God Stick Paradise

Chapter 61 What a beauty

The next day, Liu Yunfeng and Blanco said goodbye to the three women and embarked on a journey to the mainland of Chiyan.

From Yuna's eyes when she left, it can be seen that she also wants to go together, but she knows that Elia has been under great pressure to bring her to the capital of Xiling, and they can't afford to go to a mercenary continent without any guarantees. As the central figure of this bet, she could not participate in terms of name or justice. She could only beat Liu Yunfeng's carrots and two brothers when leaving, and fooled the difficult brothers.

They took the carriage again for a boring journey for nearly a week. Originally, they thought it was a pain to accompany several women on the road and listen to them talk about completely unconceptual topics. Now they find that it turns out that it would be more boring to keep two sultry men in the same carriage. Pain. There are only a few limited topics to talk about along the way.

For example, Catherine was obviously a woman, why did she hold on to Yero's sad little Lori and didn't let go? The two old men did not discuss the reason. When Liu Yunfeng thought of Yunfeng's behavior that night, he also guessed that it was some way to increase her strength. Is Catherine also going to want Yero and her? Shuangxiu, it seems that it is really possible.

Thinking of Catherine, especially the woman's character, I can also guess what her plan is this time. Just hope not to mess up this continent again. So they didn't take this bet seriously. The main purpose is to fight the little monster. On the one hand, they can improve their strength, and on the other hand, they can also make some money.

When it comes to money, the two old men were speechless. This time, the reward given to them by Queen Xiling is undoubtedly some reputational privileges and other things. As for money, in the queen's opinion, a duke's daughter, a princess of a country, and the two people with them will never care about these dung things, and they will completely lose Xiling. Face.

So the two poor bastards went on their way. When using the transmission array, they were shocked again. A transcontinental transmission actually spent almost all of Blanco's savings...

In fact, this is also a kind of common sense. The transmission array is equivalent to the Boeing airliner of Liu Yunfeng's previous life. Blanco, a child from the countryside, has so little savings. It's strange that it doesn't cost money. Generally, middle and low-level mercenaries choose to do tasks by sea to the nearest barbaric continent, and then sometimes work on that continent for a few months or more years, which can save a lot of transportation costs. This also strengthens their desire to make money, otherwise they can't even go back...

Once again experienced the strange feeling through the transmission array, it was like hitting the hanging door curtain, and the bead chain jingled and spread out. They passed through and went to the red continent.

I went out of the transmission hall and found that this continent was still early in the morning. Liu Yunfeng raised his hand and stretched out five fingers to the sunrise in the east. The sun was rising from there. He slowly closed his five fingers, as if the newborn sun was held in his hand and felt the temperature here. This continent deserves to be the name of red inflammation, and even the morning is a little hot.

Looking around, this is just a medium-sized town, without civilians, and most of them are mercenaries and merchants. Presumably, in order to facilitate transactions, it has unconsciously developed it to its current scale over the years.

The journey of the carriage and horse for nearly a week in a row made both of them a little tired, but their first task now is to change some money. Just as Blanco was wrinkled and was at a loss, Liu Yunfeng took out the half-cut blade from his belt. This is the fake steel dragon sword given to him by Yero, which was tragically cut into two companions in the battle with Leonardo da Vinci. The other end of the hilt was inserted into the other party's body and was gone forever...

But he left the real thing behind Leonardo da Vinci, and he pulled out the real thing behind Bran's stunned. The Canggang Dragon Sword cut a small piece on the broken blade and put it back. Anyway, it was the first gift given to him by a girl in the world.

Then the two walked to a weapons store. Liu Yunfeng put the small piece of metal in front of the shop owner: "Rare goods, how about 300 Xiling gold coins?"

As soon as the boss picked up the metal, he showed joy. As soon as he heard Liu Yunfeng's offer, he immediately changed his expression and wanted to bargain. As a result, Blanco beside him took out a Hilling copper coin and pinched it into a copper ingot in front of the shopkeeper.

In fact, the texture of this metal is still good, but the reason why the sword can make so much money is mainly due to the casting method. The price of such a piece of metal alone is about 340 Xiling gold coins. Liu Yunfeng directly quoted the price of 300 Xiling gold coins. In fact, the boss still makes some money.

After glancing at the fierce Blanco, the shop owner studied for a long time with a magnifying glass to determine that it was of high quality and immediately gave the money. The reason why he was refreshed was that Blanco, who was a little impatient, pinched the copper ingots into copper powder...

After successfully getting the money, the two came to the mercenary union.

The Mercenary Union is also one of the largest and oldest unions in the world. It has hundreds of millions of adventurers, but it is said that it is a very loose organization. Rumor has no direct power, but it has the most perfect and fastest publicity ability on the mainland, which is quite the same as the advertising platform on earth. The role.

Looking at the flow of people coming and going at the door of the mercenary union, even Liu Yunfeng, who was used to seeing the huge flow of people on the earth, couldn't help but feel surprised.

When stepping into the door, the inside and outside of the door are like two worlds, and the noisy sound is like a large pile of flies constantly making a "buzzing" sound in their ears.

Liu Yunfeng and Blanco swam in a crowded crowd like fish into the sea. Countless human obstacles did not hinder them at all, and quickly swam to the sign that said "mercenary handlers".

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Liu Yunfeng couldn't help praising in his heart: "What a beauty."

This woman's mature and charming, extremely delicate and beautiful white cheeks, and a pair of seductive peach blossom beautiful eyes seem to release ** to men all the time. A rolled up of fiery blue silk hanging down to white fragrant shoulders, and a pair of peaks stand proudly on her chest, and its size shocked the two of them. That is definitely He Ai. Leah has a fight.......

"It's not just a beauty, it's a beauty." Liu Yunfeng's eyes moved over the slender and elegant jade neck without a trace, but he was almost sucked in by the deep milky white gully. There was a filth in his heart, but his face did not show at all. He smiled and said, "Miss, please help me register as a mercenary."

At this time, Meryl was also looking at the two teenagers in front of her, the thin body that talked to her, a white and ordinary face and long black hair, reflecting a slightly beautiful face. Only those dark star eyes can add a lot of charm to him and make the original ordinary appearance harmonious and natural. Get up.

The one next to him is strong, but he is short, with straw-like shady short broken gold hair, and two strong thick eyebrows seem to be splashed on it with ink.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they can't see through their strength through their breath. And the black-haired teenager is even more like a dark pool.

"These are two teenagers with great potential." This is Meryl's judgment of the two.

Liu Yunfeng, who didn't know that his two had won a little favor in the heart of the beauty, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the stunning beauty in front of him and looking at him: Am I handsome? Well, it seems that I'm really handsome...

Liu Yunfeng coughed heavily and pulled back the beauty's thoughts.

"Ah! OK..." Meryl shouted delicately, and with a blush, she climbed onto her delicate cheeks and hurriedly answered. The voice was crisp and crisp, and the delicate voice of the beauty made all the men in the hall feel an impulse. They couldn't help but stand on the back pain and hurriedly find a chair to sit down.

This charming voice also made Liu Yunfeng and Blanco's lower abdomens burst into heat, quickly suppressing them and almost making a fool of themselves.

Watching the beauty take out a booklet from under the table and bend down to fill in the information on it. Liu Yunfeng, who stood in front of her, almost had a nosebleed when they saw this action.

Because Meryl was dressed in professional clothes, her upper body was split with large, and she was compressed into a snow-white piece of tight clothes, and the two virgins' eyes suddenly straightened.

Suddenly, there was a riot behind him. Liu Yunfeng turned his head and saw a large drooling mercenary behind him. His eyes looked straight at the snow-white, and the sound of swallowing saliva immediately filled the hall.

When Liu Yunfeng turned her head, Meril also raised her head and saw rows of hot eyes. Her beautiful eyes were cold, and her rosy little mouth drew a seductive arc, but her tone was as cold as the extreme cold wind: "Have you seen enough?"

The cold sound suddenly seemed to make the temperature in the air drop several points. Many mercenaries shivered, and the noisy mercenary hall immediately became quiet.

This scene made Liu Yunfeng take a deep look at the beauty in front of her. It is not easy to work in such a mixed place. Being able to control the scene can better explain this problem. Looking at the two teenagers who were a little surprised, Meril explained softly, "Those mercenary hooligans can usually look at them, but they are all cowards with no courage." Then he asked, "What class are you? Do you have a grade badge?"

Ah? Level badge? Do you have it?" Of course, Liu Yunfeng could not believe her words. When he heard the grade badge, he was still stunned and asked Blanco beside him doubtfully.

Blanco touched his body when he heard the words, and finally took out a round iron piece from his trouser pocket and put it on the counter: "I did it three years ago, and it's still there, hehe."

Merille's beautiful eyebrows unconsciously twitched when she saw his movements, but her pupils shrank slightly when she saw the middle of the fourth stage engraved on the badge. It was assessed three years ago, doesn't that mean that this guy has that kind of strength before he is 15 years old? Meryl collected her mind and said, "Registered mercenaries need grade badges. Grade badges can be applied for in major unions, but they need to be assessed. Our mercenary branch can also apply. You'd better reasses your friends, too? So, what level do you want to apply for?

Liu Yunfeng and Blanco showed clear expressions and asked with one voice, "How many levels can I apply for here?"

Merille showed a surprised look, but a trace of cunning flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes and replied with a smile, "At present, there is only one fifth-level peak master in our branch. You can apply for a fifth-level peak badge. Do you want to try it?"

"Ha ha, that's good." Liu Yunfeng and Blanco laughed more than the other.

PS: Please collect................................................