God Stick Paradise

Chapter 136 Calling Finale

Red light, dark steps, like mountain corpses, sticky blood. And in this sea of blood, there stands a strong figure. His upper body**, the most striking thing is his pair of horns piercing the sky. The left corner seems to have been cut off by a sharp weapon, revealing the rolling rings-like prints. The huge tomahawk engraved with the glory totem of the orcs has been discarded by him. At this moment, he holds a A long sword with a handle of blood...

"I... I've been waiting for you for a long time..." The man said in a loud voice.

Nicholas? Why?" Liu Yunfeng looked at the figure in front of him incredulously. He never thought that this once honest Bill people would one day slaughter his own people.

"Why? I need strength enough to defeat you!" Nicholas slowly turned around, and his eyes also flashed with bloodthirsty red light.

"Power**? Then, there is nothing to say!" Liu Yunfeng's eyes began to turn cold. Margaret, get out of here and go to the queen. ? ?

"But..." As soon as Margaret heard that Liu Yunfeng was about to drive her away, she immediately grabbed his arm and tried her best to stay.

"Quick! Now is not the time to play! Do you hear me?" Liu Yunfeng shouted solemnly to Margaret.

"That... Then promise me to come back! I will wait for you..." Margaret's furry ears suddenly shrugged down and asked Liu Yunfeng pitifully.

"Yes, I promise you!" Liu Yunfeng pressed his big hand on Margaret's head and stroked her hair reluctantly, but the ominous feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

Marguerie finally stared at Liu Yunfeng, wiped her tears, and rushed out of the temple. Liu Yunfeng and Nicholas stood against each other for a long time.

For a long time, Nicholas looked at the beam of light beside him, and his eyes showed an obsession. He finally broke the silence: "Do you know that the longer you wait, the less hope you have to win."

Is that right? I didn't know until I tried..." Liu Yunfeng slowly condensed a long sword in his hand...

Margueriet sat on Domic's head with tears rolling down. When she left, she clearly saw the determination in Liu Yunfeng's eyes.

With a loud bang, the white jade pillars in the rear slowly fell, as if even the last trace of existence would be erased. And above the sky, around the red pillar, a dark whirlpool slowly expands, like a portal connecting the two worlds.

"Has it failed?" Day Queen also stood on Chimera's head, looked at the magnificent scenery in the distant sky, and finally muttered. She turned around, and at the edge of the grassland, countless black figures slowly pressed. They were orcs infected by blood.

In the underworld, the situation of the whole empire has fallen into a stalemate. Elia rode on a Quildo thunder horse, with blood dripping from the blade in her hand, and her eyes were full of countless murderous murderous atmosphere. But at this moment, she suddenly looked up at the sky and muttered, "It's Miss's breath..."

On the Holy Mountain, everyone looked at the red light in the distant sky. Yelo stood beside Catherine in the robe of the legalist and asked in a daze, "Is this going to war?"

"I'm afraid..." Catherine's hand on the hilt of the sword was a little pale.

In the sky of the Blue College, Shi Luoqinghai stood on the clouds and ordered to Huo De beside him with a solemn look: "Open the formation of the sunset forest. If the war is unfavorable, I'm afraid it is the only way out for mankind."

Izumo Continent, deep in the temple.

"Do you still have to make the final struggle? Human beings..." Nicholas's original strong body is also scarred at this moment, and many muscles are abruptly cut off, which looks a little ferocious and horrible.

Liu Yunfeng also relies entirely on the hilt of the sword to support his body at this moment. His mind is a little blurred, and he reads a spell that he doesn't quite understand: "Pure silver and iron. The god of contract with the cornerstone. Use the wall to block the flowing wind, close the door of the four directions, and cycle out of the crown and reach the three-way road to the kingdom of the dead! ───Declaration. I swear here. I will achieve all the good deeds in the world, and I am the people who convey all the malice in the world. Entangle your three words for seven days, come from the wheel of inhibition, the guardian of Libra! Your body is under me, and my fate is above your sword. If you obey this destination, follow this will and this truth, respond to me!"

This spell! So familiar! His memory seems to slowly recover with this spell...

At the same time, a figure slowly came out of the red magic array, with a delicate and dreamy face and a cold temperament, just like the beginning of a lotus. The silver hair, which was originally like a waterfall at the waist, was tied into a sassy ponytail with black lace, wearing a white and blue court dress. She just waved her sword gently and saw a strong wind blowing on the flat ground while the blade was waving! Countless winds gathered on the sword, which was like a bottomless wind tunnel, greedily devouring all the surrounding airflow. Countless airflows hovered on his sword! At this time, she is holding a bunch of surging tornadoes! A sword-shaped storm!! It seems that she is the king of the wind!

Wind King Boundary!

Nicholas was cut into the slightest particles by this sudden tornado without any resistance.

"Yuna..." Liu Yunfeng looked at the girl full of king's spirit and smiled.

"Maple... I can finally communicate with you like this..." Yuna smiled as brightly as the sun. At this moment, she was more like a goddess. Yuna's white jade-like hands actually held up Liu Yunfeng's face, and her exquisite and unparalleled face slowly approached, and caught Liu Yunfeng's lips in his somewhat flustered eyes.

It took a long time for Youna to let go of Liu Yunfeng, who was a little fairy, and a blush was rendered in her ears.

And Liu Yunfeng found at this moment that all the wounds on his body were intact under this kiss.

"Wherever it starts, it ends... Feng, let's solve this ten thousand years of resentment together. Yuna's eyes showed a trace of fatigue and sadness.

"Let's solve it all. This battle should not involve more people..."

The two of them held swords and slowly fell into the red light...

The dark portal in the sky, a stream of red light, keeps flowing in it. Line after line of inscriptions lit up very regularly, emitting material pressure.

The general strong people in the world are staring at the center of the world. * Over the sea, the dazzling red light makes them unable to open their eyes, and the invisible pressure makes them unable to straighten their backbone.

But at this moment, one explosion after another spread rapidly between heaven and earth. Xiling Holy Mountain, Queen Xiling had no intention to continue to host the pre-war meeting. Everyone walked out of the conference hall, stood on the sacrificial platform, and stared at the sky.

It's not only Hilling, but also far away in the Nether Empire. The soldiers who fought have stopped the killing in their hands one after another. All the creatures of Moko can see visions in the air!

The farmers stopped working, the pedestrians stopped on the streets, and even the children stopped laughing. Countless pairs of frightened eyes gathered at a point from all over the world.

"Someone is attacking the fantasy world..." I don't know who said this word with difficulty first. The voice was not loud, but it exploded like thunder in everyone's ears.

In the Temple of Illusion, looking at the gods who were beaten upside down, Liu Yunfeng asked Yuna quietly, "That... Everything has been solved. Do you think we can open a harem when we go back?

"What do you think?" Yuna still smiled as brightly as the sun.

"..." ( Full text)

PS: The ending is a little hasty, which may have disappointed many book lovers. I would like to apologize to you. This is my first book. I lacked experience and did not make reasonable planning.

The new book is being planned and will no longer be an animation style, which has been complained about by many people... Hehe

Well, that's it. In the end, thank all the book friends who have supported me. Thank you. Without your support, I can't go today...