Holy Church

Chapter 925 Forced Conversion

The buzzing sound, the order of the shadow, only the two shadows, the same sound, only the faint black fog, falling from the two shadows, as if it were the shadow of the Buddha's light.

In the order of shadows, even light has shadows!

Light is a sharp weapon to destroy shadows, but it is also the culprit of creating shadows. When light also has a shadow, can light still be light?


The Buddha's light fell.

The smiles on the faces of Jingkong Jingyun disappeared for the first time, and their Buddha light disappeared for the first time!

In the past, it was not that the Buddha's light was broken, but it was only broken, it was their lack of strength, not the Buddha's light.

But now, at this moment, under the order of shadow, the light, the Buddha's light, are shattered!

This is a kind of faith impact for the two Buddhist practitioners of Jingkong Jingyun.

Buddhist cultivation, the first priority is not strength, strength, it is King Kong, but it is illegal, it is the lower level, Buddha cultivation, only faith and wish, it is true, it is detachment, it is everything, and this belief is the light of Buddha.

The death of Buddha's light means that the faith and wish are stained.

This is impossible!

Quiet air and quiet clouds, there was confusion in their eyes for the first time, but they were afraid that the opposite was not the film group, but themselves. Unconsciously, they began to doubt their wishes.

He didn't underestimate his smile, "These two bald men fell into the law of the shadow and thought about it in the way of the law of the shadow. The order of shadow, which was not very stable, actually became strong because of them."

The old man shook his head slightly, "They restrain each other, and the Buddha's light restrains the shadow. When the shadow goes to the extreme, it can naturally reverse the Buddha's light. However, at 6:00 is not an ordinary Buddhist practice. These strange guys have really become a climate."

When the Buddha's cultivation first came out, no one was optimistic at all, but eventually it gradually formed a power outside the country, and they had an incredible way to improve their power.

"It depends on whether they can really understand the true meaning of the Buddha. In fact, the so-called Buddha is no different from us. It's just the same way."

At this time, he couldn't afford to come over. Obviously, many people bet with him. They were complacent and refreshed.

He glanced at him, "I can't afford to lose. Who do you bet to win?"

"When you are the boss, of course you have to bet on your little brother to win."

"There is a lot of confidence, but if they can't understand it, they will be assimilated by their shadows for half a quarter of an hour at most. From then on, they will become the shadow puppets of the five shadows."

"You know, I can't afford to lose." He smiled indifferently, "So, I will never lose."

This is a little paradoxical, but, inexplicably, there is a power of a law that rises from the comfort.

He narrowed his eyes and hummed, "Gamblers, I just like to make a fuss."

"I bet on all kinds of people." Unable to shrug his shoulders, "How about it? You're still pretending to be young. Bet with me?"

"There is no money."

"Damn it, how can it be in tune with the soft egg of the drunken scholar?"

He shrugged his shoulders. It seems that in these years, he can't afford to improve the most among people. He likes to fight for his life, but his life is not dead. This cultivation is amazing.

Shu can't laugh. In fact, the more powerful you are, the calmer you are. This has gone through many stages, from arrogant to calm, from calm to confident, from confident to cynicious, this is the realm.

In fact, it is almost the same as not being old or small. This is the level. Although it is not absolute, it explains a lot of problems. They can see through it.

The five people of the film group stood around the battle platform at this time.

The shadow is the core, the five elements stand, in the buzz, the law of the shadow, full operation, erosion, erosion, and then erosion. This is the way of shadow's assassination. It is pervasive, silent, and the middle man dies.

However, the two bald heads of Jingkong Jingyun are too difficult to deal with. Although they have a little doubt about their Buddha Avenue, the two bald heads themselves are a little unstoppable.

However, the shadow owner eroded invisibly, and the shadow constantly urged the shadows of the two bald heads to swallow. At most half a moment, it can completely erode the two into the shadow puppets of the five of them.

I saw two magic shadows, opening their teeth and claws, and constantly spewing black fog on their bodies, and the two people in the quiet sky and quiet clouds also kept spewing out golden Buddha light. However, at the beginning, the Buddha light was still pure gold, but now it has become light gold, and the color of the gushing is When it's a puppet.

"Don't struggle anymore. You can't fight against your shadow. The shadow is the projection of your soul. The shadow knows what you know what you think, what you think, and everything you think. However, what you don't know, what you can't, what you can't do, and the shadow knows... The shadow that fights against The soul is to resist yourselves..."

The sound of shadow one, soul-smoking around the ears of the two people in the quiet sky, speeding up the shadow and eroding the two people.

But, in the dark...

Jingkong suddenly muttered unconsciously, "The Buddha is in my heart, and I am the Buddha..."

Jingyun's body suddenly trembled and smiled, "Whoever will go to hell if I don't go to hell!"

Almost at the same time, the Buddha light gushed out from the two people completely lost its color, white and warm, not as gorgeous and aggressive as before.

Two magic shadows from themselves rushed down and invaded their bodies.

click, the golden bodies of the two are broken, and the skin on the surface of the body is branded with black lines, like the reflection of the magic shadow.

The five people in the film group did not have a trace of care at this time. The five people bombarded a trick together, which attracted the shadow of heaven and earth, the order of the shadow, and reached the strongest at this moment!


The two of them were completely eroded by the shadow, and the whole body emitted the black fog of the shadow.

"I can't afford it. I admit to losing the bet. Come on, bring the money." The sky came out and stretched out his hand to Shu.

"I bet on the treasure. Bring the treasure and throw your dice over. I've been greedy for it for a long time." Luo Feng jumped over from one side with a smile. The treasure king will always lack treasure weapons, and no matter how much he fills it, he can't fill.

Shu couldn't laugh and said, "What's the hurry? It's not over yet."

Not finished yet?

Wang Meng's face showed a smile, which was so interesting. This Buddhism and Taoism are somewhat similar to his Tao, but there are also differences. In short, his Tao is more aggressive.

Wang Meng also has a strong interest in this kind of way. Of course, with Wang Meng's knowledge, it is clear that this will become a terrible power, in which there is a kind of self-sacrifice.

You can only live if you want to die. This is the road. It can be said that it is quite interesting to play the edge ball of the heavenly way.

On the battle platform, the world of shadows has not been put away. The five people in the film troupe turned their eyes to Shu Can't afford to gamble, "Let's go together."

Just turned Jingkong Jingyun into a shadow puppet. Now, it is the time when they have the strongest combat effectiveness. When the shadow puppet is first transformed, it is the strongest time. It is almost the same as the power in life, but the Buddha's light will become a shadow light. As time goes by, the puppet will slowly weaken until it falls to the Only then will it stabilize.

Can't help but turn your dice helplessly, "Are you sure you have won this game? Ha ha, can't you feel your puppet being disobedient?"


The shadow's eyes condensed, suddenly, and his face changed dramatically!

The two shadow puppets of Jingkong Jingyun, although they exude the smell of shadow, they are not under their control in the shadow world set by the five of them!

Order always collapses from a corner.

When there is an uncontrollable corner in the world of shadows...


"The Buddha has my heart, the heart is in, the Buddha is in, great mercy and compassion, so it is so, benevolence, thank you for your teaching."

The quiet cloud, which was completely puppetized, suddenly let out a faint laugh, and the light sound of the clouds sounded.

Jingkong stretched out his hand and looked at the brand of shadows all over his body, with a Buddha's name, "My Buddha is compassionate, the difficulty of witnessing the Tao, and the sea of suffering is endless. Turning back to the shore, put down the butcher's knife, and become a Buddha on the ground."


The pure white Buddha light suddenly lit up from the two people in the quiet sky and clouds, bit by bit, not as powerful as before, soft with irresistible dignity.

The way of Buddhism is self-made in the world. Only I, the Buddha, dominate everything.

The order of the Buddhist world came to the world.

The quiet sky and quiet clouds are full of spirituality in their eyes. They are pious!

If you have faith, you will be invincible!

The so-called Buddhist practice is the experience of the heart, which transcends the power itself and points to the core of heaven.

From the beginning, Buddha's cultivation is higher than that of other monks.

Of course, only Wang Meng can see through.

At this moment, it doesn't matter what Buddha is. As long as the Buddha is in the heart, I am the Buddha. The Buddha is in the heart, the Buddha is in the heart, and the man is the Buddha. The Buddha is in the heart of the devil, and the devil can also be the Buddha.

What if you are eroded by the shadow? As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, everything will be broken.

"This is impossible! The order of the shadow is irreversible, the shadow is infinite, kill!"

As soon as the shadow roared, the other four people turned into a pool of shadows together. Suddenly, they entered the shadows and strengthened the world of shadows unfolded above the battlefield. Under the order, they were invincible.

As soon as the shadow blows out the formula, the strongest shadow, explosion!

I saw the shadows of the two people squirming out again, eroding towards the two people.

No one can defeat his own shadow, just like a shadow, you have everything, your shadow has, and you can't, but the shadow will, you, what do to fight with your own shadow?

Jingkong Jingyun's reaction at this time was extremely calm and calm.

"Great hardships and great difficulties are all empty."


The Buddha's light shines.

The two shadows let out a sad howl, but they twisted and fell back to the ground. The shadow is still a shadow, just an ordinary shadow.

The shadow marks on the body of the quiet sky and quiet clouds are also quickly replaced by all kinds of Buddha patterns. Layers of halo unfold behind the two people's heads. I really have a Buddha in my heart, and I am a Buddha.

The two waved their hands together, and the Buddha's light shone.

Thousands of Buddha lights fell, and on the battle platform, the order of the shadow completely collapsed, and the golden light was shining everywhere, as if a Buddha country was rising slowly.



The shadow screamed, and the whole body ignited with golden flames...

At this moment, Jingyun's low and heavy voice buzzed: "Convert to my Buddha, convert to my Buddha..."

The shadow struggled, but the Buddha was born, and under the golden Buddha light, the will of the shadow completely disintegrated...


Ying Yi's mouth involuntarily spit out a Buddha's name.


On the ground, the other four people in the film troupe rolled out, the corners of their mouths twitched, and the same Buddha name came out of their lips.

Forced conversion!

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