Holy Church

Chapter 943 Taiyin Out

"Frozen, stop!" Dan Xian smiled and said, "Don't struggle. As I said, you are already dead."

When the words fell, a golden elixir slowly fell back to his front of him, with a faint golden light. I saw that the two virtual shadows were struggling in the golden elixir. A little bit and God fixed his eyes, but his soul was scattered. Those two figures were not others. They were the gin Jinren, who succeeded after hundreds of Rong!" The elixir kicked out with one finger, and saw the virtual shadows of the two yuan gods screaming and turning into a part of the golden elixir, which became brighter.

A little and the god's body trembled suddenly, and then fell straight down... The unique golden elixir soared! Dan Xian didn't even look at a group of monks, such as taboo groups and churches, which were not in the eyes of the three congresses.

The golden light was bright, and the golden elixir entered the body and flew back to his Baiyun Fairy City. In the middle of the sky, the fairy city rumbled, breaking the space and disappearing.

Around, there is silence... The shock brought by the death of the general god is really too big. The group is not the weak. The extreme cold and eternal freezing brought by the north and south are also the strong rule for the monks in the Yuanshen Realm.

However, killing the elixir who did not mess the group showed that the root was unfinished with all his strength, but as soon as the golden elixir exploded, he took away the two yuan gods, pointed lightly, and directly killed the yuan god! " On the way to the Dan Road, there is a famous elixir, and the golden elixir is respected. It is known as the immortal golden elixir road. I didn't expect that someone really practiced it.

It's a little surprised that these three congresses are really not blown out. It's difficult to do and difficult to do! The old man frowned and said, "The legendary Jindan Avenue, after it is completed.

It can be connected to heaven and earth, but no one has practiced it. Dan Xiu is a path. There is something wrong.

Alchemy becomes an immortal.

All the time.

is regarded as a joke in the world of practice, of course.

Alchemy can become a master, but to communicate the legend of the fairyland is directly in this position.

It is impossible to refine the order of the law of heaven in the fairyland. It is impossible for the way of heaven to open a gap for a monk.

He shook his head and said, "This elixir is weird. You can directly extract the life of the yuan god. I'm afraid I don't know how much power it can be cultivated. It's full of magic.

Yuanang's worries are not unreasonable. These three people have big problems.

Wang Meng also felt it. Although Dan Xian controlled it, Wang Meng still felt the strong magic in them.

It is harmful to others and self-interest.

This is different from ordinary Danxiu! The big world.

In the battle of Qianfeng Sect, the dust settled, the holy church stood, and the sect was officially established in the world.

The twelve sects of the three schools and six sects, the Qianfeng sect was removed from the name, and the remaining three sects and six sects and eleven sects. Although they are unwilling, they have to officially recognize the status of the temple. It is enough for these sects to worry about the Ming people to kill demigods, especially the three It is to deal with the Ming people, only the six sects... In fact, there are only five sects left now. After more than half of the gods of the Shengyan Sect were killed by the Ming people, the mountain gate has been closed. If the Holy Hall has caused the wind and clouds in the world, then the Ming people are a storm sweeping everything and a

Taikang City, bordered by Kangshan Mountain in the north and Yongshui in the south, guarding the north and south, is an important city in the Great Realm. All forces have strongholds in this city. The city owner is one of the six sects and the most influential inner disciple of the Hongyi Sect.

On this day, Taikang City is particularly lively. It is the "Jieyi Day" once in Taikang City in January. On this day, anyone can set up a stall in Taikang City, and Yi City provides a magic cloak that can hide the identity. Even if the transaction is a black goods of incorrect origin, there is no need to worry about exposing

At this time, on the street, there are many monks wearing this kind of spell fight that can be isolated from the visit. They are in a hurry and careful. Some go to Yi City, and some return in Yi City.

At this time, in Yishi, two people were walking slowly. One was like a tiger, exuding an awe-inspiring breath on his body, which was unapproachable. The other was smiling and very approachable, but with a dark wheel-shaped weapon behind his back, which was a sense of different from his temperament.

These two people went to the extremes, but they went together.

On Yi City, the two walked and stopped. From time to time, the smiling man bought all kinds of things on various spiritual stalls, including spiritual grass and spiritual materials, as well as treasure utensils. There were all kinds of things, no matter whether it was good or bad, just buy it.

The man with awe-inspiring momentum like a tiger was obviously a little impatient and snorted coldly, "Let's go."

"Akay, I won't buy it, hehe, Brother Zou, don't you think this Yishi is very interesting? With the skills of these brothers, I don't know if they can see through? These two are the perfect match of Taiyinism in those years, Bai Hu Zou Chuang and Yin Yang Lun Xie Tianhua.

"..." Zou Chuang ignored Xie Tianhua.

"Brother Zou, do you think the Holy Church is open, do we want to give some congratulatory gifts? I always think that it seems that there is no need to give anything, and there is no shortage of people in the church.

Zou Chuang continued to be silent, but when he heard the three words of the church, there was a slight glow in the corners of his eyes.

At this time, Xie Tianhua continued to say, "Brother Zou, after so many years, why did the church suddenly issue a church order? Is it possible to get the news that... it's coming up?" Zou Chuang's eyes moved slightly and finally said, "Maybe I've been waiting for too long. I can't help it."

Xie Tianhua shook his head, "It doesn't look like..., huh, is this?" While talking, Xie Tianhua's eyes suddenly lit up and walked towards a spiritual stall.

"Ha ha, you two, I don't know what you like? I recommend the elixir to ensure that each one is the best.

The owner of the spiritual stall was shrouded under the black canopy, and even the sound was changed through special spells.

On the spiritual stall, there are all kinds of elixirs, as well as some strange spiritual materials and obviously damaged treasures.

The main products are elixir, spiritual materials and treasures, which are just a addition.

Xie Tianhua smiled and said, "That's good, that's good. I've included all your things. Give me an integer."

The owner of the spiritual stall was stunned and looked at his stall, "All-inclusive?" That's right."

The owner of the spiritual stall suddenly became a little silent. Although the quality of his elixir is good, it is not enough to make people round. After living for a long time, his heart will naturally have more eyes. At once, he realized that Xie Tianhua must have fallen in love with other things, but he just doesn't want to reveal the white... It's rarer, and there are really no other treasures. Could it be that pile of broken copper and iron? His eyes fell on the pile of damaged treasures. These treasures were collected by him from others at the price of a lower spirit stone. They were only used to support his face. Do you set up a stall and not put a pile of things. Are you worthy of yourself? It's not shameful.

Is there anything missing in this pile of things to pick up? Fifty pieces of top-grade spiritual stone, one less, will not be sold. Although the elixir is worthless, hehe, but..." The stall owner's eyes dribbled. In the middle of his words, he stopped talking. In his opinion, no matter how big the leakage is, it will not exceed 50 top-grade spiritual stones.

"Twenty yuan at most. My brother has good eyesight, and I don't need one more. I'll leave immediately."

Xie Tianhua doesn't want to take advantage of others, but... he only has 20 top-quality spiritual stones on him.

The stall owner thought for a moment, and twenty yuan was also big, and maybe the person in front of him was eye-catching, "Ha ha, I think it's the two of you with good eyesight. Well, let's make friends today. Twenty yuan is twenty yuan."

Xie Tianhua smiled and said, "Okay, make a friend. This is my senior brother, Zou Chuang. If you have something to do in the future, just look for him, as long as it's not for wrong, keep it to your satisfaction."

After the words, Xie Tianhua took out 20 top-grade spiritual stones, which were 90% of his and Zou Chuang's family. Recently, Zou Chuang's practice was a little fierce, and the consumption of spiritual stones could not keep up with the speed of earning.

The stall owner put away the spirit stone and was about to get up and leave. Suddenly, a light voice came from the distance, "Wait, I want all your things."

Buzz... With a burst of swordsong, I looked up and saw five monks in blue brocade robes driving the flying sword to cut the wind.

There are only three kinds of people in Taikang City, who can control the sword and fly in the city. The monks of the city, the core disciples of the three schools and six sects, even the twelve sects do not have this qualification. The last one is the strong man above the golden fairy.

These five blue-robed monks are the monks raised by the main mansion of Taikang City. They are called Guardians, but they are actually a bully in Taikang City.

The stall owner's face was covered by a black robe, but it could be seen that his figure was a little stiff and very nervous. "Ses, I have these things..." "There is no need to ask for an offer. There is no need to find a top-quality spiritual stone. The rest is a reward for you."

"..." The stall owner was silent. He turned his head and looked at Xie Tianhua and Zou Chuang. Twenty top-grade spiritual stones... He was extremely reluctant to give up, but I'm afraid that there was really a big treasure in this pile of tattered treasure, which was targeted by the people of the city owner's mansion. Even if he Don't bow your head.

"What? Is Brother Liang reluctant to give up? These things are just the garbage you recovered with a piece of lower-grade spiritual stone, and now you can earn a piece of upper-grade spiritual stone. It's time to be satisfied.

"Yes, contented people can live longer."

The stall owner trembled all over his body, "How do you know... Is it... That's all, guys, I'm sorry, it's not my turn to earn this spiritual stone."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Obviously, the monks of the city master's mansion knew everything before they came over.

Liang Yun turned his head and handed over another 20 top-quality spiritual stones to Xie Tianhua, and his heart was dripping blood.

"Ha ha, the goods change hands, where can I take them back?" Xie Tianhua smiled. It was easy to see a good thing and send it to the church. He was not rude and had face.

Zou Chuang frowned. His temper was obviously not so good. However, after coming to the Daqianjie to practice for so long, his temperament in the past had also flattened a lot. He closed his eyes and let Xie Tianhua deal with it.

(All brothers and sisters have finished two updates, please ask for a monthly ticket!) RT