God Stick Paradise

Chapter 111 Holy Spirit Bell Rings


Suddenly, a bell rang through the world. At this moment, the sound of yellow bells even crossed the East China Sea and spread to the blue continent. Through the magic guide, it spread all over Xiling.

And on the tower in the center of the arena, there was a whirlpool, and there was a roar under the sweep, but the whirlpool suddenly went crazy at this moment, as if a strange force fell from the sky, appeared from nothingness, integrated into the vortex, and stirred up the wind and clouds.

Suddenly, a green fluctuation permeated from the whirlpool, and the fluctuation quickly, like a storm, instantly passed through everyone's bodies and dispersed towards heaven and earth.

However, the people who were passed through by the fluctuation were not at all. On the contrary, there was a feeling of spring breeze. The students who had just climbed the rooftop could feel that their tired body and mind had been slightly relieved, while some nobles could feel that some of their hidden diseases were cured!

Finally, the whirlpool gradually dissipates, and an illusory thing is gradually solid, in the shape of a cup...

All the people who watched this scene in Xiling were boiling at this moment!

Everyone on the rooftop stood up excitedly and looked at the blue sacred object with piety, as if worshipping.

"The Cup of Life..." Professor Hod looked at the cup that gradually emerged at the highest point of the sky and looked complicated. He couldn't figure out why the man used this blue sacred object as a prize. He still clearly remembered the scene half a month ago.

"Why?" At that time, he asked the figure hidden in the dark with a complicated face.

That's a particularly handsome man, with sword eyes and star eyebrows, a high nose, but a pair of demonic purple lips below him. The handsome face is charming because of thinness, and the eyes against the purple lips are as deep as stars. His face can make all men in the world lose their color. Even women will be dim in front of him. His handsomeness doesn't seem to appear in this world. It was only the fatigue on his face and the memories in his eyes that made him feel a little old with the vicissitudes of life.

He is the president of Matilley's Necromancer College, a man respected by the world as a dead man. Schlo. Qinghai!

Shi Luo Qinghai is still lying on the only rattan chair in the principal's room. There is no open fire in the room, and the moonlight is dim, making people unable to see his expression clearly. When he heard the question, he did not answer immediately, but the squeak of the rattan chair shook in the dark.

After a long time, a neutral voice sounded faintly: "In the dream... There is such a scene... Do you believe that?"

Hode was stunned for a long time before he said, "I... I believe it!"

"Do you believe it? Oh... Hahaha..." Shi Luo Qinghai suddenly laughed, and the laughter was quite arrogant and neurotic. Until he couldn't move his smile, Fang said a little lonely, "Even myself... I don't believe it..."


The moment when the Cup of Life comes is the beginning of the game.

Suddenly, Flanders turned his head to look at the sea, and his face changed slightly and said, "They are a little far away. I'm afraid someone is going to do something against them!"

Lion clenched his fists and finally muttered, "Don't even come up to the holy platform. I'm still waiting for an explanation!"

"Damn it, these guys are so shameless!" Regardless of the lady's demeanor, Yero stood up and stepped directly on the back of the front seat, waving his little fist fiercely and grinding his little tiger teeth.

All the young students present changed their color and looked towards the sea when they heard the words.

At this moment, with the Holy Spirit rooftop as the center, the remaining nearly 1,000 warships, except for the Necromancer College, began to **, faintly surrounding the gradually coming white dhow.

"As long as you can drag them down before the three bells ring, you can eliminate him!"

"That's the spirit that is not even the first person of the God of War. If you can eliminate him with his master..."

"Isn't the record and reputation obtained much better than the bottom of the game..."

This is the idea in the minds of all the students. At the same time, the whole rooftop of the Holy Spirit was shocked and no one could calm down.

At the bow of the white sailboat, Liu Yunfeng and the three stood side by side. The sea breeze blew and the hair shook, as if the sky and the earth were floating and shaking the wind and clouds.


Suddenly, the long bells sounded all over the world again...

"The Holy Spirit Bell rings again..."

Some people who were originally calm couldn't sit still and stood up. They felt the smell of gunpowder in the air and was on the verge of breaking out.

Sure enough, this bell sounded like a signal, and the students of the Capital of Elements took action first. Arrays of spells came from the mouths of the students. As soon as some other ordinary students' holders saw this, they also began to hold spells. The sound of spells seemed to resonate in heaven and earth, making a buzzing sound that made people a little trance.

The next moment, countless red fireballs rose from under the rooftop and drew curved tracks in the air!

is still the biggest damage to the ship!

However, these fireballs gave up the guidance of their spiritual power when they released, and some sixth-order students began to control the follow-up. The rain-like fireballs gathered into a fireball more than ten feet in the air under the combination of hundreds of spiritual forces, hanging in the air like a small sun. In the middle, there is a faint blue light.

"What is this? Is it about to reach the seventh level? A professor in the sky frowned slightly: "Unfortunately, it's still a little short..."

"Are they crazy? Unexpectedly, fusion spells are used! Aren't you afraid of killing people?" Some undead students who looked at the scene on the rooftop were quite awed and stood up and questioned loudly.

But other colleges are silent, but some expression can be seen in their eyes, which is... Gloat...

The fireball fell rapidly, like the sunset of a long river.

When the white boat approached the fireball, the oversimple inscription array began to disintegrate quickly, and the extreme high temperature had ignited it, but before the fireball was pressed down, the ship suddenly burst.

The fireball did not explode, but was out of the control of those students, jumped like a ball, and gradually shrank on the way to jump.

In a moment, the firelight dissipated, revealing the figures of the three people, revealing the scene that made all the male students envy and jealous. Yuna and Alia were covered with a faint light, wrapped around Liu Yunfeng's left and right arms like snakes. Then Liu Yunfeng made a loud hiccup in everyone's stunned eyes, a blue flame appeared from the corners of his mouth, and two hot airflows spewed out from his nose wings. The high temperature made his body look a little illusory.

After reaching the lag point, his body suddenly rotated and throwing the two women in his hand towards the Holy Spirit rooftop! Yuna and Alia burst into the rooftop like two gray meteors under his inhuman power.

"Stop them!" A student of the War Seminary first reacted, pulled out the huge bow behind him and shot at the two women.

"Do you dare?" A roar like a dragon, as if a pressure came, shocked all the students who wanted to do it for a moment.

Liu Yunfeng's abdomen bulged quickly, and there seemed to be an extremely dazzling fireball slowly rising out! This fireball is only as big as a fist of a young man, and the dazzling fireball carries an unsighted light! It's like a corona picked from the sun! The amazing heat actually makes the surrounding space tremble!

With Liu Yunfeng's angry shouting, the fireball dispersed with a flame halo and shot out like a cannonball. The place where it passed brought a shocking storm and instantly burned the surrounding air, as if the perimeter of the fireball had turned into a vacuum!

"Quickly jump off the boat!" The student saw the fireball and shouted in fear after feeling the terrible energy! All the students in that straight line jumped into the sea like dumplings.

And the fireball, which was only the size of a fist, rose against the storm, and where it passed, a deep gully was blown out of the sea! All the warships that were wiped off instantly turned into ashes.

With a roar, the out-of-control fireball hit the base of the Holy Spirit rooftop, and the violent explosion sounded through the world! Like a huge red lotus blooming, sad and enchanting, that is the fire tongue spreading wantonly!

The whole rooftop of the Holy Spirit began to tremble because of this blow, and the students who escaped the disaster turned pale and their teeth trembled unconsciously. If Liu Yunfeng hadn't pulled the trajectory of the fireball by more than ten meters, hundreds of students would have died at this time.

The vibration stopped for a while, and the fire lotus dissipated, revealing a burning red base. The layer of iron ore on the surface has completely melted and turned into red iron water into the sea, making a sound of mochi.

"He's coming..." Everyone stared at the sea in this violent shock, looking at the figure exposed after the endless flame was swallowed, the figure that reflected the flame back, the figure that made the whole Holy Spirit rooftop tremble, and the figure that all young students will be afraid of in the future.

It's shocking...

PS: Please collect......................................................................................