Holy Church

Chapter 292 Handsome to crazy

Ge Mang obviously attached great importance to this battle. He reserved enough time for the "real person" to study himself, but for Wang Meng, it's not enough to eat a steamed bun.

Random battle.

Due to the real strength of Ge Mang's attention to "real people", he suddenly increased the popularity of real people, which made him famous at the level of 20th to 30th floors. In particular, he could make Ge Mang interested in his spell control, and attracted some camps. Rumors are always rumors, and no matter how ridiculous it is, Ask them to verify it with their own eyes.

There are also many well-known figures between the 20th and 30th floors, such as the recent neighbor Yuyue, Ma Tianer, Du Ziyu and Gong Yunluo, which will attract the attention of many practitioners in every battle.

Like Ge Mang, it used to be equivalent to the current situation of Lin Yuyue. However, talents like Lin Yuyue are bound to enter more than 30 levels within five years. When the spell is mastered to a certain extent, promotion will become inevitable.

When the opponent appeared, everyone was shocked, Du Ziyu!

So far, the four new masters have maintained a complete victory, which is quite exaggerated and gorgeous, but these four have also launched random battles and have not fought with each other. Among the four, one is a dragon king camp, a queen camp, two heavenly king camps, and a symbol of identity strength.

And now it's interesting. The grass-roots "real person" is against the real character's little parting sword "Du Ziyu".

Du Ziyu, who was born in the top 50 schools of the Star Alliance, is a real teacher in the eyes of the college practitioners. However, even if many famous families go to the Xiuzhen College, they will not accept it. However, as long as you show adaptability, the follow-up support is by no means comparable to that of ordinary sects.

This battle will really test the color of the "real person". Is it a mule or a horse?

What arc swordsmanship, these things, I'm afraid it's difficult for masters like Du Ziyu, and the problem is that senior masters like Ge Mang do not choose them, but choose real people. Does this mean that real people are better than them?

When Du Ziyu saw his opponent, he couldn't help laughing. It took no effort to find a place to break through the iron shoes. If he defeated a real person, he was very interested in undertaking a reckless battle. It doesn't matter whether to win or lose a battle, and the experience brought by the decisive battle with the master is the most precious.

Arc swordsmanship? This kind of basic swordsmanship is also embarrassing to show off, just bullying those weak people.

The practitioners are graded, and they will become bigger in the Xiuzhen College!

This is an unexpected encounter.

Du Ziyu looked at the opponent who dared not show his true face in front of him provocatively. Born in a famous family, he was not very interested in this kind of pretending opponent. For such an opponent, he had to educate him well with a destructive attack!


The roaring fight against Du Ziyu began. With the idea of the sword secret, the long sword in Du Ziyu's hand illusioned a sword spirit to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng's figure moved in the sword spirit to find the gap in existence.

Du Ziyu sneered and pressed step by step. The sword suddenly turned, and there were more shining arcs in the sword spirit.

Arc sword spirit is out!

And unlike the single arc sword spirit of a real person, Du Ziyu's sword spirit contains conventional sword spirit, which means that his life marks are very comfortable when converting the combination method.

"Ge Mang, it seems that the real brother is going to encounter a fierce battle. If he loses, are you interested in Du Ziyu?"

Mo Wu said with a smile.

Xiuzhen College is definitely a general's back wave. Seeing that Du Ziyu's use of the sword formula is so exquisite, even they can feel the pressure.

Although the way of cultivation can take advantage of time, it is definitely not the decision to win or lose in the end.

"This Du Ziyu was born in Yunxiaomen and has a solid foundation. He was born in the top 50 schools. At Xiuzhen College, his adaptability is much stronger than that of ordinary sects. It is not surprising that Du Ziyu has such a performance."

"The real person met his opponent this time.

"I'd like to know if the real person is a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Is his power really only 20 layers?"

In nothingness, there are already many bystanders. For practitioners below the thirtieth floor, this battle is obviously extremely attractive. Du Ziyu is definitely an outstanding figure in the new class of practitioners. Some people have been destined to have a glorious future since they entered. He may not pay attention to others, but he will not replace No one else will pay attention to him.

Du Ziyu's swordsmanship is Ling Yan. The arc sword spirit cooperates with the conventional sword spirit to constantly put pressure on the real person. The real person's arc sword spirit is also counterattacking. It is just a simple arc sword spirit. For Du Ziyu, who has understood the arc sword spirit, it is really not a difficult thing to deal

And the real person on the opposite side is a little overstretched. If the double arc sword spirit can be used, it is a good counterattack, but this kind of counterattack often contains a crisis, or one blow must be hit. Once Du Ziyu avoids, the gap that can be grasped is a lot. You can use this decisive move, or Or die by yourself.

"It seems that Du Ziyu is not going to give a real person a chance. This swordsmanship is too solid!"

Mo Wuzheng laughed and said, "In contrast, although the real person's swordsmanship is not strong, he feels that it is not comprehensive enough. He is reckless, and he is coming for you."

Ge Mang didn't look at Mo Wu, "I'm not interested in Du Ziyu."

Ge Mang does not mean that Du Ziyu is not strong. In fact, he is not afraid of not knowing the goods. Compared with real people, Du Ziyu is obviously higher, and Du Ziyu also controls the level of Yuanli, below the 25th floor, which can ensure his performance and show all his skills. He is calm and realistic.

But Ge Mang is not interested in this person. He wants to fight with real people because of the feeling of fighting with real people. That taste is what he longs for. If he wants to find an opponent, he is not interested in bullying the small.

"The real person is losing step by step, either with double arc sword spirit, or killed by Du Ziyu."

"This guy has been so lucky recently that it's finally time to recite."

Bystanders are clear. They can see the situation very clearly. The real person is actually really good, but it is too simple. When they meet a real master, they will immediately be dwarfed.

Du Ziyu's swordsmanship controlled the situation, and it was finally time to take action.

The circular power of the long sword in his hand surged up one by one, and Du Ziyu's eyes remained wary and murderous!


A dazzling sword spirit came out, drew two beautiful double arcs in the air, and killed in an instant.

The process is only a moment, and at this time, the real person is completely passive. He just dodged the attack in front of him, and the fierce double-arc sword spirit has been killed.

He has also used it himself, and the power of the double-arc sword spirit is naturally clear.

Du Ziyu stared at the tip of the sword and felt the pleasure of making a strong output. In an instant, the double arc sword spirit burst out had an indescribable satisfaction for any sword practice.

This is the same swordsmanship as art.

It's over!

The double-arc sword spirit stopped the real person. At this time, the real person who seemed to be exhausted, and his shining eyes burned again.

The body suddenly swirled, and the long sword in his hand danced with it. The sword spirit opened instead, and the double arc sword spirit bombarded by Du Ziyu rotated around the real person's body.

Everyone is dumbfounded. Does the real person want to pull the opponent's sword spirit?

General sword spirit traction is not difficult, but this is double arc sword spirit.

The real person's body shook like a ghost, and the sword flew up and down, bringing shadows.


The long sword swings out...

An eye-catching sword spirit bombarded out, and Du Ziyu's face showed a ferocious smile. He saw a ghost and really blocked his double arc sword spirit, but it was simply a fool's dream to defeat him in this way.

Du Ziyu has a deeper understanding of the double-arc sword spirit. Under the training of the master, he knows better how to dodge the double-arc sword spirit.

As soon as the real person cracked, Du Ziyu immediately stepped on the seven-star step. The double-arc sword spirit has a dead angle, but it must be predicted in advance, and he must be clear about the double-arc sword spirit.

There are not many people who can do it, but he is one of them!

Mingyue, who had been silent, showed a cold smile at the corners of her mouth, "Go Mang, it seems that you are going to consider replacing someone."

"This guy likes toss around. Why bother him?"

When everyone was still immersed in Du Ziyu's exquisite seven-star steps, they found that the sword spirit had changed, and the sword spirit sent out a flash that violated the law...

The seven-star step has also flashed, but the flash in an instant, like a life-threatening arc, spared Du Ziyu's neck, and Du Ziyu's figure stopped in summer.

At the same time, the discussion in nothingness is also stuck at the same time.

What is this???

The double arc sword spirit is already the ultimate, but just now?

Du Ziyu covered his neck, and the pain was far from suppressing the shock in his heart. At that moment... the double arc was the extreme!

Three-arc sword spirit???

There is no such sword trick in Xiuzhen College! All sects have never heard of it!!!

Putong, Du Ziyu in the end, the real person just looked at the sword in his hand indifferently. As usual, his figure gradually faded until it all disappeared.

Mo Wu scrambled and slowly slap his tongue, "Mingyue, your eyes are the best. Is this mother really a three-arc line???"

Mingyue, who has always been calm, looked strange this time and nodded, "To be precise, he borrowed Du Ziyu's strength. This time it's really interesting."

This sword is really blind. If those people had had all kinds of speculations about this real person in the past, this sword would have really broken all guesses and was wrong.

No matter how strong you are, you can't go beyond the spell range of Xiuzhen College. You can practice deeper and more powerful spells in Xiuzhen College and play to the extreme, but no one will break this point, but now it appears.

The victim this time is Du Ziyu, the best among the new practitioners.

There was a roar somewhere in Xiuzhen College, and there was a ping-pong sound. Du Ziyu couldn't believe this failure!

How can it be? It's incredible to be able to pull open the double-arc sword spirit. Unexpectedly, someone can borrow it completely. What kind of swordsmanship is this and what kind of skill is this???

The real person won "plainly" again, just like he lost one after another last year.

When you lose, the real person is very single. When you win, the real person is still so single, still so unreasonable, so... crazy!

(It's finally a little better today. I feel that I can recover tomorrow after a good sleep. Brothers and sisters, I haven't asked for tickets for a few days. Please support the skeleton more. Alas, as soon as I go out today, I meet an acquaintance, the first sentence is that you have lost weight again. Rub it, I can )