God Stick Paradise

Chapter 82 Who is he

In the thunder flashing in the sky, a dazzling red light appeared in the magic array, which turned out to be a murderous atmosphere, bursting out from the magic array! This murderous spirit is as real. As soon as it appeared, the shield around the three women collapsed in an instant, and even the rain scattered in the sky seemed to stagnate, showing signs of frost.

And this sudden murderous atmosphere also stunned the unexplained Elia and Yero for a moment, and at this moment, a bloody figure rushed out of the magic array. At a glance, the sword light flashed out and showed no mercy!

Although Yuna had been prepared for a long time, even if she had reached the sixth level of magic, she could not escape the sword. With a soft sound, she was hit by the tip of the sword. However, the armor on her chest did not know what material it was. After this heavy blow, there were no scars. Although she avoided penetrating damage, the power was still transparent. After the armor, it bombarded into Yuna's body.

Yuna was bombarded by this huge force! The petite figure turned into a phantom and heard the loud noise of the rocks not far away! Countless rubble collapsed.

"Your Highness/Yuna!!" Alia and Yero suddenly exclaimed!

And the figure that suddenly flew out of the magic array kicked Yuna again, and unexpectedly went straight to Yuna, and a roar came from the mountain wall again! The original cliff was bombarded with a round pit at this time! In the middle of the pit, the shadow was seen stepping on Yuna's chest. Yuna was hit hard again and finally spewed out a bloody fog.

A thunder flashed in the sky, illuminating the black figure. He was dressed in ferocious blood-red armor, and a white fog wrapped around his whole body, revealing a burning smell. His hair was dry without any luster, and the skin on his face was like a dry earth. The blood mist spewed by Yuna sprinkled on his dry face, mixed with rain, but it reflected his eyes more scarlet! Those eyes made people chill, and their blood-colored pupils made the indifference and ruthlessness of the world.

It was after he went crazy in the Chiyan mainland that Liu Yunfeng heard Yuna's call during the death war with the three Xilings...

But this time it is called, but it seems to be deadly...

Liu Yunfeng did not hesitate at all. He raised the same scarlet dragon sword above his head and cut it at Yuna, who was stepping on her feet!

"Liu Yunfeng! Are you really crazy...?" Yero screamed heartbreakingly!

This call actually made the sword in his hand stop. The blade of the sword stopped in front of Yuna's forehead, and a broken golden hair was knocked down by the rain and fell on the muddy land...

Liu Yunfeng looked at Yuna's clear eyes, and the sword in his hand trembled crazily, as if struggling!

Yero cried and was about to rush over, but was hugged by Arya and gently shook her head.

You Na ignored the long sword that stopped in front of her forehead, looked at Liu Yunfeng, who was already completely different, raised her pale plain hand, and put it on his dry and cracked face, without any nausea and disgust, and gently stroked...

Liu Yunfeng's whole body began to tremble unnaturally, but the red light in his eyes was even stronger. Two blood and tears flowed from his already inhuman eyes...

Youna looked at the blood and tears, and her heart was complicated and inexplicable. She put her bare hands on his face and crossed the bridge of her nose that had collapsed a firm look. With a firm look, her index finger pointed on Liu Yunfeng's eyebrows. The eyes in their eyes dimmed at the same time, let this scene calm down. Ge, it seems to be eternal...



Youna opened her eyes, and as far as she could see, there was a blood red color, a gorgeous blood cloud, an endless sea of blood, and everything was blood-red. Even her white legs were soaked to her knees by the sticky blood.

And all this is not calm. In the western sky, two huge sun-like light balls are hitting each other. Every time they hit, the sky can collapse countless dark cracks, but every time it cracks, the space seems to become one point bigger, and this situation should last for a long time. Imagine how horrible the situation was at the beginning. It must be a doomsday scene.

Even now, the sky over there is still rolling red clouds, and this sea of blood, which has been bombarded again and rippled again, is like a real sea with waves.

Yuna observed for a moment and found that the golden light mass had been at a disadvantage. This bloody world seemed to have taken advantage of the red light mass, but the red light mass was a little slow, as if it was a little silly, which was also the reason why the golden light mass could breathe until now.

Looking away, I turned my head and saw a red cocoon immersed in the sea of blood. When I saw the red cocoon, Yuna was stunned, but then my heart ached. Feng, was she was locked in there, right? In this space without the concept of time, tortured by endless loneliness and loneliness...

Yuna put down her thoughts, wading blood, and walked towards the red cocoon step by step. As she approached, she stretched out her hands and wanted to open the cocoon, but the silk was extremely tough and motionless. She stretched out her bare hands and shook the void, and the huge sickle did not appear. Unexpectedly, Liu Yunfeng's sea of knowledge is so domineering that his weapons can't be realized.

Youna bit some pale cherry lips, resolutely abandoned the lady's reservedness and the nobility of being a princess, lay on the red cocoon, and bit the silk with her two rows of white and tender teeth! In one bite, it was a fluffy, but the silk that was bitten turned into red light and rushed into her body. In the beautiful eyes that were as clear as water, a faint red light also appeared.

But she still didn't mean to stop, just a red mouth that kept biting, even if there was a hill-like silkworm cocoon in front of her...

In Liu Yunfeng's sea of knowledge, there is no concept of time, and I don't know how long it took. The huge silkworm cocoon actually appeared a basin-sized hole. Yuna, who was almost mentally weak, finally saw Liu Yunfeng in the silkworm cocoon. Her expressionless face actually drew a thrilling line, and she actually smiled. This smile is like a green lotus blooming. In this world without physical constraints, she has the right to smile. However, no one can see this...

Youna put her hands on the back of Liu Yunfeng's neck and forehead...

At this moment, Yuna awakened Liu Yunfeng, but the spirit and memory of the two had a little mixed...

also let Liu Yunfeng see his enemy!



The motionless silkworm cocoon in the sea of blood finally cracked a crack, and a golden light broke through the blood cloud in the sky. Gradually, the golden light became more and more prosperous. When the golden light reached its peak, the silkworm cocoon was like white snow meeting the sun and gradually melted, revealing the figures of two people.

Liu Yunfeng floated in mid-air with You Na in her arms. This should have been an extremely romantic scene, but at this time, their faces were a little strange, especially Yuna. I don't know what she was thinking. She squeezed her bloodless cherry lips, but they were also moist and delicate, which made Liu Yunfeng a little dry and couldn't wait to take a bite. Bite down...

Yuna finally raised her head bravely and said, "Have you seen it?"

Hearing this delicate voice, Liu Yunfeng was stunned and immediately ecstatic: "Can you speak?"

Youna was a little hairy when she was seen by Liu Yunfeng's almost glowing eyes and said weakly, "Because this is in your sea of knowledge, so she can... You... You haven't returned to my question yet."

Liu Yunfeng was a little gloomy when he heard the words, but immediately heard Yuna's embarrassing question, he suddenly wanted to laugh and couldn't help saying, "Didn't you see me too? Everyone is even. Er, by the way, who is he?"

Simle Yuna didn't expect that the other party not only acquiesce but also shamelessly. She didn't know how to respond, but only silence.

"Cough, don't worry, if I meet you one day, you have to kill that boy!" Liu Yunfeng clicked his fist and said viciously.

Youna just wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything after all. There was only a touch of sadness in her eyebrows. This sadness was very thick, and suddenly it was cold on her forehead...

It turned out that Liu Yunfeng kissed her forehead, as if she wanted to melt away all her sorrows and pain, which made Yuna a little overwhelmed. For a moment, she forgot to dodge, a blush, and climbed from her face to her snow-white neck.

"I'm sorry..."

"Hmm?" The sudden apology made Yuna puzzled and slapped her clear eyes.

"This is the first and last time. Even if I really turn into a ghost again, I won't allow myself to hurt you again!" Liu Yunfeng looked at Yuna and said firmly.

For some reason, Yuna did not feel any disgust when she heard this slightly numb words. When she saw Liu Yunfeng's unwavering eyes, she actually felt that even if he really lost his heart, he would not forget her. She put her face on Liu Yunfeng's chest and felt the strong heartbeat of the other party. Suddenly, she felt very relieved, as if all the pressure on her shoulder had disappeared.

Liu Yunfeng seemed to know what she was thinking and picked up Yuna's face: "Why don't we go back to the underworld? That's not your fault. Even if all the sins are redeemed by me!"

Yuna shook her head and said, "Let's go back to the blue. I'm very happy there."

"Okay, it's up to you." Liu Yunfeng smiled and said, "You go out first and help me report safety to Yero and Elia. I'll clean up this mess."

Yuna nodded her head when she heard the words, looked at him, and her figure gradually disappeared...

Liu Yunfeng's eyes passed away until Yuna left, and she looked at the two dark clouds of light that were still fighting in the west, especially the red one, showing a fierce color.

It's time to settle the accounts.......

PS: The new volume begins....................................

Please collect................................................

PS2: I have been informed that I will apply for a field application tomorrow, and the update may be later...........

I'm about to work, a sad drama→_→.................................