God Stick Paradise

Chapter 118 A Sword

At this time, the battle between the two has gradually climbed to the seventh level! The originally perfect rooftop of the Holy Spirit is now as if it has been constantly eroded by a terrible storm. In a short time, it has been cut off.

The sound of two swords of different materials was so dense and wild, like a stormy piano song. Although people outside the boundary could not hear the sound, the constantly rolling storm at that time tested everyone's eye nerves!

Looking at the diminishing rooftop of the Holy Spirit, everyone is already a little numb. And more is the fear that goes deep into the bone marrow!

Aria and Yero's eyes are full of worry, and their hands are tightly held together, and they can feel the wet sweat in each other's hands.

In the space boundary, Liu Yunfeng wants to fight crazily!! He was very anxious. He had revealed his cards, blood flowed faster and faster, and his heart beat like a drum. The power of the dragon that did not belong to him in his body has begun to rage. If it hadn't been for the suppression of Joan of Arc, he would have exploded and died at this moment. Even so, his body was already fully overloaded, the blood vessels under the skin began to collapse, and the muscle tissue had begun to disintegrate.

What's worse is that he seems to be in the storm at this moment. Every time their two weapons hit, Safi will shoot hundreds of wind blades around him. The wind blade is so strong that it can definitely cut gold and jade.

This is Safi's unique trick ______ infinite vacuum blade!!

With each knife, the energy emitted from the collision will turn into a sharp wind blade!

If the body surface had not been condensed by Joan of Arc with the power of the dragon at this moment, I'm afraid it would have been cut into pieces by this storm-like attack. Even if it was guarded by dragon scales, the huge force at every time the wind blade cut would have created a painful tearing feeling for Liu Yunfeng.

But he could only grit his teeth and hold on. He had already seen that Safi, who was attached to Michelangelo's body at this moment, was not very good. When Michelangelo's body was hit hard by him, and at this moment, it began to disintegrate under two magnificent forces! He can only maintain this fast-paced high-speed suppression. If Safi is given time to fully integrate his body, then he and Yuna will have no place to turn over!

"I underestimate you. Although you are an ant, you are at least one of the stronger ones. What's more surprising to me is that there is a reptile soul in your body! This is a pleasant combination!" Safi didn't seem to care about the breakdown of her body and said to Liu Yunfeng with interest.

"So what, at least I can kill you before I die!" The blue veins on Liu Yunfeng's face rolled, slightly deformed by the pouring of power, which looked a little ferocious.

"Do you want to hold on until my body collapses first? But before that, it's enough to crush you!" Safi's long knife waved again, and the whole hand and the knife in his hand seemed to be integrated into the wind, and only a phantom could be seen!

Fight! 800 percent!

Liu Yunfeng used the greatest power he could achieve! Eight times the power!

"Oh..... It's really interesting. Is this your last struggle? Didn't Yuna tell you that the founder of this move is actually me? Safi said cruel words and suddenly jumped up and appeared behind Liu Yunfeng!

Falled Wings

______eight thousand clouds!!

Liu Yunfeng's eyes suddenly shrank, and his body quickly reversed, splitting out a powerful sword!

Fight with swords!

At this moment in the whole boundary, the air seemed to be emptied, and at the place where the two swords fought, there was a burst of star-like sound, which covered everything, as if everything in this range had been extinguished!

Everyone outside the space boundary felt that their eyes were suddenly bright, and many people were pierced with tears by the strong light, which made people doubt whether their eyes would be blind.

After the tingling in my eyes finally passed, I heard many students exclaiming in a trance!

The space boundary is still rippled, which has covered half of the world. However, the original Holy Spirit rooftop no longer exists, and it was directly split in half by the powerful force! Most of the two broken steel columns were submerged in the sea, only the original foundation exposed a little!

When Elia saw this scene, her heart burst into a lot and tried her best to find the traces of Yuna and Elia. When she saw Liu Yunfeng on the broken wall of the sea, she lost her voice and screamed. Two lines of tears involuntarily flowed down. She, who had been trying to restrain her emotions, finally collapsed at this moment.

Yero didn't dare to look at Liu Yunfeng's appearance at this moment and buried his head in Bilye's arms and cried bitterly.

Liu Yunfeng collapsed on the ruins of the Holy Spirit's rooftop at this moment. His body is now broken, and his damaged body is cracked everywhere. He can't bear the power of Joan of Arc's dragon. He keeps coughing blood and relying on his sword to stand up.

A crash of gravel, but Yuna also staggered out of another broken wall and looked at Liu Yunfeng, who was still unwilling to fall. Crystal tears dripped down on the mottled ground, breaking out a crystal...

Above the sky, under the dark clouds, Safi spread a black wing independently. The eight-inch long knife cried and stabbed into the clouds. The dark clouds seemed to be afraid of its sharpness. They rolled with the wind like a whirlpool, and the scattered black feathers scattered in the air, like the last glory that faded away. Although it has fallen, Safi's pride is still.

He stood in the sky like a mansion, overlooking the two people on the ground like ants.

"Yuna, look, this is the Cheedling you chose. Is he comparable to me?" Safi looked at Liu Yunfeng, who was still struggling to stand up, and showed contempt.

Yu Na didn't seem to hear his words, but just staggered towards Liu Yunfeng, as if it was her only place, her dawn, her destination...

"In this case, let me judge him in front of you!" Safi seemed to be angered by Yuna's neglect. Flashing black wings and swooping down!

In Liu Yunfeng's sea of knowledge, the endless world is still lifeless...

"Do you really want to do this?" Joan of Arc stood aside, and the devil's figure that could drive people crazy was a little illusory at this moment. She was awakened in a deep sleep, and all her previous healing efforts were abandoned. After that, she lent almost all her strength to Liu Yunfeng, who was also weak at this moment.

Liu Yunfeng's eyes showed an apology: "I'm sorry, I'm going to make you work hard with me again..."

"Hm, let alone these are useless. Our fates are tightly tied together at this moment." Joan of Arc showed a bright smile, and her smile gradually faded. She stared at Liu Yunfeng seriously and said, "There is only one chance!"


"Hear your heart!"



Liu Yunfeng's hand held the blood-red sword inserted in the brown ground! It is the one that sealed half of the ghost

Ghost Sword!

Above the ruins, Liu Yunfeng looked at Safi who flew down. Liu Yunfeng finally looked at Yuna who staggered away and smiled brightly. With a thrush under his feet, he rushed up to meet Safi!

The long sword in his hand overflows with demonic blood! Liu Yunfeng suddenly raised his head! That originally beautiful face is a little ferocious at this moment! And his pupils were also stained with a strange red at this moment!

Liu Yunfeng, who was in mid-air, suddenly appeared behind him with 9,999 long swords! With him as the center, it spread around, like a blooming blood-colored sunflower! With the wave of the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand, more than 9,000 long swords shot out together! Twirled into a bloody sword dragon in the air! The sword dragon broke through the air, making a sad sound of breaking the air, and there was a loud thunder.

Ten thousand swords! Return to the family!!

Safi, who swooped down, showed disdain and still rushed into the storm made by the sword dragon like a meteor!

The huge sword dragon suddenly exploded, and the wind and clouds fell down, revealing the figure of the two people!

Liu Yunfeng's heart was directly penetrated by a long knife! He was picked on the blade, and the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand also pierced Safi's heart.

"Is that 10,000 swords for this blow?" Safi's pale face showed sarcasm: "It's a pity... There is no harm in me. This broken body can still let me take away Yuna you want to protect... You said... Aren't you very sad? Hahahaha!!!"

Liu Yunfeng's mouth was full of blood. He looked up at Safi, who was crazy, and there was also a sarcastic arc at the corners of his mouth: "You... Fear of... I'm afraid... Can't... I got what I wanted..." He loosened the sword in his hand, which was still inserted in Safi's heart. He has no more power... All his strength has been poured into this sword...

Safi was shocked and suddenly howled in pain: "Da Damn it! How can you know the sword of Shura! Ah.....!!" Safi waved the long knife in his hand, and the blood rain fell all over the sky. Liu Yunfeng, who had exhausted all his strength, fell to the ground...

Safi covered her heart with a painful face, and the sword inserted in it began to tremble spontaneously and sound!! The surrounding space seemed to tremble with it, and layers of ripples spread. Wherever they passed, the skin muscles rapidly atrophied and collapsed, and a faint bloody atmosphere permeated. The originally dilapidated body was sucked away all the blood in an instant and began to disintegrate from the legs...

His left hand buttoned out a black fragment from his bloody chest, with a crazy look in his eyes. The fragment held in his hand is rapidly deformed and elonged!

"Liu-Yun-Feng! Go to hell!!!"

That's a blood-red long gun...

PS: Please collect............................................................. ..........