God Stick Paradise

Chapter 15 Played the Moco version of the Foxconn incident

Earth, in a chemical laboratory.

A young intern is synthesizing a dangerous chemical. This familiar scene reminds him of a strange smile at the corners of his lips when he did the first experiment in high school chemistry class.

It is clearly recorded in high school textbooks that the reaction is made under acidic or alkaline conditions, and if possible, try to neutralize the product during post-treatment. Otherwise, the product may decompose after a long time.

After using diazomethane, some acid will always be added to destroy the remaining diazomethane. As a result, there was a ** brother in the class who was fat and directly used concentrated hydrochloric acid (should use dilute hydrochloric acid or acetic acid). At that time, the corners of his eyes twitched straight...

Then there was no vacuum grease on the plug of the liquid funnel... This time, the laboratory was fried, and all the students quickly dispersed. Sure enough, the ether was burned with a friction, and the residual alkali was severely released, and the ethane solution of diazomethane! ~~~~

That's it

A "bang" sound resounded over the whole school....

I remember that he also made the headlines of the local morning newspaper the next day. The buddy's agility was really amazing. At the moment of the explosion, he actually jumped out. He didn't even lose a hair...

Only the poor laboratory... At that time, the professor looked at the expensive equipment that had been blown up, and he really wanted to cry...

Er, what's the name of that ** brother? It seems that his name is Liu Yunfeng. Well, Liu Yunfeng seems to have never heard from him since he graduated from high school. That's really a wonderful person. I don't know what he is doing now.

Yes, what is Liu Yunfeng, who is admired by someone, doing now?

Marty Rais College, South District, 414 Exclusive Laboratory of French Front Studies

After the theoretical class, Professor Hod ordered the monitor to organize the students to go to the laboratory on the fourth floor to review the experiment of the last class and declare that he would come back later.

So the students are doing review experiments carefully.

Only Liu Yunfeng looked at the pile of experimental equipment in front of him with a painful face, while Blanco stared with a pair of big eyes and a tangled face. This guy's mind is full of muscles, and all the subjects are red. I really don't know how he got to the third grade. And Yero seems more confused than the two of them. Don't forget that she is from Billy. Do Billy's students need to know how to hold elements? Of course, the answer is NO. As long as you can use a magic guide.

So, an overly fat and obscene ** brother, a tangled brother with incomplete basic knowledge, and a stupid Lori who holds the elements and piled up the element holding array experiment began

"Projection", Liu Yunfeng drank lightly, and a large number of simple but familiar tools from the previous life appeared in front of him, such as rulers, triangle boards, measuring rulers, compasses, measuring meters, etc...

[The simpler the structure, the easier it is to project the more familiar it is]

Yero hit aside and said, "Stupid Feng, why did you get a lot of such primitive tools?"

And Blanco held a cursor ruler with light in his eyes and gasped, "It's good to use this hammer to beat the stuffy stick, quack, I'm so talented!"

Liu Yunfeng's excitement of the second successful projection was splashed by a basin of cold water. These two goods.....

Of course, it is impossible for him to admit that he would not use the advanced tools in the laboratory. He grabbed the cursor caliper in Blanco's hand and pretended to be an old professor and said unfathomablely, "You are ignorant. This is called the simplest road, understand?"

Dumb Lori was obviously fooled for a moment and nodded her little head blankly. Blanco's eyes were even more polished, holding his arm and his head like a nail machine. It seems that I heard Jingyu's good words, "Yes, the road is the most simple. That's the road I'm taking. I'm the man who flattened everything with my muscles!"

Youna, who was doing the experiment not far away, happened to see this scene, with a trace of warmth in her eyes, which was more of an ironic look.

Alia next to her naturally sensed Yuna's eyes and turned her eyes there. Somehow, she was a little angry and whispered, "Three idiots..." Continue to act as Yuna's experimental assistant.

At this time, Liu Yunfeng was just preparing to take action, but the first step is to choose the base map of the six-pointed star or the five-pointed star. It seems that he did not talk about the specific use when he introduced it before.

The pentagram refers to the five front-end stars, forming stars, which are crossed separately. In the white magic of the Moko continent era, it symbolizes that the element-holding mage stands between heaven and earth, with his head in the middle, raising his hands and standing on the ground with his feet. Similar to the thought of the unity of heaven and earth and man in the previous life, that is, between heaven and earth, people can gather and condense the energy between heaven and earth and convert it into their own use.

And after the head and feet are turned upside down, it is the pentagram used by black magic! The magicians regard this as the footprint of the devil and use it to summon the demon of the abyss, or to make the demon of the abyss not approach this plane. Moreover, it is said that when the first queen of the Moco Empire prayed to build a temple, miracles fell from the sky, and Bindak's ring fell from the sky as a force to suppress all demons from the abyss, and was given to Empress Moko by the gods.

And the black magic here does not refer to evil magic.

The origin of magic comes from alchemy. At that time, magicians called themselves alchemists. They first made some lethal substances, and these formulas are now considered to be the prototype of magic. As the magic system gradually matures, it gradually divides into two.

Black magic and white magic, black magic has been constantly improved and moved towards the ultimate killing magic. They established a magic guild, while white magic merged with faith to complete the sacred art, and then there was the Holy See.

Since the collapse of the Moko continent, the era of the Moko Dynasty has also ended. Due to the loss of the casting method, the black magicians have forced professionals to study the method of casting, thus gradually developing into elemental holders, and the white magician of the Holy See has also adopted this more practical method of casting and become a sacrifice.

And the six-pointed star is known as the "Star of David". In addition to becoming a symbol of the elemental guild at that time, it has been engraved with amulets and other figures since ancient times. In alchemy, it is regarded as a magical combination of the symbol of fire (upward triangle) and the symbol of water (inverted triangle).

Liu Yunfeng's head suddenly popped up a lot of knowledge, and I don't know which nerve was blocked. This ** brother directly carved all the three magic arrays into three potentials on the experimental platform, greeting Yero's fuzzy Lori to continue to instill magic into it, and at the same time inject his own mutation into it. I don't know where the magic comes from.

He also took the tool and engraved the sixth-order wind element element holding element storm in the positive five-point star on the left, engraved the sixth-order fire element holding flame storm in the inverted six-point star on the right, and finally engraved the sixth-order thunder element holding lightning in the inverted five-point star above. Storm.

If Professor Hod was beside him at this time, he would have been very shocked. Even the portrayal of the sixth-order element holding array is not as smooth and easy as Liu Yunfeng at this time.

And Yero held a pile of three series of magic crystals and kept injecting magic into the three elements holding array. I don't know where she found so many magic crystals... Blanco sat with his arms and enjoyed the success.

The element holding array of the three elements has been completed, and the element holding array has begun to operate, gradually emitting dazzling light.

Liu Yunfeng is obviously very excited. He didn't expect the elemental array to be so fun.

Yero is obviously the first time to see such a beautiful scene. Liu Yunfeng felt dissatisfied, and added a large accelerated element operation element holding array in the outer circle of the three elements holding array, and supplemented the five-series magic core of gold, wood, water, fire and earth around it to form a five-series circulation, and then added a few strokes, revealing satisfaction. Smile.

"It's that simple?? Then I'll do it too. Give it to me!!" With that, he stretched out his right hand. Press down on the void of the formed array. The mysterious five-pointed star on his arm emitted a dark silver light. The light of the magic array slowly began to become eye-catching.

The idiot trio looked at the completed magic array with signature smiles on their faces. Silvery, honest and naive.

A male student who planned to go to the bathroom first found an abnormality and glanced behind him. This eye was looking at the light that came out when the magic circle was running. It was imprinted on Liu Yunfeng's ferocious smile in his eyes. The scene in front of him suddenly made the student's soul frightened, and his back was soaked on the spot. ...

In an instant, she covered her eyes like a frightened little girl and screamed, "Ah!! Run! If you don't run, you won't die...!!" After shouting, he opened the element with the magic shield and directly broke out of the window, and the emotional buddy jumped directly...

I won't go to hell, who will go to hell...

Other students also found the abnormal situation at the back of the classroom when the male student screamed. The classroom suddenly exploded, screamed and broke out of the window like the male student...

Free fall is the way to save your life......

Fortunately, the monitor still had a sense of responsibility. He rushed to the corner to open the red highest-level element holding alarm and the defense array of the whole experimental building. After finishing these, he also opened the element holding shield and broke out of the window.......

This is the shortcut to the living world...

Yuna's experiment was at a critical moment. She heard a scream, and then felt a magic fluctuation that made her feel dangerous, and she glanced at Liu Yunfeng reflexively.

The little hand suddenly patted the forehead and looked at Elia. They all sensed the sense of powerlessness in the other party's eyes. Then the two of them stopped under their feet and quickly ran behind the excited idiot trio, picked them up and came out of the window...

Foxconn is the eternal truth...

After all the students followed the truth of Foxconn... The elemental fluctuation of the magic array without power support began to become a little chaotic. Just as it was about to explode, there was a slight unreachable fluctuation in the space, and the chaotic fluctuation began to recover, and it gradually stabilized and strengthened!

All the inscriptions depicted by Liu Yunfeng on the experimental table floated out of the table, gradually fused into a three-color dazzling ball in the air, and jumped like life, and circled happily like a child finding a toy he liked. All kinds of elements began to be forcibly sucked over!


It's starting to get violent.....

After teaching theoretical knowledge, Professor Hode returned to the temporary office on the first floor. He was leaning on a soft chair, drinking tea pleasantly, and still recalling the scene of Liu Yunfeng asking that question in class. He sighed that he was not a worry-free student.

At this moment, there was a sudden wave of frightening elements upstairs.

The tea in the mouth was sprayed out of a water mist, which was very spectacular. Then came a harsh alarm!

"Roar--!! Liu Yunfeng! You idiot!!" Professor Hod, who has always been gentle, burst out a dragon-like roar, like a stolen treasure, and kept running towards the laboratory on the fourth floor with flashes!

"You must make it in time!!" Professor Hod's back looks very bleak, and there is a sense of hero's return.

The square in the southern district

Another class is doing an open-air array destructive experiment, with a burst from time to time, which is very common, but it doesn't care much.

At this moment.

With "pop", I saw a khaki humanoid light and shadow on the fourth floor breaking out of the window, and the glass fragments all over the sky looked very sad in the sun

The figure fell to the ground and made a dull sound... While some students were about to throw a few therapeutic elements for each other and ask the reason, the buddy who fell to the ground completely ignored the strangely twisted leg and got up quickly, lame and ran this way while hissing. ! "Escape!! Run away!!"

As soon as the classmate finished shouting, the stunned scene appeared. Only the crackling on the 4th floor was heard, and the colorful figures kept coming out of the building like dumplings.

Then there was a harsh alarm, and then more shadows jumped out like waterfalls from each floor. Several professors' figures used wind elements to hold the method and throw wedding candy to throw the students who had not yet got up into the distance.

At the same time, a dragon-like roar broke out on the first floor, er, poor Professor Hod. The students in this class finally understand,

Big event!!

Absolutely a big event was about to happen, and the scattered feet also ran away, shortly after the last five figures flew out from the fourth floor

A purple figure appeared in mid-air, and his right hand quickly grabbed forward, and the space rippled. Professor Hod, with an embarrassed face, was pulled out.

Several fingerprints were made with the left hand at an imperceptible speed, and countless transparent barriers appeared on the southeast and northwest sides of the legal array experimental building in an instant. Just finished these

A very dazzling light goes straight into the sky...

"Rumble____!!" With a loud noise, in an instant, a huge fireball with a diameter of dozens of feet in diameter hung in the air

The strong light suddenly enveloped the whole college city, and the loud bang-like sound spread farthest to the Billyian War Seminary not far away.

The building, which had stood for nearly 10,000 years, was immediately destroyed into rubble, and the fire rose to the ground. The huge air column and the dust formed by the shattered buildings soared into the air, and then spread around, washed away several layers of barriers, and was bounced back, forming a mushroom cloud towering into the sky...< /P>

Under this flaming mushroom cloud, it became a vacuum. Because the surroundings were blocked by barriers, the clouds in the sky were suddenly pulled down by the cold air and quickly sank down. The newly formed mushroom cloud suddenly rolled into a huge whirlpool, which continued to sink, rotated quickly, and spread in all directions at a frightening speed. It seems that all the clouds within a radius have been pulled into this whirlpool. The whirlpool drives the air and produces hurricanes, and a column of huge cyclones appears over the whirlpool.

The whirlpool goes straight into the sky, like a wild dragon ascending to heaven! The whirlpool is still changing. The center of the whirlpool was only a few meters wide at first, and soon became more than ten meters, dozens of meters, hundreds of meters wide, and finally hundreds of meters wide.

On the ground, like a magnitude 9 earthquake was coming. At the moment of the explosion, a wave appeared from the center of the explosion, like a carpet being lifted. It had just rushed out of 50 feet but was smoothed by the purple figure in the sky, but the violent vibration was inevitable.

But it seems that there is a big hand in the sky, which abruptly presses all the shaking buildings in the city on the ground. Although the cracks are constantly spreading wantonly, they still do not let any houses collapse.

All the poor people in the city looked at the source of the explosion with a frightened face, as if they were witnessing the end of the world. Some city residents even knelt to the ground on the spot and muttered and prayed to God.

The students in Marty Rais College seemed to be much more determined. They stared at the center of the explosion and said, "Fight, what kind of experiment is the school doing this time? Is it necessary to make such a big noise?" The professors of the school also received the news and immediately blocked the news

College South

After the explosion gradually subsided, the original legal and political experimental building disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a huge pit full of heat. The steaming sky was like the water blown by the breeze.

The sky turned into a huge circular cloud, which covered the whole college city with a sacred atmosphere.

The students who escaped from the magic array experimental building not far away looked afraid and palpitated.

The figure in the sky moved again and saw his right hand grabbing down the void. At the place of the original huge pit, an experimental building that was exactly the same as the original magic array rose from the ground, like bamboo shoots growing from the ground, and even the various facilities in the building were directly generated out of thin air.

At the same time, the cracks in all the buildings in the whole college city are gradually closing and disappearing. Now more city residents also knelt down and muttered and prayed, thinking that it was caused by a miracle.

The students who should have been shocked again showed confusion and excitement at this time. The original picture in their minds suddenly turned into a bad old man, the principal and some professors doing forbidden spell experiments over the southern district, and they were lucky to be the students of this observation. However, they did not realize that their injuries were gradually recovering as before.

The principal with magical purple lips, Shi. Luo. Qinghai. He took a look at Liu Yunfeng, who was also at a loss, with a complex look in his eyes. His hand was held in front of him, and some virtual shadows appeared on his palm, and the complex color in his eyes was even worse. Then the big sleeves rolled up, and he and Hod had disappeared.

If Liu Yunfeng saw it at this time, he would definitely burst into a rude sentence: "Fight, isn't that the elemental array drawn by Brother?"

At this time, the students gradually recovered from their confusion, excitedly discussing the forbidden spell experiment just now, and praised the power of the principal's stinky old man.

Only Liu Yunfeng's eyes showed a trace of frightening, "Is this TMD still a human?" Then I regretted it again and almost got it out...

Even if he was relieved, the sky collapsed and there was a tall man, and a cheap smile of his logo appeared on his face: "Hey, let's see who else dares to provoke my brother in the future. I don't recommend being an alien version. Laden, quack..."

The confused color in Blanco's eyes flashed, returned to Qingming, and also smiled.

"No laughing, didn't you say that you laughed disgustingly?" Yero beside him pulled Liu Yunfeng's ear and said

"Bit, it's disgusting." Alia added fuel to the fire.

When Blanco saw his brother's suffering, he shrank aside unjustly and muttered with the family motto on his back: "I'd rather provoke villains, don't provoke women... Don't underestimate women, they all have tigers and wolves hidden in their hearts... Women are the biggest stumbling block on the road to becoming gods..."

Youna stood behind Liu Yunfeng and looked at Liu Yunfeng's back with a complex look that was even imperceptible to her...

PS: 5700+ thick chapter... Tomorrow, I will rush to the list again.........

Ask for everything to be awesome............................................................