God Ling Nine Days

Chapter 26 Four Years of Falling Star Night

Ye Qianqiu went all the way to the east, and the sky was dark in an instant. The whole world looked very turbid.

Finally, Ye Qianqiu stopped in a forest. He jumped on a tree and leaned against the tree. Looking at the dark night sky, he didn't know what he was thinking. The sky is very dark, but you can still see some charming stars, which makes Ye Qianqiu forget to think for a moment.

At this moment, a huge meteor crossed the night sky, and a blue streamer did not dissipate for a long time, which seemed to announce the end of an era and herald the arrival of the future. For Ye Qianqiu, he doesn't know what this is, and no one knows, but for others, this night crossed by the meteor has a different meaning.

"Night of the Falling Star, this is the end of an era, the beginning of another era!" On the edge of the Yellow River, an old man looked up at the blue streamer in the sky and muttered.

"Is this a revelation from heaven?" Deep in the Taiyi door, a man who couldn't see his face clearly looked into the night sky and asked himself softly.

"In troubled times, go further, hahaha..." This is the sound from 100,000 mountains.

When this meteor with blue streamer was about to disappear in the sky, there was a trembling voice in the border of China: "Fight for the world, proud China, pointed out by the sword, trembling, stepped on by the iron horse, don't be subdued." Such a heroic slogan naturally came from the place where the Chinese army was stationed.

From afar, in this place where the Chinese army is stationed, there are tens of millions of black armor soldiers. The black armor emits a faint light in the night, but on the highest stand of this place, there is a white figure standing upright above. Looking closely, this is a very heroic man, about 30 years old. His sword-like eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and he seems to look down at everything in the field than the endless ocean. His nose is straight and the corners of his mouth are majestic. Silver armor, white robe, about 1.9 meters tall, this person is the one who is regarded as a god in Chinese soldiers, a generation of gods - Jiang Luoxing.

Jiang Luoxing, standing in the stands, finally opened his mouth while the meteor with blue streamer disappeared into the sky. He only said two words faintly, but these two words spread throughout the barracks. These two words are full of endless pride and endless majesty. These two are - "dezheng zheng"

As soon as the two words of going on an expedition came out, tens of millions of soldiers' blood boiled, and they shouted loudly: "Fight for the world, proud China, pointed out by the sword front, trembling, stepping on the iron horse, don't submit." The heroic slogan was shouted again, and the momentum was so great that it wanted to break through the sky. Subsequently, the generals took the army in the fastest time and set out to the west in an extremely neat manner. Jiang Luoxing on the stands also disappeared for a long time and appeared on the chariot pulled by 16 dragon horses directly above tens of millions of soldiers. Behind the chariot, there were two chariots, one left and one right, so the chariot that followed Jiang Luoxing slowly went west with the army.

Five days later, on the night, tens of millions of Chinese troops appeared on the edge of a large western city. The soldiers were under the city, and the owners of the western city abandoned the city and fled, leaving millions of soldiers to resist. The wolf smoke was everywhere, and the beacon fire was confused. Before the siege, music came from the chariots in the sky. This is nine songs, a song handed down from generation to generation in China. As soon as the nine songs came out, the song was sacrificed to Xuanyuan.

After nine songs, the war broke out, and the shouts shocked thousands of miles. However, in a short time, in less than an hour, this large Western city has been captured by the Chinese army, and Huaxia has only produced one-tenth of its troops. After the city was broken, Jiang Luoxing settled in the city's mansion and issued several orders: First, the name of the city was changed to Rongzheng City. Second, all the soldiers and civilians in the former city changed into Western things and put on the clothes issued by the Chinese army. Third, change the name to Chinese name and integrate into China as soon as possible. Fourth, if there is a rebellion, pull out the soul and suppress it forever.

These four orders scared the soldiers and civilians of the former Western city and trembled one after another. They changed into the clothes issued by the Chinese army in the fastest time, and many Chinese-speaking people have changed their names to Chinese names, and the name of the city on the city wall has also been changed to Rongzheng City as soon as possible.

Finally, what Jiang Luoxing said was, "When the war is over, all the Western buildings in the city will be pushed to Chinese architecture."

After resting in Rongzheng City for a few days, the Chinese army embarked on a journey again, marching on the West with endless war intentions. At the same time, the slogan "conquering in the world, proud of China, pointed out by the sword, trembling, trampled by iron horses, not submission" has been shouted by all ministries in turn, and the momentum is shocking.

In this way, where Huaxia Iron Rider passed, he was subdued. Even if he occasionally disoed, he was suppressed by Jiang Luoxing's people in the fastest time in the afternoon. Jiang Luoxing only watched this ordinary battle or occasionally issued military orders, but he did not take action once, because Jiang Luoxing himself had extremely high cultivation. If he took action, he must be corpses everywhere. That's why Western monks would take action against the ordinary Chinese army. This is not what Jiang Luoxing wants to see, so he If he doesn't take action, he will have to wait until those Western monks can't sit still, so that he can directly suppress it.

A year later, the fierce power of the Chinese iron horse spread all over the world, and the cities it once broke also integrated into China and completely became the land of China. China's territory continued to expand, and half of the world has been incorporated into China.

During this period, there were also troops in the West who secretly traveled eastward, which provoked continuous war in the territory of the former China. However, even if Jiang Luoxing's troops were not there, Ji Zhenyu still subdued them in the shortest time, and the proud emperor did not have a false reputation.

Jiang Luoxing went on an expedition to solve external worries. Ji Zhenyu guarded and suppressed civil strife. The prestige of a generation of gods and proud emperors, the two cousins, spread all over the world, and everyone knows it. It is said that the cultivation of both of them is extremely high and unfathomable.

After another year, the West incorporated another region into China, which made the Western monarchs extremely sad. Many countries formed alliances, and their military strength was greatly strengthened, and their combat effectiveness was no longer weak, which made the Chinese army a lot harder to attack, and the speed of siege was far inferior to before.

The Western Alliance finally used tricks under the power of China, sending people to assassinate generals and sending people into the army to disturb the heart of the army. However, under Jiang Luoxing's guidance, these were passively suppressed in the shortest time.

During this period, the number of Western troops secretly marched into the territory of the former China, and there was also a fire of war in the former China, shouting for killing. However, they also attacked at most a quarter of the territory and were completely suppressed, but this has brought a lot of troubles to the Chinese people. In areas that have not yet been attacked, people all day long Panicked, no one knows when the Western army will attack, but Fortunately, Ji Zhenyu's great power calmed everything down in a short time.

Another year has passed, and this is the third year. Due to the increasing size of the Western alliance, the Chinese army is often fighting hard and can't be attacked for a long time. The two sides have won and lost half. The speed of China's territory expansion has gradually slowed down and is no longer as a broken bamboo.

This is not the situation that Jiang Luoxing wants to see, so he personally commanded the battle, and the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army has improved again. However, before long, the West also sent several god-like generals to deal with Jiang Luoxing's policy, which also made Jiang Luoxing more and more tired of dealing with it. It is not easy for several people to deal with one person. Although Jiang Luoxing's military standard is higher than each of them, several people can still deal with Jiang Luoxing, so Jiang Luoxing is getting more and more tired of coping with it, but he can't take action at will and can only command the army.

The military power of the east attack in the west is also getting stronger and stronger, and the march is becoming more and more secretive. It actually attacked almost half of the territory of the former China, but it was finally suppressed, but the leader of the suppression this time was not Ji Zhenyu, but the seventh prince, that is, the seventh son of Ji Zhenyu. These seven princes were only in their early 20s. The method of leading the army was all learned from Jiang Luoxing, and he gradually became a little military god in the army, but he didn't seem to be interested. After each war, he rode a dragon horse and left alone. Many people in the army said that he was a strange man. Moreover, since he led the army, the seven princes have never said their names, just issued military orders or told strategies, so the people in the army either called him generals or the seven princes.

One more year, this is the fourth year. Basically, half of the land in the West is still in its own hands, but this half of the land is very vast and very difficult to capture. Even Jiang Luoxing has nothing to do for the time being, so the two sides have to confront each other temporarily, just watch the changes and stop fighting.

As for the former Chinese territory, due to the presence of the seven princes, the Western army also stopped thinking for the time being. Although it seems that they are still marching secretly, they have not attacked. They may be looking for opportunities or waiting for orders from the West.

Since the night of the falling stars, in the past four years, there have been continuous wars, beacons and troubled times, which are two words that everyone feels in their hearts.