Holy Church

Chapter 249 Trial

"If you have a fart, just let it go!" Tang Wei roared.

"Tut, rookie, please don't be so anxious. This condition is to live. If you can live here for a month, I will come to pick you up."

"Live for a month?"

"Yes, beautiful girl, you just need to live... - months, hahahaha."

After saying that, his figure disappeared indisputably.

Ghost-like body, incomparable attitude.

Wang Meng stretched out, "What's your plan next?"

Tang Wei waved his hand, "You can do whatever you want." After saying that, he left without looking back.

Liangyuan will never be with Li Tianyiming. "See you at Xiuzhen College in a month."

The remaining four people looked at each other in consteriously. Mingren shook his head and had no choice but to spread out his hands. "I'm afraid the union expected by the ancestors does not exist here."

"Isn't it more interesting to be alone? Even this kind of thing has to be piled up. Let's go back as soon as possible, brother, I'll go first."

Li Tianyi also left.

Mingren patted his head, "It seems that after leaving the church, everyone's interest has increased. Well, I also flashed, and Sister Ma will take care of you."

Mingren said with his eyebrows and left slowly.

Only Wang Meng and Ma Tianer are left.

"I'm leaving, too." Ma Tianer said.

Wang** coughed twice, "Sweet, let's go together."

Ma Tianer shook her head, "No, if you can't even pass this most basic introductory trial, what will you do in the future, Wang...Brother, good luck."

Ma Tianer also left. Wang Meng didn't know how Ma Tianer came here. He asked Zhou Feng. Zhou Feng said that it was the arrangement of the Ma family, which was beyond his ability.

In an instant, only Wang Meng was left. Wang Meng looked around and laughed dumbly. Did he survive?

When Wang Meng's figure also disappeared, the blue-robed man appeared again.

To be precise, it appears on the treetops, and a line of law appears at the wrist.

"Let me see, oh, I'm dizzy. Isn't it too big for me to bet this time?"

This is the magic circle on the wrist that began to flash again. After a moment, a young man's pictogram appeared.

"How's it going over there? I heard that you chose a garbage sect to try your luck. There's no dispute. You're having a lot of fun this time."

Mo Wuqi shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm going to try my luck. At least there are a lot of people here this time, and it's worth it if one of you can survive."

"Good luck."

"Damn it, Ge Mang, did you come to see my joke? How's it going over there?"

"Hey hey, I'm lucky. It's on the 28th floor, and the success rate is extremely high."

"Boh, grandma, why is my luck so bad!"

Mo Wu looked at the distance and shook his head. It seemed that he really had to try his luck.

The boundary is a huge boundary. This is what Wang Meng felt after entering. What is the Star Alliance and what does this Xiuzhen College do? Wang Meng doesn't know anything about it now, but he doesn't need to think too much now. The point is to break through this level.

Wang Meng followed Ma Tianer. The girl was a little stubborn. I really don't know if the Ma family was out of his mind and let her come here.

But Wang Meng soon found a serious problem,... he lost it.

Ma Tianer disappeared after entering the boundary.

In fact, Mo Wu didn't tell them that whether they were together or not, they would be left alone when they got inside.

It depends on whether you are qualified to enter the Xiuzhen College, not your teamwork.

Not long after leaving, the temperature seemed to have risen, and the red stones began to increase. Wang Meng subconsciously touched it. It was really hot.


As soon as I checked, it was really not an illusion.

Illusional spells have no effect on him. It seems that this star alliance is really a little tricky.

Before he could change his mind, a dangerous breath came, and his body flashed in an instant.

Bang Bang shame ...

The ground has been tied into a dense red dot in a sieve, followed by the ground burning, and something like a rock has just moved.

Boom, the gravel exploded, and a fiery red monster like a leopard exploded out of the stone.

There was a roar at Wang Meng. In the roar, there were dense red dots shooting at Wang Meng.

What the hell is this?

Feeling this guy's surging demonic power, Wang Meng did not dare to be careless at all. He broke the world and took action directly, flashing in an instant.



Duan Tianya hid directly on the waist of the fiery red monster, smashing the monster to shrugged, but his eyes were about to burn.

Wang Meng was even more stunned. His sword was so strong that he only hit...

Shit, what the hell is this?


The angry monster grabbed Wang Meng like a red lightning, Wang Meng retreated, and the monster's claws swept over as if to tear the air.

Wang Meng gave way, but his chest was still hot, with three more scratches and hot burning.


Wang Meng ate an antidote elixir prepared by Zhou Feng, and his heart was also angry.

Sword chop!

What about...

The sword spirit killed the monster vigorously. Soon Wang Meng found that the straight speed of the monster was really fast, but it was straight. No matter how fast it was, it was easier to judge the trajectory. The monster even ate Wang Meng's several swords.

The monster is three feet on fire, and the king is on fire. His original power is not fancy. Twenty layers of swords are full of swords. Although it is not a combination of sword formula, this original power is not bad at all, and he can't kill the other party. Every time the sword slash hits the monster, something like Mars just pops up, like steel staggered.

The fiery red monster sprayed and caught, as if to tear Wang Meng. Wang Meng's flying shadow was also used to the extreme, constantly dodging. At least there is still terrain around.

But this is too aggrieved, and Wang Meng is not going to continue to toss in this unknown ghost place.

As soon as the world is broken, it dodges the fierce rush of the fire red monster, and the sword spirit is everywhere - phoenix dance for nine days!

The sword spirit exploded and enveloped the flame monster. The white phoenix formed by the boxed sword spirit did not flash. I didn't know what it was afraid of.


The lethality of the sword formula is not comparable to that of a sword. The blood splashed, and the blood landed on the ground and burned.

The detoxification pill is down, and Wang Meng's body is still hot, and it seems that the effect is not good.

The general sword beheading is useless at all. Wang Meng killed the phoenix dance with another nine days, and this time the flame monster usurped it.

Blue Yellow Spring!

Wang Meng shouted loudly, and the ground was full of power, covering the flame monster and collapsing.

Wang Meng felt hot all over his body and had to solve it quickly. He couldn't care so much. Another blow of phoenix dance hit it for nine days. With a wild chop, the fiery red monster that had been struggling finally stopped moving.

Wang Meng gasped. What on earth is this girl made of? It's so hard. I'm just about to check the booty.

The surrounding ground kept shaking, like an earthquake, and cracks appeared in the rocks one after another. When the first head appeared, Wang Meng's own head was big.

Thirty-six tricks, the best strategy!


After Wang Meng, huge rocks broke out of their shells one by one, and the fiery red monsters, large and small, all kinds of forms, as if they had been woken up, swarmed and chased after Wang Meng.

Wang Meng felt hot all over, but it was better to run. He ran desperately!

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