreme. Everything cannot be broken, only for the inner yearning! Although Hong Lin admires it, it is impossible for the two to reconcile at all. It is because of the yearning of Chaos Cave, whose yearning is too extreme!

He had to destroy the chaotic hole!

And he is looking for a clear conscience, and the hearts of both are unbreakable!

"Flowers bloom and fade, flowers bloom together!" Hong Lin took a deep breath and smelled the fragrance between the endless flowers. Suddenly, the endless flowers suddenly withered, but at the same time, a whining appeared from the withered flowers, and thousands of flowers were singing, which could be called a unique artistic sound. In an instant, it was a masterpiece of life and death.

No, it should not be called life and death, but the beginning and the end, the process between which is the process of flowers blooming and dying. However, the flowers controlled by Hong Lin revived again and opened again. For a moment, the chaos became bright, devouring the endless and suppressed it.

Originally, the wind was strong, chaotic and turbulent, but under the blossom and withering of the flowers, everything became so natural and peaceful, and everything became so peaceful...

The world of flowers still covers the universe, and becomes more and more. It really becomes a world of flowers. On the ground, in the sky, around, and in the air, it is decorated with flowers. From time to time, there are bursts of palpitations, but those are all struggles in the chaotic end of the world. The chaotic end of the world is powerful, but in this flower blooms and fades. Under the control of withering, it is still weakened and vulnerable.

The attack of the chaotic end of the world is controlled by the power of flowers, and its power has been greatly reduced to the extreme!

"Flowers bloom and fade!" Honglin walked in this blooming world. Every time he thought about it, the flower will go through the process of flower blooming and fading. After he walked for countless miles, the process of flowering and fading has gone through countless rounds, and the attack of the chaotic end of the world is also in the flower blooming and fading, and faded to zero.

This is the first move that Hong Lin has learned in his life.

There is only one move he understands, but it is undoubtedly the first move in the world. If it is hard to compare, no one dares to guarantee that its trick is stronger than this flower blooming and fades. Even if it is the attack of the chaotic end of the world, it will bloom and fade and sink to zero.

"I have realized this move in my life. Flowers bloom and fade, chaotic holes. If you don't take corresponding countermeasures, you will lose today..." Hong Lin muttered to himself.

But he knows that the chaotic cave is in the blooming world and can definitely hear his words. He can observe the chaotic cave, and the chaotic cave can also find him, but neither of them took action, just waiting. Hong Lin used flowers to fade to kill each other's strength, so Therefore, the chaotic cave has been weakened.

He waited, waiting for this chaotic hole, is there any stronger trick!

If not, he will win today!


From afar, there came a frightening voice. This sound is heinous and creepy. Because this sound is different from the sound of the second state of the chaotic cave, it has changed, changed... Some have no feelings, like an ice cave, you can't find all feelings, only indifferent to everything...

"Hong Lin, you are very strong. The first state can't get rid of you. The second state is also not your opponent. You are the first person to force me out of the third state in a row. I thought that I would not be forced into the third state in my life, but you did it. You are very strong and qualified for me to take action... The sound of Chaos Cave came from afar.

Cold, cold, emotionless, indifferent to everything.

This is the only thing that Hong Lin can analyze from his voice. The rest can't be found. The only thing he knows is all the indifferent voices. He knows that every time the chaotic hole changes a state, personality and body shape will change a lot!

When the sound of chanting fell in the chaotic cave, his body suddenly appeared in front of Honglin. This figure was not as huge as the first state and the second state. His body was the same as that of ordinary people, and it looked exactly the same as a person and exactly the appearance of the second state.

However, the temperament has changed completely, and its body is as small as a normal person. The most remarkable thing is that the two big black horns on the top of its head are not horns, nor sheep horns, nor dragon horns. Their horns are strange and unrecognizable and don't look like anything.

The horn is black, emitting an evil atmosphere, the horn is curved, and the top of the horn is facing down...

"Chaotic hole, is this your third state..." Hong Lin looked at this chaotic hole the same size as himself. From the third state, he felt the threat and felt a powerful crisis.

But he didn't run. How could he run in the face of the chaotic hole? He was ready to die with the other party, even if he died... Even if he felt a premonition of danger, how could he escape? Life or death? He had already let go and had already watched it...

"Hong Lin, this flower blooms and fades, which is a good move, one point stronger than the life and death Luo Tian, putting three thousand rules among countless flowers, and life and death is the key, hidden in a flower. This flower is exactly the same as the rest of the flowers, without any flaws, but you think you hide it. "Zun?"

At this time, the chaotic hole read out, and as he spoke, a flower appeared in the palm of his hand.

When Honglin saw this flower, his eyes suddenly appeared, because that flower is the flower that he hides the rules of life and death. His principle of flower blooming and fades is to hide endless rules in endless flowers, and life and death is the key to blooming and fade for this flower and the key to operate for this flower. He will The rule of life and death is hidden in one flower, one of the same rules as the rest of the flowers.

The flowers bloom and fade, everything works without missing any flaws. No one can find this flaw. Even after he puts the flower out, he can't find the flower at all, because there is no flaw, and he can't leave any mark in the flower, otherwise the mark Remembering is a flaw!

So, he can't find this flower blooming and fades. This flower blooms and fades, which can be called perfect. Unless he recovers the power of perfection by himself!

"Do you think... I can't find it? Nothing is flawless. As I said, I am chaotic. I am the strongest in the world. The first state may be very weak, and the second state may be average, but no one can defeat me in the third state..." Chaos hole speaks like a cold cave, while talking, Release powerful chaos rules.

And after this chaotic rule was released, Honglin's eyes widened.

This chaotic rule is pure and very consistent with the chaotic cave. There is no flaw. There are a total of 2,999 rules, which are different from the first state. The chaotic cave in the first state, the chaotic rules are flawed and impure, and because the devouring does not match your body, it does not match, so the chaotic hole There is no way to exert the power of 299 chaotic rules!

But at this moment, this third state of chaotic rule completely makes up for all this and can play the power of 299 chaotic rules. This power will be an unquestionable power!!

"Presumably you have felt the strength of my master... Honglin, do you still want to fight again!" The sound of chaotic holes is indifferent to everything.

While he spoke, he crushed the life-and-death flowers in his hand. After the flowers were broken, Honglin's flower bloomed and the world suddenly broke, turned into the original chaos and changed back to the original signs. On the contrary, the flowers bloomed and faded the world. After the chaotic hole entered the third state, it was completely defeated and broken!

And at the moment when the flowers bloomed and faded, a rapid light rushed to make people unable to see clearly. Even Hong Lin did not find these. In an instant, he was hit in the abdomen and suddenly penetrated through Honglin's abdomen.

At this moment, Honglin suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood!

Looking at the chaotic hole, he raised his right hand and stood up one of his fingers. Looking back, his hand just moved slightly, and the light hit Hong Lin before he even blinked an eye!