Holy Church

Chapter 23 Broken Blade

Hu Jing and Zhang Xiaopang looked at it very seriously, while Wang Meng had a feeling of crying and laughing, giving the basic lesson to the demigod.

There are nine branches of the church, among which the younger generation, the most outstanding of the three generations of disciples, is called the nine heroes of the church.

Like Jia Sidao of the Royal Beast Hall, Liangyuan of Xianyuan Hall, Mingren of Lingyin Hall, Yang Ying of Feifeng Hall, etc.

In Zhou Qian's logo, these are all big shots, the strong among the strong, and are turned into objects that are absolutely not to be provoked.

In Leiguangtang, the three generations of disciples are led by Zhao Guang, 25 years old, with 17 layers of life marks. As a sword practice, he can also have some spells to practice. He is definitely the representative of Leiguangtang and is one of the nine heroes.

"At the way, how did you provoke Zhao Guang?" Hu Jing asked.

Hu Xiaopang immediately told the story vividly, including seeing Li Tian kill Liangyuan in a second. Of course, Wang Meng and Li Tianyi skipped a paragraph. This was Wang Meng's request. It was not that he was afraid that someone would come to him, but that the battle was not a win at all.

Hu Xiaopang's eloquence is really not good. It seems that even if he can't practice, he can at least be a storyteller.

Hu Jing also showed a trace of envy and turned into a crisis? Danger and opportunity, this is the world of practitioners.

"Wang Meng, I think Elder Xu has misunderstood you. Do you want me to find a chance to explain it for you?" Hu Jing's delicacy, of course, noticed Xu Huang's strangeness.

Wang Meng smiled and said, "In front of time, you don't need anything."

Zhang Xiaopang stretched out his thumb, "Brother Meng is getting more and more mysterious now. It's a good phenomenon."

Early the next morning, Wang Meng woke up. He slept soundly last night. He really haven't slept like this for a long time.

Walking around in Leiguang City at will, the Holy Church, as the largest sect of the Holy Cultivation, runs through the big thousand world, the middle thousand world, and the small thousand world, but the pattern is very different. Because the big thousand world is the end, the fight is more fierce, and the competition between the sects for immortals is also The world and the small world are both reserves. Although immortals can't go down to the world, there are many ways to give benefits to the lower world. It is the instinct that the strong do not need to learn to drive the weak.

Compared with the magic practice, the holy practice is indeed much more gentle, and the holy temple is also the most special in the holy practice. The big thousand world is the holy hall, and the middle thousand world is also the holy hall. After such a long time, the small thousand world has changed so much, and it is still a holy hall.

In his previous life, he had contact with many masters of the Holy Church. One of them saved his life in the world, otherwise he would not be Wang Meng now. I didn't expect that one day he would also become a disciple of the Holy Church. This is probably the cause and effect.

The vitality above the thunder peak is relatively strong, which is the place where the elders live, but Wang Meng found a very strange vitality gathering place halfway up the mountain.

With nothing to do, Wang Meng also strolled around while enjoying it.

No wonder the aura is so abundant. It turned out to be a place for physical sword training. From sword training to the way, it is also a different way, which is a little interesting.

Wang Meng saw a very smooth big stone, just facing the infinite scenery in the middle of the mountain. Sitting on it, he suddenly found that he had really neglected a lot of beautiful things before.

"Life is like a dream, and it's true and fantasy. It's really beautiful."

After looking at it for a while, Wang Meng stood up, and a formation in front of him blocked Wang Meng's way.

"Sword Tomb"

Wang Meng remembered the sword tomb on Linlang Street. It seems that the owner of the sword tomb has reached the bottleneck and first found the answer from his entry into the world. Unfortunately, he is not qualified yet.

Wang Meng entered the sword tomb in a flash. Someone invaded, and the formation suddenly shook. Hundreds of flying swords turned into thousands of swords and killed Wang Meng.

Wang Meng smiled, and his eyes suddenly penetrated the space. These swords reminded him of his words.


The sword light dispersed, leaving only ten swords suspended in the air. Wang Meng looked at it and couldn't help shaking his head. His skill was good, but it was a pity that the road was wrong.

The blind pursuit of the power of the sword is not a good thing for practitioners who have just entered the world. How to understand the original intention of the sword when they are lost in the power?

No wonder the owner here will encounter a bottleneck.

There were some very tattered swords piled up in the corner. Obviously, the owner thought it was a failure. A broken sword attracted Wang Meng's attention. Somehow, there was an inexplicable feeling. When he picked it up, the feeling of breaking was wonderful.

"We are predestined. You can come with me. From today on, your name is a broken blade." Wang Meng is very satisfied with this. Obviously, such a straightforward name still adheres to someone's nature.

Wang Meng, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped again and said to himself, "I can't take your things for nothing."

Wang Meng casually left a word on the wall - "she"

A broken sword for a word, and the other party made money.

He staggered out of the sword tomb with a broken blade. The flying sword of the sword array jumped, and the sword was shining everywhere, but it was just illusory. This kind of formation scared people to fight the essence, and the Imeaning attack was a floating cloud to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng staggered back to his room, put the broken blade on the stone table, and drank the morning in the morning sun. A new day began.

Wang Meng enjoyed it leisurely here. Leiguangtang was a frying pan, and someone broke into the sword tomb!

Where is the sword mound?

This is the holy place of Leiguang Hall, which is left by Thunder, the physical cultivation master of the six ancestors of the Holy Church. There is a sword forged by Thunder in that year, which is the most desirable place for every sword practice in the Holy Church.

If you can get the sword of the sword tomb, you can save ten years of hard work!

Otherwise, why did Zhao Guang of the Zhao family come to the weak Leiguang Hall in order to get a sword. Only the disciples of Lei Guangtang can break into the sword battle into the sword tomb.

There is such a jingle in the holy hall. The sword tomb of Leiguangtang has been in the province for ten years. The rune of Lingyintang is more than ten feet. The elixir of Xianyuantang is effective, and the magic weapon of Huoyuntang is true. The spiritual beasts of the Royal Beast Hall run all over the street The threshold is called high.

Xu Huang's four people came outside the sword tomb. At this time, the sword tomb had returned to calm, but it was obvious that someone went into the battle and was unharmed.

"This man's cultivation is by no means the work of his disciples!" Zhao Ya said, a little worried.

"The sword array left by the ancestor is usually a dead end in the night. Could it be that the ancestor came here?"

"I heard that the ancestor is closed. Besides, he hasn't come to Leiguang for many years. Shall we go in and have a look?"

The sword in the sword tomb can only be tried by Lei Guangtang disciples and under the age of 30. This is also what Thunder left for the love in those years. If there is no sword tomb, Lei Guangtang is really nothing.

Xu Huang and others were really worried. They came quickly, but the breakers had disappeared. The strangest thing was that they didn't even leave a trace.

While the four people were hesitating, an old figure appeared quietly.