God Stick Paradise

Chapter 54 The Wall of Sighs

'Liu Yunfeng' slowly poured his power into the scepter. The scepter twisted like two intertwined snakes. Countless small inscriptions moved on the scepter, and the original gorgeous gold peeled off from above, revealing the true body of blood color. This is a long gun!

It has two separate parallel spear blades! This spear blade is a spiral long gun extending from two intertwined metal strips.

The rust and mottled marks on the long gun seem to indicate that it is so old. And the real age of this thing is indeed much older than everyone thinks!

It is what countless people want to seize!

β€”β€”β€”β€”The Gun of Longinus!!

But who would have thought that such a precious and important treasure was in the hands of a Lori queen and appeared in front of everyone in the style disguised as a scepter!

Who would have thought that the real Longinus was so ordinary or even ugly!

Who would have thought that in the mountainside palace, countless masters took out a fake from the treasure house!

At this moment, the real Longinus appeared in the eyes of everyone on the top of the mountain, even if it was only recreated from one of the fragments. When it changed from a scepter to a blood-red spear, it shocked everyone deeply!

Yes*! Let's go!" Liu Yunfeng, who was running, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the changes in his hands, and fled down the mountain with the girl named Raphael!

A slightly brainy person will sort out the beginning and end of the matter, and then the name of the gun is about to come out. At this moment, the treasure of the country that has just seen the sun was taken away in front of his eyes, and almost everyone suddenly turned red!

"Huaper...!" The frightened bodyguard exclaimed. But no one can stop it and no one can chase it. However, this time, in order to seize the overseas fragment, Xiling made a desperate bet. The masters above the seventh level went out and took away a large number of sixth-order peak masters. Relying on the Holy Mountain to have the magic array handed down from ancient times, which could make the strength of the intruders all bound under the seventh level. He thought that for a while, he could determine the universe! In this way, they were allowed to succeed. This time, Xiling really made it bigger... He looked at the two people who had gone and sighed sadly.

"Where are you going to run, boy!" Blanco, who was relatively nervous, was completely stunned when 'Liu Yunfeng' suddenly burst out. He couldn't figure out how his buddy could play like this. He didn't realize it when 'Liu Yunfeng' shouted at Raphael. Unexpectedly, someone pretended to be his buddy! It's really unforgivable!

Speed Star!

Blanco turned into a phantom and rushed out and chased him with the shadow guards, just like two dark dragons in the wind and rain!

Yero, who was originally beside Blanco, blinked his big mist eyes confusedly. Now she has only one idea in her mind, that is, Liu Yunfeng lost...

'Liu Yunfeng' obviously noticed the two people who rushed after him. Although the golden hair dwarf was not a concern, he would suffer if he was entangled by the shadow guard.

When he fled to the only intersection on the top of the mountain with the girl around him, he suddenly turned around and closed his eyes! Longinus is held in the left hand and the steel dragon sword in the right hand!

"Master! Lend me your strength!" A call of the soul seems to have crossed the barrier of space and passed into somewhere......

In that place, the light is very dark, as if countless cold winds are roaring, and in the middle of this cold wind, there is an iceberg, and there is a person in this iceberg, as if the whole iceberg is that person's ice coffin.

The "quasi" seemed to have a weak thought response, and then fell silent again, and the man was constantly squirming under his eyes, as if he was manipulating another more important battle with all his strength...

Liu Yunfeng, who received a response, suddenly opened his eyes, and a red light appeared in his eyes. The weapons of his hands suddenly danced. At this moment, it seemed that the heavy rain had been divided into two groups and gathered towards the weapons of his two hands.

He actually took the soldier as the pen, the rain as the ink, and the sky as the curtain. A huge picture scroll is rapidly forming under his pen, slowly covering from the sky!

The complicated inscriptions were outlined by him and reflected in the picture one by one. Finally, the picture on the scroll slowly emerged, which turned out to be a ghost all over the sky. The whole top of Xiling Mountain suddenly seemed to be dead. From a distance, it almost turned into a huge invisible whirlpool, which was full of death, making everyone in it shocked. It is also an endless sad soul, echoing in this world, emitting silent roars.

"Sigh... The wall of sighs!! Stop him!!" The bodyguard couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at the great changes in the sky.

When the shadow guard heard the words, he didn't know what secret method he used, and once again increased the speed by 30%! He threw Blanco behind him far away when he was about to get close to 'Liu Yunfeng'. But he saw a strange smile on the other party's face again.

When I saw 'Liu Yunfeng' inserting the weapons of both hands on the ground, it seemed to pull the curtain in the sky, and the whole Xiling Holy Mountain was shocked!

"Bum...." Just as the dagger in the hand of the flying shadow guard was about to pierce the eyebrows of 'Liu Yunfeng', an invisible wall appeared, and a circle of ripples scattered, and then countless worm-like blue inscriptions poured this way.

But the shadow guard was ejected back by a greater force before this, and Blanco, who came later, saw the dark shadow in front of him rapidly expanding in his vision, and the two bumped into each other with a bang.

And 'Liu Yunfeng' pulled out his weapon and turned with Raphael to run to the only way to the top of the mountain - the Sky Bridge. It was also carved from a whole piece of fine jade steel, built between the two dangerous peaks. When the two of them stepped on the bridge, they found that there was already a woman standing in the middle of the bridge, like a lotus in the wind and rain, a beautiful and unattainable thing. It's Catherine who should have duel with Liu Yunfeng!

Two shallow dimples appeared on her delicate and enchanting face, as if with a playful smile, "You are finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time." The beautiful autumn eyes bent into a shallow crescent moon suddenly gushed out a small silver lightning...



At this time, on the top of the mountain, people are still in an atmosphere of indignation, and it is a shame that the treasure of revitalizing the country is taken away in front of their eyes!

"I just felt his breath!" Yuna looked at Elia beside her and wrote.

Alia's body was stiff when she heard this, and regardless of the separation between her master and servant, she put her hands on Yuna's shoulder and hurriedly asked, "Safi? Wasn't he exiled by you? How come?"

A complex color flashed in Yuna's eyes, and she pondered a little, and still wrote: "He should not be able to come to the present world, but I'm afraid he raised the children."

Alia's face was full of sarcasm and said, "Has he also begun to fight for the fragment? I'm afraid it's for his own selfish desires again.

The complex color on Yuna's face is stronger. He shook his head sadly. Just when the scene was a little dull, someone exclaimed:

"What is that?" The voice was frightened and uneasy, but more incredible, as if he already knew what it was, but it was beyond his cognitive scope. He couldn't believe the answer that was about to come out.

Almost everyone, including Yuna Elia, looked at the west and was stunned collectively. In their vision, there was a tsunami rising on the western sea at this time. According to the distance, I'm afraid it has reached at least 1,000 meters!

This is no longer a tsunami in the ordinary sense. This kind of tsunami can completely engulf the mainland! Such a huge wave is enough to tear everything in front of you to pieces. Below the seventh level, it may be difficult to withstand the impact of this violent amount. In front of the power of heaven and earth, people find for the first time that they are just an extremely small existence.

"Your Highness, the national master is not here, please open the queen's shelter! Under this tsunami, only by borrowing the power of the queen can we protect the people of Hilling." A count suddenly pushed away the crowd, staggered down and knelt down in front of Queen Katyusha, and said to her with hope.

When others heard the words, they also looked at the Queen with eager eyes, but the only response to them was silence. The bodyguard's fingers on the broken sword turned white due to force. His face is as gloomy as water.

Katyusha stood up, wiped the tears mixed with rain on her face, and said with difficulty, "The key to opening the statue of the queen has been taken away."

The sound is not loud, but it falls into everyone's ears like thunder. It turns out that the queen statue on the top of the mountain can not only accumulate the power of faith, but also convert it into another power to protect in some way, which is a power that can protect a continent! But it needs that scepter to open! That's the gun of Longinus that was taken away!

This sentence undoubtedly cut off everyone's last glimmer of hope, and a kind of sadness permeated the top of Hilling...

The rain fell harder, the dense raindrops made the ground crackle, and the fierce sea breeze made many people unable to open their eyes, but everyone was trying to widen their eyes, and everyone's eyes were condensed on the tsunami that was rolling towards the Hilling continent.

At this moment, the rainstorm and strong wind seem to have become insignificant, and even the lightning in the sky is no longer dazzling, because they all know that if there is no turning point, this may be the last scene they can see in their lifetime.

"Cather will take back the scepter!" Katyusha suddenly raised her head and said loudly, with an inexplicable confidence.

"Kaiser?" Everyone was stunned. They remembered that Catherine, who was supposed to fight, did not appear here, and they suddenly became expect it again, as if they had seen a life-saving straw.

"Sister?" Audrey remembered what her sister told her three days ago. Has she been prepared for this situation since then?

PS: Ask for a collection..................................