God Stick Paradise

Chapter 100 The Road to the Strong

Many college recognized masters have unnatural eyes at this moment. Such combat power makes them chill. It is the ultimate secret art inherited from the demigod family since ancient times, and it is actually blocked by Liu Yunfeng. Some geniuses are also very afraid. Their eyes are cold, and they feel a powerful threat. Liu Yunfeng's fighting power makes them very uneasy.

Flanders' face was very calm, and his eyes were like a deep pool. He stood motionless in the ghost bow. He didn't know what he was thinking, but at the bottom of the sleeve of the broad robe, his fists were clenched tightly and his fingers were clenched white.

Although Corona is not tall, she is also graceful. She stands on the cabin of the luxurious seven-mustere ship, with her small hands holding her chin, and her beautiful eyes are shining. For a moment, she forgot to look for Yero, who she thinks about day and night.

In an ordinary boat that was not eye-catching, Leonardo and Raphael stood side by side in the shadow of the eaves, and a broad black robe blocked their cheeks. I don't know what the look was. However, from the fluctuating brilliance in their eyes, it can be seen that they seem to have been shaken, and their mood is not very calm, especially Leonardo da Vinci, who has bitten his lower lip, and a faint blood permeates his mouth, but he does not know a little pain.

"Ah.....!!" Lancel shouted crazily, and his sudden failure and powerlessness to resist tormented his always proud nerves, and he seemed to be completely crazy.

Although his body was imprisoned and unable to move in the sea, he still looked up to the sky and roared, and his long blood-colored hair fluttered with the waves, like standing in the bloody ocean. Even though the terrible energy surged like a big wave, he flew like a god of war at the end of the road. Such a failure made him unable to accept it in any way. The sea suddenly filled with madness and murderous intent, and the huge sealing array showed faint signs of loosening. At this moment, he actually had a self-exploding body and wanted to die with Liu Yunfeng...

"It's not good! He is going to blow himself up! Stop him quickly!" A professor found the signs and exclaimed.

"Wait, I'm afraid we don't need to take action." Another professor stopped him.

Looking at Lancel who had become like this, Liu Yunfeng, who was still falling, sighed tiredly, and a long sword was projected in his left hand again.

The Blade of Judgment! 905 swords!

Destroy the road! Sealed!

With the fall of Liu Yunfeng and the last sword sealed down, the whole world seemed to pause for a moment, and the huge magic array came out of the huge red light. The sea in the middle of the magic array stopped flowing at this moment, and time seemed to stagnate at this moment. Lanser's crazy eyes showed unwillingness, spewing out a mouthful of blood fog, and his eyes turned white. He was actually depressed and fainted...

And Liu Yunfeng was also exhausted. Such a crazy war made him a little tired. He floated on the sea so lazily and enjoyed even a moment of peace after the victory.

Everyone was stunned. The two fought for thousands of rounds. In the end, they ended in such a tragic defeat as Lancel, and they were so embarrassed. Everyone looked at Liu Yunfeng lying there and were faintly afraid.

The whole sea was so quiet for a long time. It was not until Liu Yunfeng regained some energy, raised his right hand and snapped his finger. With a soft sound, all the swords on the sea collapsed, or became nothing, and the imprisoned sea began to continue to flow.

Lancel, who was in a coma, was just floated to a floating island by a professor with wind spells.

"Hey... Well, Lancel's first defeat should be decadent for a few days, but as long as he wakes up, he will be able to cross that threshold in one fell swoop and go further on the road of cultivation. It's not a good thing to lose like this.

"Yes, failure is also a necessary factor in practice, otherwise he may stop longer at the peak of the sixth level."

All the students silently looked at Lancel floating on the floating island with complex faces. Some students used their spare light to look at Liu Yunfeng floating on the sea, which was even more complicated.

"Professor!! Judge him out quickly!!" I don't know who suddenly screamed.

All the students were stunned when they heard the words, but then their eyes showed a bright color.

"out! Out!" The voice on the sea suddenly surged. Even if the combat power is unparalleled, it will be eliminated if it is covered with half of the sea.

"Cough..." A professor coughed awkwardly and then explained strangely, "Liu Yunfeng is not a human or a contestant. His identity is just a student of the Necromancer College, so... That... The rules of the game do not apply to him..."

The whole sea was strangely silent for a few seconds, followed by overwhelming condemnation!

"Is there any mistake! Such a perverted Qiling? Isn't this breaking the balance of the game? All the male students looked at Yuna with innocent faces, and all the male students were envious, and all the female students showed jealousy.

Liu Yunfeng floating on the sea heard the word pervert, and the corners of his eyebrows suddenly ** like the wind.

And Yuna suddenly felt that she was wrapped in infinite negative emotions, and a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to speak were fanned, and I felt pity...

"Strongly demand to modify the rules of the game! Otherwise, there is no need to compare later!" Some psychologically unbalanced students shouted.

"The Cherim is the most important part of the combat power of the Necromancer apprentice. Are all your students in the Necromancer profession ready not to use Cherin? Do all of you warriors give up chasm? Don't all your legal holders mobilize elements?" A white-haired professor finally became angry when he heard these remarks and pointed over one by one: "If so, your request can be approved!"

All the shouts suddenly dissipated.

"How dare you say such a thing! Where is the glory of your soul as a necromancer? Where is your humility and courage as warriors? Where is your nobility and spirit as a holder of the law? The old professor was obviously very angry with these students, and his dry fingers trembled a little when he lectured.

Every word he said was like the holy bell ringing from the church bell tower, hitting all the students silently. At this moment, they seemed to be choked and silent.

Looking at the students who were lost in thought, the old professor took a deep breath, and his anger almost dissipated after this burst of talk: "Remember, children, you have to embark on the road of the strong. Some qualities are necessary. Well, I won't talk about more. The game continues..."

People who can enter the Blue College are not mediocre. The old professor said a few words, and they quickly reacted. The most taboo thing about the way of cultivation is these negative emotions, which will accumulate and eventually become a barrier for their breakthrough.

When the old professor announced the continuation of the competition, some students of ordinary colleges suddenly turned around and drove the hard-wrenched warships away from other ships. As soon as the three colleges saw this, coupled with the excitement of the peak war just now, they were not in the mood to continue hunting. Liu Yunfeng, who was lying on the sea to heal his wounds, gradually left the sea and waited for the signal from the magic guide on the island three days later.

In this battle, Liu Yunfeng was also seriously damaged. He was inserted several gapes that almost penetrated his body. The most thrilling thing was the shot in his chest. As long as he shifted a few millimeters to the left, his heart may be penetrated. As the most special humanoid spirit in the world, he is almost immortal, but he doesn't want to confirm the authenticity of this legend.

At this time, he floated motionless on the sea, with golden blood boiling in his body, washing his wound and first defeating the chasma that remained stubbornly in the wound and continuing to cause damage. Although the invisible energy in his running body is far from comparable to the anti-sky healing effect of the holy sword summoned for the first time, coupled with the non-human body transformed by the dragon blood, the wound has gradually stopped bleeding and began to emit meat. It sprouted.

The golden blood in the body rushed to the skies, as if every inch of flesh and blood was shaking, impacting in the veins of the body like Jianghai, faintly emitting a slight thunder. Outside his body, the blue electric light danced, the red firelight wrapped around him, and the sea around him seemed to boil, emitting steam, setting off his body as if casting an immortal body.

In a long time, his wounds all over his body healed, and most of the internal and external injuries were healed, at the cost of consuming a certain amount of golden blood. However, this color and blood will overflow from the heart, which can quickly make up for it, so that he doesn't have to worry about this consumption.

Now that the game is still going on, he has exposed many cards, and many strong enemies should make a lot of precautions against him. Only by maintaining the peak at all times can we be invincible.

Liu Yunfeng opened his eyes and faintly revealed a sharp cold light, which made some students who had not yet left tighten their hearts and were even more afraid of him.

At this moment, the three-mout pirate ship had sailed to him, but when they saw his state, the three Yuna did not put him on the ship and quietly waited for his recovery on the deck. At this moment, I was a little relieved to see that Liu Yunfeng was safe and sound.

"Come up when you wake up! Is it cool in the sea? Elia looked at them in a daze after he woke up and curled her lips speechlessly.

In fact, the reason why he stayed for a moment was that there was another girl on the ship at this moment. Corona hung on Yero's slender neck like a bear. Yero's delicate facial features were wrinkled together, and the little tiger teeth moved helplessly, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After the two-person war, Corona ordered someone to quietly sail to the pirate ship. While Yero was not paying attention, she jumped on the ship and went straight to Yero. Before she could react, she was stuck by the cowhide candy-like Corona. Until now, she has not let go. Seeing Liu Yunfeng's shocked expression when she saw him, Corona smiled proudly: "Well, the previous performance was not bad. I'll leave my safety to you!"

"Oh..." Liu Yunfeng replied in Yeluo's cannibalism.

After Liu Yunfeng turned over the deck, there was a loud applause. Edward came out of the cabin with a slap and laughed loudly, "Congratulations on your victory. With you as a fierce general, our ship is like a tiger with wings!"

"I'm overempt, I'm lucky." When Liu Yunfeng walked towards the cabin with several women, he also smiled warmly at Edward.

When the two were staggered, the smiles on their faces quietly restrained, and their eyes flashed inexplicably...

PS: Please collect......................................................................................