God Stick Paradise

Chapter 43 Night Banquet

The afterglow is over, and the full moon is clear.

After seven o'clock in the evening, there was an endless stream of carriages coming and going in the Duke of Solomon's mansion, and nobles came down from the luxurious carriages one after another.

There are old gentlemen wearing fashionable dresses decorated with gold threads and inlaid gems, wearing small hats and walking sticks, and young young men wearing tuxedos with Baltic collars and long swords holding horse whips.

Of course, there are also ladies who put on their heavy makeup in order to climb to celebrities at the banquet, and there are also ladies who still can't see their figure even if they tie their waists.

The reason why it is so lively is that the Duke of Solomon is noble and holds power over 10,000 people under one person in the Hilling Empire, so the banquet he held must have a scene that matches his identity.

Although the banquet starts at 7 o'clock, in fact, the guests are almost there at 7:20. It is worth mentioning that the higher the title, the later they come.

The most important guest has not arrived yet. That is the protagonist of this banquet.

Hiling's youngest sixth-order warrior, the heir of Count Cassand, Kaiser. Gna. Cassander.

And originally as the most distinguished guest, Princess Yuna of the Hilling Empire. Elizabeth. Phelps went to the banquet hall with Liu Yunfeng and others as ordinary guests. It is strange to say that even if according to common sense, even if the owner knew that the other party did not want to reveal his identity, he would come to meet him first, but the Duke Solomon simply pretended not to know, and Yuna seemed to be happy. So.

In front of the waiter opening the door of the main hall, Liu Yunfeng's arm was suddenly held by a soft hand. The arm armor made his waist a little chrome. Although he knew that it was only etiquette, it still made Liu Yunfeng feel flattered. He took the opportunity to tidy up his clothes and glance at Yuna. Well, as expected, Yuna Of course, there was no expression, but it still made Liu Yunfeng feel a little disappointed.

Liu Yunfeng turned his head to look at Blanco and Elia behind him, but Elia obviously did not play cards according to common sense, and her face was as indifferent as ever, which made Blanco, who was already a little afraid beside her, even more embarrassed.

The main door was opened by the waiter, and the brilliant and bright light in the hall drenched on the four people. Mixed in this light, there may be many more peeping eyes. Liu Yunfeng took a deep breath and raised his head high, showed a perfect smile, and stepped into the main door.

When four people entered the hall door, the guests, either far or near, chatting or resting, looked over as if they had received instructions. Roughly estimating, I'm afraid that half of the female guests and almost all the male guests are concerned about - Elia...

There's nothing I can do. These days, the lethality of the chest device is almost 100 million... Elia, whose figure could make women all over the world envy and hate, wore a red tuxede tonight. If you look at her back, her waist is amazingly thin! Compared with its buttocks and upper body curves, that wonderful posture is enough to make all normal men in the world flutter!

A sound of swallowing suddenly sounded in the hall, followed by the sound of several men breathing coldly, which was pinched by the female companions around them. Meat.

Then several confident young men came to talk to him, but they were forced back by Elia's cold eyes and salty simple reply. But obviously, the sons of these big families are not so easy to beat. Everyone can see the intoxication and greed in their eyes.

Liu Yunfeng saw one of his fingers hooked, and immediately a unattractive man stepped forward and explained something to him. The latter nodded and left the venue. Obviously, this was to let his hand go down to collect the information of Elia and her party. If there was no strong backer, he could Use some small means.

Aria naturally noticed it, and there was a trace of unreachable contempt and murder in her eyes. Liu Yunfeng also smiled quietly and nodded calmly to the nobles who greeted Yuna. He turned a deaf ear to those kind, malicious jokes, not too enthusiastic and indifferent. His current performance tonight is actually perfect.

It didn't take long for the footsteps to sound, but Duke Solomon, the owner of the banquet, came into the inner room. That's a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man. He wore a black rune robe and embroidered a golden tulip pattern on his chest. Liu Yunfeng knew that it was the emblem of their Solomon family through Yero's explanation in the carriage.

Yero once said that her father was nearly 50 years old, but he didn't seem to be old, and his face was not wrinkled at all. He was probably well maintained. However, as soon as he saw him, Liu Yunfeng immediately understood why Yero was worried. The Duke was indeed the kind of person who was very serious, rigid and meticulous at first glance. Since the marriage contract is defaulted, it is likely that it cannot be changed.

Yero came out with his wrist, and her red and swollen eyes can well interpret this speculation, and it is even possible that they have quarreled about it. Yero is wearing a lovely white princess skirt today. Because his body is not very mature, and his face is a little haggard, he looks like a small white flower that has just passed the wind and rain, which is pitiful.

When Duke Solomon appeared, all the nobles present slowly poured in towards this side and greeted the host of the banquet in an orderly manner, while Duke Cromwell nodded and smiled to respond, instead of throwing out one or two topics. Occasionally, when he laughed, the surrounding nobles returned to the seemingly heroic but extremely hypocrisy. Laughter. Make the atmosphere of this banquet that has not yet started lively without being rude.

And nearly half an hour later, Cather, the protagonist of the banquet, finally arrived. His lateness is not rude, but among the nobles of this world, the more important guests are often present. Because if important guests come early, will the banquet start to wait for other guests? Therefore, I don't know when there was such an awkward rule. And this is also one of the reasons why the four Yuna, who arrived early, were so despised.

At the door of Solomon's mansion, Kaiser slowly and elegantly got out of the carriage, and the lights shone on his face. Although the light was slightly dim, it could still be seen that it was a beautiful and excessive face with delicate snow-white skin.

He raised his arm flat. Inside the door of the car, a hand was stretched out, which was as elegant, delicate and slender as an orchid, holding his arm. Out of the car was a girl in the same evening dress. Her hair was curled high and tied into a bun with a golden rose-patterned hairband. It is amazing that she has a delicate face very similar to that teenager. Those eyes are like two brilliant sapphires.

The duchy housekeeper who had been waiting at the door for a long time greeted them and showed them the way, while waving to the attendants beside him.

"Heir of Count Cassand, Cather. Li. Mr. Cassand is arriving!"

The sound spread from the door of the mansion, through the vestibule and atrium to the banquet hall, and several attendants relayed the news to the ears of hundreds of nobles in the grand banquet hall.

In the focus of hundreds of eyes, today's most important guests have arrived.

Cather is dressed in the opposite white of Liu Yunfeng tonight, but it is shocking that his skin is a little whiter than his dress. I'm afraid this alone will make women jealous. He stopped at the door of the banquet hall and looked at the hundreds of eyes, looking at them one by one. This gives the aristocracy the illusion that they are the people who are judged, not Kaiser.

Then, Kaiser slowly walked towards the direction of the banquet host with her female companion with a warm smile. When Liu Yunfeng and Blanco looked at Kaiser, they cursed in their hearts:

Dead shemale!

Indeed, Cather is a little too neutral. A melon seed face, lingering with a faint fragrance, bright eyes like gems, cherry lips like crystals, his smile is pure and sweet, and the shallow dimples on his cheeks add a little charm to him. His appearance is extremely enchanting, enchanting like a succubus, a beautiful face like a peach, and his eyebrows contain charming style. His hands and feet can attract people with a strange smile. The special charm, the big eyes that seemed to speak narrowed slightly, and the sky-blue pupils were shining like gems, making his whole body full of touching charm.

And when they looked at the woman beside her, they couldn't help but be a little stunned. It was Audrey she saw on the blue continent!! So, Cather is Audrey's brother, but this pair of men and women seem to be far better than brothers and sisters... Evil words are even like lilies. Wait, is he the suitor of Yero??

Audrey's beautiful eyes finally found several of them, and her enchanting face bloomed with a naughty but upside-down smile of all sentient beings.

And Cather and Audrey went to Duke Solomon, bowed down and made a noble salute, and then expressed their gratitude for being invited. Thank you for your invitation, Duke. His voice is soft and charming. Liu Yunfeng was shocked. Is this guy really a woman?

"Long time no see, Cather's nephew." The Duke helped the two with a kind smile, and then announced the beginning of the banquet with applause...

In fact, Liu Yunfeng didn't find any difference before and after the start of the banquet. It was the same as drinking and chatting and farting.

Not long after, Duke Crowell suddenly raised his hand and made a downward movement. Suddenly, all the nobles calmed down.

However, the Duke took the reluctant Yello to Caesar's side and stuffed his little hand, which had been bowing his head, into Kaiser's smiling palm. A hot news came from his mouth: "The old man hereby announces that today is the engagement day of the little daughter Yero and today's engagement with Kaiser's nephew."

Although the nobles knew the news through various channels, it was still so shocking when the news really came out of Duke Cromwell's mouth. When there was a applause and congratulations in the hall, it was even more shocking to them.

In Blanco's doubtful eyes full of food, in Yuna and Elia's encouraging eyes, in the pitiful but appreciated eyes of Cather and Audrey, in the playful or stunned or shocked eyes of the nobles, Yero, slowly but extremely firmly from Kaiser He pulled out his small hand from his equally white palm and took a deep look at Duke Cromwell with the same complex face.

She looked at Liu Yunfeng, who was tasting food without grace. Liu Yunfeng's movements suddenly froze, because he felt that at least hundreds of eyes were tightly nailed to his back. If these eyes were substantial, he had been pierced.

He heard the footsteps behind him, swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped the oil away with his sleeves, and turned around stiffly, but saw Yero slowly walking towards him with a gentle face. His cherry-like mouth moved slightly, but there was no sound:

"You promised me."

The last glimmer of hope in Liu Yunfeng's heart collapsed, and his bitter face was held by Yeluo, but he saw Yeluo glance at the nobles present, and a weak but firm declaration sounded in the hall: "I am already his!"

PS: Jie Jie, enough dog blood... How to get dog blood... Ask for a collection............