Holy Church

Chapter 775 Void Crocodile

It is actually a beam of light that makes the divine consciousness find the direction. It is incredible that there is such a material light in this void.

This is the light that no one's life can resist**, in the boundless void and darkness.

And light is often just the illusion of human beings themselves, which is a kind of shackle.

The turn of the mind was only a momentary thing, but when Wang Meng realized that something was wrong, it was too late. A little bit of light turned into a huge nothingness and directly devoured the three people.

The surroundings of the three have become boundless darkness, and outside the void, the darkness is squirming...

Gradually, the squirming darkness appeared, and the body that had been horrible seemed to be a boundless monster.

Swallow the sky crocodile god!

It wanders in the void and devours everything that can be devoured. Whether it is life or non-life, the virtual beast is also its ration. It is said that this is a kind of existence with a long lifespan as God. They are the inspectors of the law, breaking down everything swallowed and returning to nothingness.

Legend has it that this is the focus of the world. With devouring, the void crocodile gods will become more and more powerful. They can travel through space and travel in the universe. When the void crocodile god dies, they will form a black hole that can never be filled and continue to devour everything around them.

Even Wang Meng and the other three had no room to dodge. The divine consciousness was already magical, and the next moment it was in the belly of the empty crocodile god.

A powerful force strikes, which is a double decomposition of the body and spirit. It is not dark here, but more like another void, but everything is reversed here.

Ma Tianer and Soming are pale, because they can't use any strength. In this reverse world, all struggles are in vain.


A defense array enveloped the three people, and the power of dismemberment disappeared. Ma Tianer and Soming breathed a sigh of relief and were stunned.

"Are we too unlucky? It seems that the void crocodile god, the terminal monster that breaks the void, can devour everything, the lackey of God." Ma Tianer smiled bitterly.

"It's a little strange here. It follows the law of retrograde, an opposite space. This power comes in reverse and can indeed dismember all existence, whether it is life or non-living."

Wang Meng's voice was full of curiosity, and he finally met something interesting.

Only then did Ma Tianer and So Ming realize that in this rebellious time, Wang Meng could still use his power very smoothly.

In fact... At this time, Wang Meng is more comfortable and powerful in using the power of the divine.

Mo Shan's divine style is the real rebellion, and in the belly of the empty crocodile god, this kind of rebellion has become smooth.

Here, Wang Meng can exert the power of the divine to the strongest, which is a completely different experience.

Wang Meng uses the divine grid together, but only uses the realm of the divine grid. The power is still the order of the holy practice, which cannot be changed.

When he arrived here, Wang Meng realized the meaning of the opposite for the first time.

Although it is integrated with Wang Meng, the essence of the divine is unchangeable, which is also the reason why Wang Tian is so eager.

At this moment, the use of power is completely instinctive, like breathing, and for Wang Meng, this kind of understanding is unimaginable.

The power of the order of the holy devil and the power of the evil against order are two seemingly the same and completely different. Wang Meng's usual use and the use at this time are both strange and familiar.

Wang Meng's own fate is undoubtedly the power of the right order, while the yuan god is the power of the reverse order. At this level of the middle thousand world, the power of the positive and negative order can't see the difference at all, and even users can hardly understand it, but when it comes to the great thousand world, there is a difference between

Just like the last understanding in the inverted space of Taiyinism, Wang Meng got the same opportunity in the reverse space of the empty crocodile god this time.

The king in mid-air slowly circled and sat down, emitting a strong light on his forehead. The divine consciousness was constantly expanding like the void crocodile god, endless. In this space most suitable for the evil road, the divine personality has been unimpededed, because this order that should have killed all existence has become the most positive force for A steady stream of support.

Ma Tianer and Suo Ming looked at each other in constere face. Although they could not use any strength, they could feel this incredible change. Wang Meng showed almost the same terrible power as God. What kind of majesty and control made it impossible for both of them to face it.

Wang Meng's consciousness is still expanding, and the space is illuminated. In the body of the Void Crocodile, there are all kinds of debris that are being reversed. Strange, material and living are being decomposed little by little, turning into the most primitive force of reverse order.

What's the difference between the law of space, the law of positive space and the law of reverse space?

Wang Meng did not go deep. This understanding opened a new door for Wang Meng, but with his current cultivation, he obviously cannot fall into the abyss of this realm. His own reverse order is already very strong. What he needs to match now is the positive order, taking the reverse order as a reference to strengthen the power of the positive order.

The forces against the order are not allowed to appear in the middle thousand worlds.

is also only the space of the gods, which can be used almost according to the reduced version of the law of the world.

The void crocodile god tossed and shocked countless virtual beasts. They don't know what's wrong with the crocodile god. Nothing can cause damage to the crocodile god. In this world, all existence is a detour.

The void crocodile is rolling, and the body is constantly showing shape. For it, it is also rare. Countless voids burst around it and easily smash everything around it.

Its huge body is still out of sight.

Taking the anti-order as the ship, Wang Meng's weak fate is growing, which is also the place where Wang Zhenren has a headache. His fate finally broke the cocoon, but it is indeed an empty ball, which is completely different from the bright pyramid of the general fate. The fate is a whole, and there seems to be no pattern. How to The amount?

Wang Meng can't exert any power in the fate, and he has not thought about whether it is due to the squeezing of the demigod.

But I can't ask anyone about this matter. This is the rule of the road that must be eliminated.

But here, Wang Meng felt that his gray fate was actually very clear.

It's just that I don't understand it. Although this fate is small, it is full of a kind of unparalleled arrogance and contempt.

Even the god on the side despises, but the strength is not enough to compete with the god, otherwise it can definitely squeeze the yuan god out of the core of the sea of gods, which is quite domineering.

Wang Meng can feel its extraordinary, but he can't get any power from his fate, and he doesn't even know what it can do.

It's just that Wang Meng has no time to take care of it. This is a rare opportunity for it to prove the power against the order.

Wang Meng's exploration of the Void Crocodile God made the crocodile god lose his appetite for a while, constantly turning over, his body moved, cut through the space, appeared, disappeared, and appeared again, but it was still very uncomfortable.

This is a feeling that the crocodile god has never felt before.

No matter how the crocodile god churls, the three people in their stomachs are calm. Ma Tianer and Suo Ming's realm is far from this point, but they can also feel the difference in the spatial order here, but the two of them do not have the will that this is a reverse order.

The plane is too high and too high.

The empty crocodile's stomach seemed to rise, followed by the huge mouth opening, and the shock waves were blasted out one after another. The space was constantly changing between the virtual and the real, and then Wang Meng and the other three were spit out.

At the moment of spitting out, the Void Crocodile closed his mouth, and then Ma Tianer and So Ming saw a stunned scene.

The Void Crocodile almost turned around and ran away, as if he had seen a ghost, and Wang Meng stretched out his hand as if he wanted to retain the other party affectionately.

Ya, it's too bad to give face. It's good to give more time!

For the Void Crocodile, the power it holds does not allow any interference, but suddenly there is a stomach that tries to control it, which can't stand.

In fact, the Void Crocodile swallowed a move. What can't be resisted is an invincible move. What can be resisted, the Void Crocodile God is... a tool.

"...We have reached the edge of the void." Ma Tianer looked around in surprise. The second layer of the broken void was dangerous. No one knew how far it was. There were too many crises in this process, and it would consume too much real yuan. Even if it came to the third floor, I'm afraid she could only go home.

Wang Meng looked at the empty crocodile god far away, "Maybe this guy is really a means of transportation."

Transportation? Whose?

Is it a tool for God to cross the void?

Who knows.

Wang Meng is not entangled in this issue. He knows a lot, but he doesn't know more.

Flying all the way to the edge of the void wind, you can feel that not far away is a dark boundary, with a little strange light flashing, and it is surrounded by all kinds of bones.

"Most of them are the bones of empty beasts..." Ma Tianer glanced and said, "However, there are also human monks, broken magic weapons, flying boats and so on, but it seems that it has been a long time.

It seems that there are countless capable people. Some people crossed the vast void, dodged the attack of the virtual beast, or killed the virtual beast, and also escaped the devouring of the virtual crocodile god and finally came here.

But in the end, life is still in the void, which is the third.

As soon as the palm moved, a green magic bead flew out of the skeleton and landed in Ma Tianer's palm. The green light and shadow flashed slightly, emitting a faint and quintessential power of wood.

With a crisp sound, the last point of power of the magic beads was exhausted under the urging of Ma Tianer. It burst, and the green faded quickly and turned into a withered yellow cracked wooden bead.

"This is the life pearl of the strong man at the peak of the divine realm. Unfortunately, the power has been dispersed." Ma Tianer also regretted that only the strong man at the peak of the divine realm could leave a life pearl after death. This is the crystallization of power and wisdom. In fact, this is a force that is possible to resurrect capital, but it is finally exhausted by the void.

Wang Meng glanced at it, shook his head and said, "It seems that there is nothing valuable left."

Ma Tianer nodded. She learned a trace of information from the magic bead just now. These were left here thousands of years ago. Except for God, nothing in the world can be immortal. No matter how powerful the treasure is, it can't experience the wearout of thousands of years.

(All brothers and sisters have asked for a monthly ticket!!!)